Okay Jow Forums Where is the place to travel if we wanna use our aesthetic to bang random thots daily? Warm, beach party, thots walking around naked and shit?
Tried finding a qt for the summer to chill with, but fuck that shit. Some are meant for fucking thots and NOT qts
A brothel you degenerate scum. You'll probably die of aids
Liam Cox
>Majorca Where exactly?
Chase Howard
mallorca, spain.
Logan Adams
Yeah I get that, but where? Like, is there a specific nude beach there?
Lucas Lopez
you think im gonna pay a bitch to suck my dick? lmao
Elijah Watson
As a spaniard, mallorca is only good for germans and brits who go there to get wasted and fuck each others like monkeys, the exact same as every place like that in europe like mykonos and shit holes like that