What is the best martial art for a girl that isn't a gun?
What is the best martial art for a girl that isn't a gun?
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A knife.
Ankles behind the ears
A good 800m time. Even against a similar weight guy a casual martial arts chick has pretty bad odds. When considering that most chicks will have over a 10kg weight disadvantage that chance further shrinks.
t. Rolled with purple belt chicks as a white belt and its like wrestling a kid. I'm not even a big guy
running? or not getting into stupid situations?
sure a high ranked female martial artists will probably beat a untrained man in that sport, but the strength advantage of being a man will dominate any women in real life
I wouldn't go as far as any woman. Gabi garcia would likely snap up the vast majority of dudes because she's basically shrek and is multiple time world champion in bjj. If you're talking an average "trained" chick who does an hour of rolling 2-3 days a week or equivalent I'll agree with you.
What is the best martial art for a girl that actually IS a gun?
Yes 'she' would wreck almost everyone lol. I mean I train with bjj/judo female brown/black belts and they are very very good don't get me wrong, but I can 100% feel the strength disparity between us, if they don't have a leveraged technique I could literally rag doll most of the females just by strength