Hey Jow Forums,
so I got a brother that's 14 and he's an absolute unit, being 180cm tall and still growing, but he has one huge fucking posture problem. It looks like pic related only worse. He has this hunchback and his head is sticking out and I fear that it only will get worse throughout puberty. I feel like shit because I haven't done anything to help him but it will change. Can you guys recommend me good exercises to fix this posture for good? Preferrably home exercises because he has autism.and isn't good in public places. Would regular bodyweight workouts be a good start, considering he has never done any sport in his life? Thanks.
Help me help my brother
Other urls found in this thread:
Face pulls and pec stretches to treat the hunch. Glute bridges, posterior planks, hip and tfl stretches for the lordosis. For best results do as often and for as long as possible. Tell him to do it while doing something else if he really struggles.
Can you rig a horizontal bar at home ?
Then Chin Ups are an easy option. Great for back muscles.
Medical Fitness trainer here, can confirm these excercises will definetely help, consistency is key
Let him get some physical therapy.
He'll look like the hunchback of notre dame in a couple of years.
Have him stretch the back and sides of his neck consistently for about half a year while avoiding slouching
why would I ever help a lanklet
I will definitely look into those exercises and will start doing those I can do at home with him. Thanks a lot.
It has to be me, user. Like I said, his autism makes it really, really hard to communicate with others and he hides away from any person he doesn't know. My family isn't into fitness. Plus, I feel like it's my fault for letting it come so far in the first place and then refusing to step in once he had this horrible posture because I thought he wouldn't agree to make sport with me in the first place, but at this point I'm gonna force him if I have to.
Yes, I have a pull up bar at home. I think chin ups will be a good exercise because he tried those a couple times and it seemed like he had fun.
Wall angel's 3x10 2 times a day, and then a lot of facepulls
OP again, do you think I can replace facepulls with Rear Delt Flys? Like I said, going to the gym with him would be rather troublesome.
Wall Angels, noted.
Reeeeeee i'm only a half of man, so i have to compensate by being dick to everyone
Stand in doorway like pic related and push (so that you feel your back muscles working, not just your shoulders), hold for a minute or two, do this every day
The more the better
Shoe's would be something else to choose wisely as well.
My posture is like this and was really bad in my teens when i wore skate shoes. Now I have proper insoles and it helps.
get a strong resistance band for face pulls at home
>my brother
SWIM'ing so you don't get banned for being underaged
Embrace it and turn him into pic related
I don't get it. Do I push OUTWARD or FORWARD while resistance that forward push?
Imagine that you're walking through the door but your arms have to stay in the position.
So move as far in as you can while you arms are remaining straight.
You arms are just resisting the forward push (i.e. holding you in place), and you're pushing from your back.
these pictures are a bit misleading because they have tiny women in them who aren't wide enough for the door frame, but since your brother is is not a tiny woman he should be able to use the door frame to stop him going through while holding that position
>considering he has never done any sport in his life
Why don't you guys do a sport together?
Get him to start a sport. It´ll help with his autism too.
are you retarded?
Virtually everyone here has not claimed to have had this issue. I personally have, and I'll tell you how I fixed it.
#1 most important exercise is standing reverse flies with an elastic band. Keep the elbows locked, and point the thumbs outward. After this exercise, stretch the chest.
#2 Fix the anterior pelvic tilt by stretching the hip flexxors for 3 minutes morning and night
#3 Entirely avoid chest and hip flexxor exercises until posture is fixed. Exercising them will work against what you are trying to do
#4 Anterior pelvic tilt forces the body to rely on the back and avoid ab usage, so you want to do crunches but avoid using the hip flexxors by securing your legs when crunching.
The trick is to basically shorten and strengthen some muscles, while weakening and stretching other muscles.
Once the posture is fixed, then you can start developing the weak ones. Better poster always looks more aesthetic than muscle size anyway...
Yoga really helps with posture. It’ll also help him lift better.