What’s Jow Forumss weekend plans?
pic related
me on the right
Losing weight.
Local tractor pull is going down this weekend. Gonna probably get more of a farmer's tan and eat shitty food at the pull. But it's ok I've been good for the past two months.
Gym cook chicken and shit and more gym.
Probably fuck a prostitute since I'm shy around women, and hopefully my stack comes in so I can start my cycle
Skateboarding with friends Saturday. Clean home and visit family Sunday.
Same as every weekend basically.
No gym for me because snap, so eat, lurk, manga, anime and bed.
no motivation for vidya.
Sunday i will meet with potential gf again, looking good desu.
Hike tomorrow with a friend and seeing the hodgetwins on sunday night so I can upload how shit it is on here.
>be me in rural area
>only thots out here are farmer's daughters with superior firepower or weird homeschooled girls younger than me.
>only way to get laid right now is chick two hours away on the weekends
>can't this weekend because of
Rural girls are so fucking slutty and dirty holy shit, not to mention psychotic. Never again
Lol actually taking the time to go see some online celebrities is fucking cringe mania
Worst are the horse girls. They spend more on their 2+ babies than regular kids, and the riding is addictive. Something about having 1000lbs directed at their crotch makes horse riding better than sex.
me but everyday of the week
I'll be waiting for that hodge twins post user
>Probably fuck a prostitute since I'm shy around women
I did that when I was in my early 20s but for some reason now that I'm that 35yo guy who goes to the gym I feel to scared to do it
>drink a lot
>go to street festivals
>eat like a fatass
>drink more
>eat more
>feel guilty as fuck on Monday, workout all week and eat clean
Every. Time.
the fuck how did you get those pictures of me
Yeah, I don't care what anyone says. Girls can get off grinding on pillows, there is no way they aren't getting something out of all that bump 'n grind. Consistently a bunch of crazy bitches.
Friday:come home from work, hit the gym, shower, relax and watch hajime no ippo
Sat: Monday morning bjj class, then eat some food, come over to friends house and watch UFC 225 and DUDR WEED LMAO
Sunday: vidya fight night with friends
i've got a scuba class tomorrow morning. if it goes well, i might pursue certification :)
Probably just work out, hang out around the house and then go for a few brewskies with dad.
Pretty much the same thing I do every sat. I need some friends. I need to get laid. Fuuuuucking hell I need to get laid.
go to the gym
talk to some people there
go home
thats it cause no friends
Country boy here. If I wasn't going to a tractor pull, and when I'm not in town getting laid by my FWB, that's my exact weekend. But with country chores and shit.
>I'm not in town getting laid by my FWB
Ahh but see, that makes all the difference. I think if I just had something good to squeeze, once or twice a week, everything else in my life would be totally peachy.
I like rural life. I like living in a small town. I like the slow pace and quiet atmosphere. By the end of the week though, I've got an urge to get rowdy, I just wanna rage. I wanna drink and smoke and fuck. I haven't felt the loving touch of a woman in over a year dude... It ain't right.
Right now I'm studying, I don't make any money, I live with my parents. In a couple weeks I start a new job with a really good local contractor (as a carpenter) and I'll be all set, making good money, meeting lots of new people... Just need to hold out until then and I can get my own place again and have some fun.
BTW I don't know what a tractor pull is but it sounds fucking ace. Sounds like there would be a lot of beer, a lot of roasted meats going on, probably a bit of dancin' and girls getting loose and looking to go for a fumble... I wish we had stuff like that round here instead of just going to the pub, sitting in the corner and getting drunk with my dad basically sitting in silence.
Saturday is my rest day so
>oil change + rotate tires
>go plant lavender and mint in the back yard to keep fleas and ticks away
>treat yard with bug shit
>clean house
>play vidya with fren(s)
>drink wine or liquor
>finish watching Toc Toc
>things around house
>go to sleep
>go to work.
This is a sad existence.
Thinking of /fast/ and walking for turbo weight loss
I am envious. Tractor Pulling is the best, the stronglifts of motor sport.
Myself, I'm going on a stag party cruise to Finland. I hope to break through my plateau with a bunch of beer.
I know, that’s why Im going - to document it for you upstanding gentlemen.
Last race of the Triple Crown tomorrow. Will be watching it at Santa Anita. Will be fasting Sunday and as long as I can after too.
>Work Saturday morning
>Travel home
>gf will be waiting. Will complain at me for traveling too much for work. Ignore. Deliver mild platitudes and assurances. Sex her if she calms down.
>House will be a mess. Clean it.
>No food due to traveling for work. Buy some. Pick Jow Forums-approved groceries
>Lawn is overgrown. Mow it.
>Tend garden.
Meeting up with some dude from CL to buy his shitty ninja 600. Should be a fun bike though
Should I pay for a prostitute? I've fucked her twice already and I still want more but its expensive as fuck.
Probably playing vidya/watching anime alone in my room as always. Every Monday I have to make up lies about my weekend when coworkers ask about it because I don't want them to find out pathetic I am.
For this weekend I mean... I have no work or plans so the temptation to go fuck her again will be palpable.
Playing a large fest with my band that features a lot of music I grew up to, very exciting. I've been a shut in, aside from the gym, the past few months so it's gonna be nice to get out and enjoy good music with friends I haven't seen in years.
I'm going on a date with my totally not pretend at all girlfriend. Haha....yes.....
