Lat doms

>lat doms

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s-s-source p-please?

how's that anime nigga, that's obviously a dojin

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How do I get lat doms? I have never gotten it even when I do drop set lat pulldowns to failure.


Single arm rows perhaps my brethren

I have to really exert myself in the lat pulldown with extra weight to feel lat doms, maybe i'm doing the exercise wrong to begin with. 2 months into gym

>trap doms

do the eccentric part slowly and pull with your lats

>post workout boner
All right thats weird, every time I finish a physical activity (recently I've been digging in my garden at lot for instance) I always get strangely horny, do I have a digging or sports fetish?

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Rarely ever get lat doms, it’s mostly just my teres major. Probably need to do more rows and fewer pullups.

Should i lat pulldown my bodyweight to be able to do pullups?

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Hey, since this is lat related talk and the faq thread didn't answer, here's a question:

are lat pulldowns a good preparation for chin ups? I'm still too weak to do full chin-ups and want to get there asap.
I'm doing frequency method negative chin ups five times a day already, the pullovers would be inserted in my workouts instead of chin-ups (following GSLP currently).

I have no means for lat pulldowns (home gym)

oh shit, meant lat pullovers, sorry

Probably even more because you need you need to be able to balance the weight too.

Pullovers are great but I don’t think they’re that great to train for pullups, just keep doing your negatives, it’s all you need.

Nope. Different exercises. I can do 5x10 chins BW but I can't do the same with the pulldown. I feel like it should be other way around since the core is not involved with the pulldown. Still, pulldown is inferior for muscle gain, just do chins. If you can't do chins, just and do negatives.

>Be me
>Lat doms
>Drink 3 scoops of pre
>Do cardio because of lat soreness
>Get home after buffet
>MFW trying to wipe after creatine blast because of 3 plates of honey chicken

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all right...feels they do nothing though, currently I just hold for half a second and then drop like a sack of shit. Also don't feel much in the lats

>pulldown is inferior for muscle gain
explain user

If your body moves through space you work your core more. So weighted calisthenics are the goat for muscle building (squats, chins, dips, deadlifts).
Basically chins>lat pulldown. Same way the bench>pec machines. Simple as that.

I was feeling the same then I realized it's cause I'm always hot as hell so I relax in my room naked for a few minutes before showering (sometimes I'll draw a bath for the comfy aspect). I think the cold room plus being exerted just does it for me

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>quad DOMS

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>ab doms so bad I can't get out of bed without having to spin on my ass to get my legs out.

Hamao Kira kira

I used to work at a plant nursery and when I would get home i was crazy horny. I think something about working in the sun naturally raises test

No. I can do 5 strict pullups from deadhang but can't even do one strict lat pulldown with my bodyweight. It's completely different

Hold it longer and let yourself down slowly.

I want this but my lower back is fucked. It makes it impossible to work abs with any intensity. Feels fucking bad

>go on vacation for a month
>come back and squat and deadlift heavy
>sick fucking doms all over my lower back, ass, hammies, and quads
>can barely fucking walk or use the toilet
>absolutely love it
I can never beat the hell out of my upper body the same way. How can I get sick fucking doms in my chest and back?

do you guys really think giant lats are estetic? they are grotesque af

After I lift in my morning I always get very horny

SS claims another victim