How is it possible to be vegan and still obese?

How is it possible to be vegan and still obese?

Curvy btw

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oh no

living satire

To answer your question and not just shit post
>calories in vs calories out

Say what you will, but I'd pee in this nasty hoe.

This is how user

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A living joke. Shitloads of carbs and fat, no protein or excercise.

Because sugar is caloric as FUCK, user.

I got fat as fuck on a vegan diet. I lived on carbs and was never satiated because I didn't get enough lean protein. I've lost 40 lbs by introducing meat back into my diet.

>You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat these

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I mean if you just started eating healthy its possible

Don't be fooled. She's way too comfortable with her ugly self to be pursuing any goals in improvement.
This is just a snack to her.

Potato Chips, candy, bread, egg-less cakes, chocolate, pasta, beer, and soda are all vegan

Ask this fatty


Is she really going to eat 7 potatoes.

Takes a while for the starvation to kick in.


french fries

She would probably kick starvation and eat it...

mountain dew is vegan

All vegan diets eventually lead to starvation. Impossible to tell what factors control how long it takes (for some its months, for others its a decade) but eventually their body will begun to cannibalize itself to gain access to all the nutrition it is missing. Because despite what vegans tell you, it is nowhere near healthy and there are extremely large amounts of micronutrients they cannot get.

Chocolate is made with milk.

because carbs and sugar makes you fat which is what these disgusting braphogs eat. what a dumbass question.

all this potato eats is potatoes

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Meat doesn't make you obese. A high calorie diet filled with sugar and oil, as well as lack of exercise and sleep does.

Plenty of vegan foods are high calorie. Either as a vegan you learn to cook vegetables well OR you live on vegan crisps, potatoes rice & vegan junk food

The sauce looks like vomit.

She's not vegan. She eats a ton of dairy products just looking at her disgusting instagram.

Potato diets are legit though. If she was actually eating them she wouldn't be such a whale.

>breakfast is sugar-coated dehydrated fruits
>Snacks are sugars and carbs like nondairy ice cream or vegan doughnuts
>dinner is large enough for four people

Vegan doesn't mean shit if you eat like shit anyways.

LMAO no its imitation milk. she uses shit made from oats which is just more carbs

>Ben & Jerries Ice Cream
>imitation milk

it is nondairy you fucking mongoloid

Attached: nondairy.png (740x748, 1.09M)

LOL @ even knowing something like this exists you notorious bull prepper.

jesus christ

It literally says non-dairy on the fucking lid. I didn't know this shit existed, I just know how to read you stupid ass nigger.


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it says non dairy on the label you retard.

Cope harder and think pasta, potatoes and sugar dont make you fat

Everything she eats is covered in oil lol
Oil + Carbs is a bad idea.

Eating too many calories. Are you retarded?

you got btfo faggot

fries and coke are 100% vegan, and millions of amerilards get hyper obese on a diet based around exactly that.

Vegans always claim you'll lose weight when switching to a vegan diet but they forget to explicitly state they mean a plant based vegan diet with minimal amounts of processed foods.

>vegan ham
dont call it ham if its not ham ffs

This. People always claim the chinese are getting increasingly obese because of the increased meat consumption. No, faggot, it's because more people have access to the good shit and we as humans just like to eat a lot of said good shit, which is actually horrible shit for your body and they end up getting fat.

Sugar is completly vegan and fries as well.

user she's a vegan.

mirin potatos

Did you fucking read the fucking sticky you cunt?
There is your answer.