>Not doing his huey curls
never gonna make it
It isn't real
Do you actually know that or are you just shitting on his achievements to make yourself feel better?
This scene would have been even better if it was TFA body Evans.
Winter Soldier is 10/10 kino, the best Marvel movie, and WS Chris is my goal body. Everyone shits on Marvel for being s o yshit but I think inspirational displays of heroism is what we need to cure this diseased cultural nihilism.
>nihilist care about others
Capeshit won't save us you cuck
>takes his hand off the bar
>helicopter doesn't move
Cartoons are crazy huh
I liked it because it was basically a metal gear movie.
What do I need to eat to curl like this incredible man?
he is still holding it with the other hand, dumbass
He said in an interview he didn't actually pull it, he just held it.
And what's anchoring him to the ground, genius?
With the current state of this board I don't even know anymore if you are trolling or completely serious
His legs
Look more closely he's kicking against the ground to push the helicopter closer.
I think he wanted to do this scene shirtless but Disney wouldn't let him.
She showed me this scene and told me how she liked Cap's body and how muscles were her fetish. It was not long before it all ended with my heart being broken.
Time has passed and now I'm not anymore the DYEL I was back then. If I do meet her this summer where we initially met at, I plan on playing with her emotions and revenge fucking her. I want to record it and timestamp it and also strike the zyzz pose at the end. I hope I will deliver and make a thread about it sometime in August, screencap this my bros.
based lad
>I plan on playing with her emotions and revenge fucking her.
This is just as needy and affected as taking her back and dating her again. You're playing into her sense of importance and validating her by doing this.
BASTE. Show that roastie who's boss.
make her say low stuff like she's your bitch atleast, this plan sucks
>saw this in theatres
>40 year old lady started dry humping the chair in front of her during this scene
>she was moaning super loud
Not sure if she was handicapped, but literally everyone in the theatre looked at her
How dare you speak that way about Chris Evans' mom.
>inspirational displays of heroism is what we need to cure this diseased cultural nihilism
that´s retarded because if that was the case society wouldn´t be so shit right now considering capeshit makes the mos money right now. People only go see Marvel movies for the quips, explosions, etc.
dont fuck with me do it user
>thank you master Jew for letting me escape the miserable existence you created by selling me your product
These movies don't have attention to detail. They're made by zombies for zombies.
it literally did move though
Completely wrong. Truley the best revenge is living well. You should find a better girl and move on with your life and be happy. Not only will you be better off but itll stick in the roasties mind like a splinter that youre doing so well.
>switches to mixed group mid-set
godspeed, user
my team of intellectuals will be waiting
There's a whole backstory to it, she wasn't my gf, just a summer fling kinda and I was a virgin which she knew about. She used me emotionally, broke my naive virgin heart, gave false hope. She played me like a beta s o y. I didn't even get to fuck her in the end, she stopped just before it.
I'm doing well now. I just think it would be fun to use my new body and self and go full Chad on her after being a beta with her back then. I think it would be 'making it'. Utterly dominating and destroying a thot after she saw you at your lowest.
Imagine being this insecure.
You're never gonna make it. Stop lifting. Stop wasting your time.
>I think it would be 'making it'
You're going well out of your way to affirm how important some thot was to you. This is a waste of your time.
You think? She will be there anyways, it is a big event where I live and I'm going there with my bros. Would leading her on and then going for another girl or ignoring her be better? But no meme video then for you guys.
How about you grow the fuck up?
Ever even consider that?
>curls aren't func-
>implying your emotional wellbeing would be stable enough to pull off something like this
She's already got one over you psychologically, you'll pussy the fuck out when you two meet again
>the state of Jow Forums users
I'll yet have time to grow up I'm 19. But yeah psychologically she's got upper hand otherwise I wouldn't care at all.
Whiney little 19 year old baby gets his heart broke and throws tantrum. So sad.
We've all had our heart broken. Grow from it and quit whining about it. You're not special so stop acting like you are.
I just wanted to make you guys possibly kek not come across as spetial, peace brah.
I mean, I'd happily kek at your peanut dick and atrophied muscles if you follow through with your Zyzz pose plan
don't forget to kek at your atrophied brain also you angry brolet
>switch from strong overhand grip where you could use your lats, traps, and bis to row in the helicopter to an underhand grip and just curl the helicopter
>it works
real men only curl
Fuck off
biceps are the most useful muscle in the body
Probably was the director's call
>"hey! you! actor!"
>"m-my name is chris..."
>"we need a sick bicep shot to keep all the dumb sluts watching this movie nice and wet. use an underhand grip. think you can handle that, faggot?"
>"b-but that would be weaker..."
>"did I ask for your opinion, pretty boy? do I need to kick you in the balls again??"
>"n-no, sir."
>"then fucking do what I told you to! god I can't believe we cast your puny dyel ass!"
>"hey! you! actor!"
don't you mean
>"hey! you! goy!"
Quads you mean
Yes. You're absolutely right. My apologies. I'm not very fluent in Jew but I'm trying to learn so I can blend in.
reminds me of this
winter soldier was directed by the Russo Brothers
This is a really roundabout way of realizing that you don't need another person to complete yourself.
this is why I come here
this shit is funny as fuck
Go geddem user
its gonna be alright bro
>lifting for cunts
nevar gonna make it