>ejaculate inside girlfriend's vagina (unprotected, of course)
>ride 60 miles on bike
>meal prep
Probably be walking aimlessly for hours tomorrow. Try to sleep alot. Read more of SS.
Tonight is the only real thing I have planned
>gonna take a bunch of adderall
>gonna go to a bar that I have a gift card for (for some reason I got a gift card to a bar from my family for xmas? W/e free drinks)
>probably going to take too many shots and ultimately get convinced to go to a dance bar by my friends
I hate dance bars and clubs. the music's too loud, the drinks are watered down, my feet hurt, etc. They're just not my vibe.
>will wake up tomorrow morning and do finals
>and probably take more adderall
>might go and get drunk again tomorrow night
It will be uneventful.
>looking to go for a fumble
>I've never once heard this expression
>>ejaculate inside girlfriend's vagina (unprotected, of course)
why are we here? just to suffer?
>lift heavy
>shoot with the boys
>watch the next pic related
>throw the ball around with my dog
>felt bad that i wasn't going out and getting gals
>see a thread where a bunch of boys are having the same issue
At least im not alone
I'm playing EDH and fighterz with a bunch of other nerds
dude weed lmao.
also, cardio/walking around town.
good luck man
where the fuck do you even find one anymore?
>Go to beach with gf.
>get in hot tub at night with gf
>nothing will happen since she's a young virgin
>go home sexually frustrated
going out to see hereditary tonight with my oneitis, then tomorrow throwing a bonfire at the beach with a few friend. should be fun.
Practice for some upcoming auditions..
Swim a mile on Saturday and run a 5k
Swim a mile on Sunday and bike 16k
user, I....
nigga WHAT could possibly be wrong with what i just said
Just chilling with some movies, beer and pizza tonight.
Tomorrow I'm going to see Queens of the Stone Age live.
I was just about to plan it, so ill put it here
>07:00 Wake up
>07:45 feed chickens
>08:15 cut up a deer thats hanging outside atm
>08:45 process some of its meat
>09:30 harvest habenero, goosberys, spinach
>10:00 try spinach juice, maybe with some apple
>10:30 input last months expenses and income in excell
>12:00 calculate how bad I fucked up my budged
>12:30 install a part in my car
>13:00 make dark chocolate
>13:30 do yoga
>14:30 make pizza dough
>15:30 eat pizza
>16:30 feed chickens and lambs
>17:00 programming
>19:00 shower
>20:00 mastrubate
>21:00 read in bed
>22:00 try to fall asleep
>23:00 sleep
>07:00 wake up and relax since sunday
>08:30 feed chickens
>09:00 programing
>10:30 make a fire for bbq
>12:45 eat bbq
>14:00 feed chickens and lambs
>14:15 shower
>14:30 nap
>17:00 wake up and relax
>19:00 eat a sandwitch
>20:00 mastrubate
>21:00 read in bed
>22:00 try to fall asleep
>23:00 sleep
I could, if I wanted, go and see them in Cornwall in July. Problem is the guy who has a spare ticket is a bit mental and I really don't want to spend a whole day and night travelling with him.
They're playing at an amusement park here in Sweden, just the entrance fee of 100kr/~10$ to get in.
>here in Sweden
wow, sorry to hear that.
Going to a music festival tomorrow, should be fun
Do you life on a farm?
Think about why she ghosted me, lift, eat food, maybe drink alone, go to bed. I want death to come already
> grocery shopping
> run a 10mi
> relax for the rest of the day
> chest/tricep day
> animu movie night with some friends
Thats all i can think of atm.
It's my birthday but probably nothing.
> get phone # of 4 girls off tinder in the past week
> go out last night with the hottest one
> quality girl but shes all awkward and has closed body language
> try to give her a quick kiss at the end but she turns her head for a cheek kiss
this kills the crab
>match up with a thottie
>start chatting
>ask her out to lunch this sat
>4 hours pass she sais yes suggests true food
>”sounds good. It’s not vegetarian is it?lol”
No response for the last 12 minutes. Went through her Instagram and didn’t find a single picture of meat, just pictures of cows, horses, dogs.
Never go for the kiss on the first my guy
Just messaged me back with
>I almost suggested my favorite vegan place! Hahah
Also why do betches take forever to respond even when interested? Makes a man crave a drink I’ll tell ya what
Fuck I’m in boys - Tuesday at 7
>time to get some pecs in bby
>Walking for turbo weight loss
>Walking for turbo weight loss
>Turbo walking for weight loss
>Turbo walking weight loss
>Walking for weight loss
>Walking weight loss
Is it better to work out on the day of drinking or the day after?
I know alcohol is a prime gainz goblin but let's say there will be a few inevitable drinks tomorrow night, should I workout before or the day after?
why not both?
gym, mow the lawn, vidya
good taste in anime
Before, but it shouldn’t make a big difference if it’s just a few
I'm packing tomorrow to leave for this music camp on sunday. I'll be there for two weeks, I'm worried for my lifts. I'm bringing a yoga mat, and a customizable dumbbell with 50 pounds' worth of plates. I'll make it work, I really don't feel like taking two whole weeks off of lifting.
Bright side is that my gf lives really close to the city this camp is in. I'll probably have time to see her for lunch now and then, and she'll get a chance to see me do the other thing I'm good at besides picking things up and putting them down.