imagine being a manlet in 2018 lol
Imagine being a manlet in 2018 lol
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hahahaha imagine
i'm so glad i'm 6'2"
only manlets stress over being manlets
literally nobody gives a shit once you’re out of high school boys
Any guys that bring attention to height are 5'11 skinny guys with tiny arms.
>only manlets stress over being manlets
Who else is supposed to you brainlet
still better than being tall as a girl
>tfw 5'11
>say im 6ft
considering my mom was 4'11 and my dad is 5'7 im pretty happy with my height
tall girls are hot tho
But 5'8-5'11 beat height for a girl
your personal preference doesnt matter, most girls want to feel petite and feminine which is hard if you are tall.
its easier for short guys to compensate for their manliness with fitness and career than it is for girls to compensate for being big
tall girls can still feel petite and feminine with taller guys
it's actually a great thing for them being taller than average, it immediately filters out all the manlets from your dating pool.
way easier for them to find a tall hot guy.
I’m 6 foot, my girl is 5’3. Am I damning my sons to become Manlets?
keep dating her if you're still young but don't marry/have kids with her
you'll eventually have to break up and find a taller partner
you don't want your sons to hate you, do you now?
lmao are you genuinely this retarded? girls compare themselves to each other. she wont feel feminine because some GUY is taller than her lmao
you keep digging yourself a little hole of self hatred
Cope manlet
Tall girls love to shit on short girls. Makes them feel better that hot guys will choose them over the midgets.
lol, outside of this virgin hugbox tallness isnt a preference men has for women. in fact, its always the shortest midgets who end up with the tallest guys. tall girls are less desirable irl and there is nothing you can do about this
No sane tall man would have kids with a midget and breed manlet kids.
could they be even considered "men"?
>5ft 8in
You don't know shit about genetics.
I'm 5'8 where are my fucking crayons.
Absolute kino
good thing i'm 5'7.5" haha
My dad is 5ft5, my mom 5ft3, me and my 3 brothers are all over 6ft, explain this Jow Forums
Unironically based, aids IS a cure, considering it kills mostly niggers and faggots.
same thing here, its across all of the family with my aunts and uncles and their kids aswell.
they just grew up poor
>5ft 8 inch dwarf
>6ft average female height
Toppest kek
>6 ft tall (average in nice/not poor countries)
>born in a third world shit hole so im sort of tall
>still insecure because there are taller people around the world
i hate this website
Genetics only sets rough limits, early nutrition is far more important to growth, did you eat well as a child my dude?
manlet COPE
>no matter how hard I compensate I could never compete with someone above 5'10
If there is a god then manlets are his cruelest joke.
A 30 yr old boomer manlet could tear apart a woman. Some of the toughest sons of bitches iv ever knowm were 5'6-5'9 blue collar workers. Fuckers will shove your eyeballs up your ass in a street fight.
Woman have totally forgotten the divide between the sexes in terms of strength and power. Maybe its time we remind them who the master gender is
Why is it acceptable for women to post things like this. Imagine if a dude posted the same but about a fat bitch he would be called a fat shaming altright bigot.
Dad is 6'1
Mom is 5'3
I'm 5'11
Brother is 5'10
If her father is tall you are in luck
>being a manlet with a napoleon complex
Shiggity diggity doo
I'm legit 6' shoeless and I still feel fucking inadequate when I get height mogged (pretty common at my state school gym).
Fucking imagine being 5'4 like my korean friend
Why are manlets so angry all the time? They have a much easier time at finding an Amazon gf, all they have to do is ask out an average middleschooler.
your mom cheated on your "dad" repeatedly
>5'4 Korean qt
I want him to be my shota bf.
>even gnomes get more pussy than me
Height is meaningless. I can’t believe it’s still being discussed
God graced you with extra inches.
It's a sign user.
You must find a tall broad and save your lineage.
You will mighty tall sons and graceful daughters.
lol he's adopted-as-a-rejectbabby American so not so sqweee kowean. Also he's one of them stocky field worker type gook so not the best as a catamite
>not 6ft+
>not being a manlet and also be into tall girls
I want a tall gf so badly brehs
Most non autistic men don't care about that. Although the tallest girl at my work (5'11) is going out with a 5'7 guy and she's one of the hottest there
5'9'' is best height for titcow. Thant being said I want a 5'11'' wife so I can have large sons but she won't be taller than me
5"8 is a perfectly tall woman. taller than that is disgusting and gay because is practically a man
personally i prefer 5"6 qt midgets
Yes, your son height leans towards the mothers side so if everyone his mom's side is short it is basically a gamble at that point. To ensure you have a non manlet for a son you should have gone for taller women.
>briefly dated a chick who was 6'1"
Shit was ALL KINDS of cash. No joke she practically had legs up to my chest.
i want this so badly. Where do I find tall girls
I'm a taller than average woman, about 6'0".
You're wrong. Women like men who are taller than they are, at least 2-4 inches taller. No sane woman would date a guy shorter than them, it's a waste of good genes. My fiance, for example, is 6'4".
What and say are true. All of the really short female friends I've had were insecure with their height b/c they'd often get rejected by average or taller guys. Tall guys usually go for average or slightly taller than average women. There are exceptions of course, but like 98% of them don't date short women, unless it's for a quick fuck. If you're a short guy, just accept it and find a girl that's shorter than you. It's much better than becoming bitter and attacking randoms on the Internet.
