Opinions on my arm

Is this considered okay or is it spanish lady level?

Attached: IMG_20180609_004013.jpg (2448x3264, 1.4M)

not completely dyel, but keep working on it. circumference?

I don't know desu I haven't mesured it, only started doing weights recently

*to be honest*

also you have terrible wrists

yeah I know, look like they can snap. Can you even increase mass there or is it genetic?

you can to some extent with forearm exercises (wrist roller, wrist curls, etc). itll help a little, but bone structure is bone structure.

bone gains amount to maybe a quarter inch or so over the course of decades.

it looks like an arm

It's completely dyel, and too pale. Plus your vascularity isn't where it should be.
You might impress normie chicks if you pick up heavy things in front of them.

Try lifting weights

lmao this, when i first got into lifting my arms were 13 inches, naturally my arms are very lean and vascular. my gf's friend said they looked as hard as rocks, that was my first true mire. pretty sure that girl wanted to bang since she kept mentioning stuff about sex when we talked

morale of the story is that normie opinions don't mean shit

Fucking tiny

It's a blessing in disguise, when you get huge your small wrists will make your forearms seem bigger.

False, if your wrists are bigger your arms will look bigger because they're bigger

At least you're not a handlet

Jow Forums do I have big arms yet? Going for them hemsworth thor arms

Attached: E3F7AD15-8A00-48CF-A234-B3FCCD668969.jpg (1574x2100, 714K)

There's potential, that's what really matters bruh

You've got a mire from me, those arms are my goal size more or less.


6'4 210


You've made it.

Ty but I’m still trying to get a bit leaner. I’ve never had to cut so I’m not doing too hot

Attached: 8529DFBF-A1DD-48C9-AF73-F87341496406.jpg (1242x2208, 210K)

>morale of the story

Attached: 2914DC77-B724-4FFB-8E2D-A3D912391291.png (800x600, 100K)

What's your routine and diet like? I'm 6'4" and 180 lbs, and I've been struggling to gain mass w/o being a fat slob.

different guy. i agree you've made it


how to get arms to look wider from the front like this

nsuns 531. w/ back work on pressing days and biceps on leg days. diet is keto

more like 5'4 manlet

It's dyel as fuck and so are you most likely

He's not 6'4" idiots. The people in the background aren't much shorter than him and they're further away from the camera. He's a literal midget

Is it the angle or do you got some baseball glove fuckin hands. What are your hand measurements?

Mirin'. You're my body goal (but im 5'11 manlet)

Unless my doors are hobby sized I think I might be 6’4. Pic with the blacked out face was taken by a 5’0 girl that’s why the angles are weird

Attached: 0268BEDC-7831-4DFB-89EA-95D81DDD404B.jpg (4032x3024, 2.29M)


>dark arm hair

>light/no arm hair

Stop fucking lying on Jow Forums. Apart from your arm hair there is no way to tell these are even the same person. The fact that you'll black your face out then supposedly willingly post it is sus as fuck. Get back in the pit, manlet.

Even in this pic you either have a high ass towel rack or you're e-statting about your height. I'm 6'0" and my towel racks are lower than that when I stand next to them.

Ignore the haters. It’s above DYEL. Small still, but you’re on your way. Keep it up dawg, from one former skelly to another

t. Formerly 125lb 5’10” now 160lb

It’s pretty high, look where the sink and the door are in the picture

You look like you're wearing a shirt too small so it doesn't seem casual.

Also it could be because your legs are behind your arms in relation to the lense, but you really need to empathize squats if it's not just the angle

It's not above dyel. I'm barely above dyel and look bigger than him.

Attached: IMG_20180609_085048.jpg (2613x2616, 1.05M)

Nah small joints small waist perfect for bodybuilding. Rich Piana said this.