>no calories
>no sugar
Why or why not to drink it? Or """diet""" sodas in general?
>no calories
>no sugar
Why or why not to drink it? Or """diet""" sodas in general?
The problem is not diet or regular. Don’t be a retard and drink too much of either. If you aren’t short or a woman, a soda here and there isn’t going to be a problem. If you can’t use moderation, don’t buy any.
No reason beyond most sodas, coke especially, tasting like shit.
It`s a gimmicky response to how unhealthy soda is. Instead of making pepsi more healthy, they make diet pepsi. Still bad for you and tastes bad
It keeps bad habits around. Stop drinking soda altogether.
>tfw trying to quit soda
>no good alternatives to replace it
>even tried tea
>it all tastes like bitter leaf piss
What does Jow Forums drink besides water?
just drink water fatass
What is wrong with water? Is this an American thing? You guys seem so hooked on sugar.
It seems that your body is not smart enough to know it's not real sugar, shocking I know. It's almost as if our bodies are made to respond in a very specific manner to sugary foods and don't really know how to treat them now that they are so abundant.
drink water
or are you that weak willed?
Stevia + Crystal Light
Apple Cider Vinegar is good for taste; 1tbsp per liter.
>water, tea, coffee, milk
>beer, wine
>occasional juice as a quick source of carbs a few hours before a workout
There are really lots of options if you are't completely fucking hooked on jerking off those sugar receptors.
>dat phosphoric acid
enjoy your brittle bones, user
Stevia is linked to cancer, no thanks brah
Calcium supplements though... Not to mention Wolff's law
>Wolff's law
Yeah but he didn't know americans would be shoving nutrient blocking sugar water down their throats like it was fucking ambrosia.
>clumps an excess of sugar into his tea
I drink fountain diet coke all the time when I go out to eat while cutting. Still losing 2 pounds a week so anyone saying diet soda somehow magically has hidden calories that makes you fat is full of shit.
I know it isn't healthy for you of course but you gotta live life. That is why I do CICO diet so I can cut weight and not be eating chicken and rice every night.
Unless your income comes from your physique you are probably just autistic about your diet for no good reason.
Apparently artifical sweetners damage your gut microbiome
The main argument against diet soda is some BS about how the sweetener can cause cancer, despite the fact that the study this idea came from was disproven, and also because sugar companies have been fighting against sweeteners since they first started getting popular.
Artificial sweeteners also kinda have a bad rap, because one of the first was a lead-based substance, which in high amounts can seriously fuck with your liver.
diet cranberry juice
All that seems certain is that diet soda spikes insulin similar to sugar. Totally harmless unless you're fasting, where you want to minimize insulin spikes.
If you're having a meal, your insulin is spiking anyway, so having a diet coke with it is benign at worst.
no it's not. The real argument is that your body is expecting something sugary and good, but only receive chemicals so your brains and body craves more sugar and shit, same way chewing gum doesn't actually make you less hungry
Soda water + lime juice
This stuff isn’t bad. If I want a soda badly enough, I’ll buy one of these.
i fucking love the fact we drink mate here, i cant imagine drinking and making as much coffee and tea needed to control soda urges like you can only make tea last like 10 minutes tops
you can drink 1 mate for hours, if you dont know what it is it probably doesnt make alot of sence, you put the herbs (yerba) in the little wooden cup (mate) and you pour hot water in there everytime you want a sip from that bottle that preserves the heat ( termolar it usually has 1liter) , and drink the filtered tea from a metal straw (bombilla) it seems a little unpractical at first but it makes you drink it at your own pace and it will preserve a strong flavor for a long time, it really helps to control snack urges since it keeps you entertained. But most foreigners dont like it since its really bitter and it takes time to take the flavor in, specially since it has some technique to it and can taste really bad if you dont know what you are doing
>Nutrient blocking
Where on Earth did you get this notion?
FATO has an anti-anti-naty device that can shutdown the nutrients in any supplement making it useless
What the fuck is FATO. What's naty?
yeah, you want more sugar, so you drink more diet coke. Normal sugar does the same thing anyway, as do carbs, so might as well drink empty sugar instead. If you're someone who lacks the kind of self control to not drink 8 cans of coke, might as well be diet
probably related to dopplermode and OSLO
I'll drink a few calorie-free energy drinks on the weekend instead of beer.