Also, tall for a man varies, for me a tall man is 6'4"+, but for like 95% of women tall is like 6'0"- 6'4" anything more than that is too tall. Average women are totally fine with a man that's 5'9" and above. I think a problem you guys have on here is that you are too focused on what attracts a Stacy, who is 5% of females, and not focused on the millions of Sarah's. You guys are average guys, there's no shame in it. Just improve.
There's your female perspective, hope it helps.
>newfag not using memes properly
how do i get a tall gf as a socially inept NEET manlet who lifts
>you are too focused on what attracts a Stacy, who is 5% of females, and not focused on the millions of Sarah's. You guys are average guys, there's no shame in it. Just improve.
It felt so good reading this.
personally im looking for a 7/10 5"6/5"7 qt, but everytime i go out i see this guys like 6"4+ and my selfsteem decrease a bit even im average (5"11) because i imagine them cucking me
god knows this place shouldnt exist
Even if you were to find one, the issue is that every woman over 5'10" is a lanklet. Tall and fit is practically nonexistent.
I'm 6'4", my sister is 6'1", it's never been a problem for her. My parents are short, 5'8" and 5'10", but both gramps were 6'3".
Go outside. Honestly that simple. It'll take a bit of time for you to develop social skills, but mingling with other hooman beans is the only way.
Ben Shapiro(right) is said to be 5'4"- 5'5".
Charles Kirk(left) is unknown to me. I tried finding his height, but I couldn't find it.
Instead I took this picture and tried to fit both of them in a height visualizer.
With the visualizer, Charles is 5'10"- 5'11'.
>Ben Shapiro(right) is said to be 5'4"- 5'5".
That explains a lot. Imagine my shock.
>4 inches shorter
Yeah, 6'0" is "tallish". It's certainly above average, but I think the feeling of "tall" begins at 6'3".
I'm 6'2" and I still don't feel tall. I don't get comments on it either. My 6'4" gets comments often though.
Your still taller than 80% of Americans with your height, so don't feel bad.
>dad is 5'11
>mum is 4'11
I'm 5'8/9". Taller than all my grandparents. The best yet is my sister is 5' and her husband is around my height. Their kids are going to be gnomes.
Post tits or gtfo trap
my whole family is manlets and womanlets, literally "tall" is considered 5'8. i am a giant at family gatherings. i am worried a tall woman wont even save my sons and daughters but it is worth a shot
>never been a problem for her before
So your sister gets the dick a lot huh
You’re a shit brother
Sounds like your mother cheated in your ""dad"". You should get a DNA test.
it would be questionable if i wasnt a spitting image of him
That's one of the first things I noticed with the guys when I started browsing Jow Forums. You guys beat yourself down for not being attractive to Stacy, that you forget about the Janice or Sofie that's interested. Believe it or not, girls go through the same thing from time to time. They get insecure they can't attract a Chad, when there 99% of other guys to explore who may be interested.
I was shocked at how insecure guys could get. Much more than women it seems, though I suppose this place doesn't represent most men. Regardless, just go outside and speak with people. Friendships and relationships don't happen immediately either, it takes time.
Also, cucking is almost exclusively a Jow Forums meme. None of my friends, guys or girls, have even heard of it. That 6'4" isn't common and he doesn't care about you. He's just going on with his day and you should do the same. Don't think about him. Just move on and understand that you are who you are and you can only improve upon what you are. That's how it is and that's how it always been.
nuclear tier btfo
lmao anytime i see someone in the gym roughly sub 6'0 i feel like hes a cute lil wannabe bodybuilder
>tfw 6’2” and my girlfriend is 5’11”
Feels good if we decide to have children
I'm seven inches taller than my dad. He grew up in poverty and I didn't. I look exactly like him.
My dad was poor in communist East Europe. He ended up as 5'8" and I am currently 6'0" at 18.
help me understand the retarded american system, im 178 cm, if you type it in google you either get 5'8 or 5'10, which one is it so i know how ashamed of myself i should be
There's not much a difference in an inch of height. Most can't tell the difference between an inch difference.
You have impeccable taste, user.
There's been only four women in my life who I've fallen in love with, and three of them are as you described: 5'9"-5'10" titcows.
Literally nothing can compete with a 5'10" girl with big milkers.
I'm 6'3" just to bring a full disclosure in.
You are 5'10".
Google's a bit retarded b/c when it calculate 178cm into feet, it's calculating in a different way, not in a way of height.
You are 5'10" in America.
5'10" is correct
Which would be 5.8 feet, since inches count up to 12 rather than 10 as with decimals.
mom 5'6
dad 5'9
why???? i think the reason i'm not taller it's because my mom's family side is mostly short men, and my dad side is mostly tall men, so i consider me lucky for not being like 5'4, i'm still a manlet tho
Trust me, anyone who gives her the dick has earned it through sweat and blood. She's the definition of strong womyn who don't need no man. She's just as naturally muscled as I am. She's actually the one who did sports growing up.
thank god
You're pretty short actually. Almost average. Come back when you're at LEAST 6'6''
Too bad she ain't a virgin, she sounds perfect and I would love to oil wrestle with her.
t. skelly lanklet
Holy fuck these Manlet threads are a storm every time lol, wonder by ratio who frequents they mostly, manlet haters or manlets themselves? Top fucking jej
Only Amazonians find you attractive lol.
A man is 6'0-6'4.
You aren't a man, you're a bloody giant m8
>t. jealous manlet
imagine only being able to get dubs and repeated digits on fit
I wouldn't put that past her, all of her boyfriends have been short basedmen, I can't really imagine any of them having the mental and physical power to win her.
Sweet. I get to fuck Wonder Woman now.