Do top strongmen have High function Downs?

Semi Serious. Has anyone else noticed this?

Look at Kaz for just one example.

Seriously these guys look like they have down syndrome.

Some do exist who are ultra high function.

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It's called having a lot of neanderthal DNA

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what are you some kind of fatty fat fat powerlifter?

get mogged fatty.

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There is such a thing as retard strength.

It's generally believed the lower your intellect, the heavier you can lift. If you look at the strongest humans on the planet they can barely hold a discussion. They are intellectually void and with stupidity comes rage and rage becomes strength.

Look at the most influential, intelligent specimens in our society, half of them have probably never even heard of a "dumbbell".

As soon as the science progresses enough, I have no doubt our theories will be proved valid.

Tard strenf

>It's generally believed the lower your intellect, the heavier you can lift

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Goddamn, I think I've found my goal body

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you and me both

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Good luck bois, wasn't Kaz in his prime like 140kg with 50+cm arms? A giant among men

Fuck dude, his shoulders are as huge as his head. Some people are built differently.

Kaz Was


145kg to 160kg

Well where do you think the retard strength meme comes from?

its not a meme its real. I have experienced it first hand. felt like a chimp trying to tear my arm off. its a specific type of retard though.

Isn't he the faggot who accused Tom Platz of fake weights.

That was like 30 yrs before fake weights and the guy had the most built legs ever...

Kaz was just jelouse

Retard strength?

No. Downies have very loose ligaments and joints. They dislocate their hips often just for amusement and it's a serious problem later in life. They also have congenital flaws in their hearts and other locations that preclude lifting. I know you're joking but it's a definite no. The abnormal eye to eye distance is just one feature.

It's the neanderthal dna. Northern Europeans have the most.

Really cool video about Kaz. He isn't as retarded as he looks.

That's very interesting, but weren't most Neanderthals short?

Most strongmen are around 6'2"-6'5", with 7ft outliers

Actually the anunnaki who built this world are known for their superior strength and intellect. Neck yourself, low test beta cuck faggot.

Neanderthal DNA is mostly in southern Europe. Think Italy.

Not as good of an angle but yeah Kaz' back was incredible. Gigantor traps

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Looking at this post I figure you must be really strong.

how much is her curling here?

All of it

gonna guess 50kg

Albert Einstein
>ahead of his time
>known for his herculean strength

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select one and only one.

>Magnus Carlsen
>chess prodigy
>known for his herculean strength

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Best part is that special relativity is a trashcan theory that is actively being pushed by nature worshippers who want to elevate western science to a quasi religion complete with it's own ridiculous implausible creation mythos.

The electric universe theory works much better.

Exercise actually deteriorates the brain, in all forms but this is especially true with "pump" based exercisee routines and high endurance routines. When you're lifting, more blood/oxygen goes to your muscles and your brain gets less than it should throughout the duration of your exercise, shortly after, and throughout your recovery period. The biggest factor though is that when you sleep your body is focussing more on repairing your muscle cells than your brain cells.

You are all literally lifting yourselves into retardation.

Your source is NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of: Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups.

Plato started a gymnastics academy.

Dude your argument is fucking dumb. You're showing examples of people at the top of their intellectual field as proof of smart people not being strong. You do realise that chess prodigies and physicists probably don't have an interest in being strong, right? Do you have an actual reference or study to back up your claim? I can cherry pick some examples too and show you some stupid people who are equally as not strong as einstein or some chess prodigy.
And then there's this retardation, which I sincerely hope is bait.

absolutely false

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How does it feel to be as strong as prime Kazz?

The world's smartest man looks pretty strong to me.

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Right mixture of white, neantherdal and mongol genes makes the strongest people.

There's no such thing you fucking idiot. You either have an extra chromosome or don't. That's how down syndrome is defined, not a subjective spectrum like autism.

nigga thats just calculus 1

top kek

not true but will repost

The function level of Downs can vary drastically.

But as been brought up Kaz doesn't have it at all, Downs is not the mental retardation that comes with super strength

Kaz doesn't have any form of mental retardation. He's actually very intelligent.

The video linked to he does say some things we now know to be incorrect in the strength world, but his nutrition and training was based on what was considered correct at the time, with a few things he understood that only now are getting rediscovered by modern strongmen.

He did a lot of assistance work, and he trained higher volume than most powerlifters. He figured out who to get the body strong from all angles, and was smart enough to avoid things like majoring in the minors.

If he was stupid he would not ever had gotten as strong as he was.

Taking a bunch of random roids and tossing around heavy weight with whatever form and eating whatever will get most guys strong, but that won't make it for the top in the world. Kaz was top Shelf.

He knew in detail how to use the PED's right, how to stay relatively lean, the right amount of cardio, etc... and he was wide about his progression in using the weights he did.

Seeing a huge man lift up big things doesn't on the surface look like it indicates any particular intelligence, but the reality is to get to a certain point in the building of that strength really does. It also requires focus and the ability to keep an eye on the big picture and not get sucked into fads and dumb shit. Essentially the ability to cross examine information and pic the most usable and not get caught up in paralysis by analysis.

>The video linked to he does say some things we now know to be incorrect in the strength world
>with a few things he understood that only now are getting rediscovered by modern strongmen
Don't have the time to do watch the video, can you spill the beans pls?

He does a lot of bouncing reps without lockout, thinking it protects joints, he avoids red meat for cholesterol etc...

But he also understands proper progression and when not to add weight and to deload. He explains how the speed a weight is moved at directly leads to building more strength, and how lifting weights slowly won't build explosive power, and how muscles need to work more to generate more speed, and hence more muscle growth.

>He does a lot of bouncing reps without lockout, thinking it protects joints, he avoids red meat for cholesterol etc...
This isn't right but at the same time neither of those things will make you weaker.

Holy shit, you almost had me there for a second

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>theres a direct correlation between strength and intelligence
>yet none of the smartest people in the world are also the strongest people in the world
Really activates the almonds

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>tfw a physicist
>tfw lift
am I going to lose the validity of my diploma?

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It doesn't mean they all overlap in a 1:1 ratio on the bell curve in the exact same places.

Btw when you look at the investments of guys like Mariusz and Zydrunas and the success of businesses they own you realize they aren't dumb people

Kaz did look a bit downy actually, but he is an exception.

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He looked like it, be he's at or above average intelligence

Avg Neanderthal is estimated at 5'5" for males.
However, you can mix traits - especially when it only accounts for a fraction of your overall genome. Someone can inherit the trait for muscle mass and/or strength and greater than average height.

Are you saying they have literal retard strength?

Wew lad haven’t laughed this hard in a while

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I have aspergers and I think I have retard strenght due my poor motor skills. I always was the strongest kid in class

I'd consider some of them pretty good philosophers

t. Tranny born in 1984


holy shit

Yall have never been to eastern europe.

There some strong as hell Eastern Europeans


This is what you deem as a reputable source. Drink bleach.

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For fucks sake mate if you havent studied physics in uni then stfu.
You clearly have no idea what youre talking about.

Same, dextous ability is at least average but I tend to be a touch unstable with larger movements, but strong, it’s a weird combo.

crackpots should be glassed

>Dolph Lundgren
>Masters in Chemical Engineering
>Bachelors in Chemistry

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Yes, but only ironically


Ironically, he died doing deadlifts.

What a good way to die.