This is delicious.
The downside is that it is the definitive drink of the recovering alcoholic.
Your liver can't process soda, you literally age twice as fast when you drink it.
There is not one intelligent post in this thread aside from Studies show that diet drinks cause you to take in more calories throughout the day. Even though the beverage is 0 calories you're fucking up your hormones. See the thing everyone gets wrong about diet is they think its all about willpower. Its not. Its about hormonal control. Every single thing you put in your body has an effect on your thought process. You think you are acting on free will, and you are, but very minimally.
Diet Soda activates an insulin response causing your glycogen stores to deplete. And since what you've just ingested has no sugar you aren't replenishing those glycogen stores and your body reads this as HOLY SHIT I"M SO FUCKING HUNGRY. This is where the willpower meme comes into play. Why put yourself through that torture? 95% don't even know what is going on and they will end up ingesting more calories than they would have without the diet soda in the first place.
This concept is also used to shame the fuck out of fat people. They do the eat less exercise more diet and fail over, and over, and over. Their metabolism lowers, their bodyweight plateaus and they rebound. Every. Fucking. Time. And you say; "you god damn fat mother fuckers have no will power". Meantime fatty has no idea what the fuck is going on, they tried so god damn hard, but you gave them bad advice. Your hormones are fucking wigging out and your metabolism is a disaster. You are craving SUGAR (mainly) and more specifically INSULIN (and highly insulinogenic / high glycemic index foods).
You go to the god damn doctor and they give you MORE INSULIN. Shits fucked man.
I didn't even go to college man. Just do some god damn research and stop believing everything you are told. This post got out of hand but ya don't drink diet soda.
Purreh tea can do that too.
i work at mcdonalds and you do not know how many middle aged overweight white women come through and get a large diet coke and then also fucking 3 double quarter pounders and no other drinks.
How long you steeping for? Google the steep time for whatever you’re brewing. I use 4 minutes for my
>jasmine loose leaf
kek, i get the reference
I replaced soda with sparkling water like la croix
Raspberry tea with a little bit of honey and lemon juice
Jasmine tea smells and tastes like DMT
Ayyy. I recently got some DMT and have been trying to break through. What makes you say this? They’re on opposite ends of the spectrum for me.
>I only drink sweet mate
Water. Whole milk. A coke zero.
>drinking milk instead of soda
>just as much sugar
>it all tastes like bitter leaf piss
For me black coffee and unsweetend tea or just unsweet anything is an acquired taste. After a while you will like it and it feels more hydrating. If I need to hydrate I need unsweet anything as sweetness just makes me feel like puking and doesn't quincy my thirst. nothing else can quinch my thirst like bitter ass fuckin tea or water
>Diet Soda activates an insulin response
But it doesn't. Diabetics can have as much diet soda as they want. It does nothing to their blood sugar levels. It would be very important for them to know if it was otherwise. So everything you just said was complete broscience bullshit.
drink these instead
The absolute state of brainlets
> no source
> no context
Wow it's fucking nothing.
There, I did your googling for you, you pathetic manchild. Now stop peddling nonsense and fuck off.
Sparkling Water. Perrier is my favorite, LaCroix a close second. Usually an acquired taste
Don't reply to me unless your arms are 20 inches minimum.
Water with lemon. If that doesn't taste good to you it is because you have the palette of a child from years of consuming way too much sugar.
so what i should never drink sugar then? one diet coke and i become a fucking diabetic?
You need to try more exotic flavors of tea. Go to the aisle with tea and pic stuff like “detox” or “lemon ginger” or “immune support” some of them are quite tasty and extremely healthy for you.
>I don't like the taste of water
insufferable man-child confirmed
I used to drink nothing but soda at work since our water tastes like shit. Lately I've been enjoying arnold palmers (75% tea 25% lem) instead of soda and I feel much better.
>it all tastes like bitter leaf piss
Hot Salad Water
Sucralose sweetened seltzer. And occasionally fruit juice.
Personally I feel sugar and it's alternatives are shit.
Substitute honey as much as possible if the issue is sugar alone.
Those make me pee every 15 minutes
If you need the flavor, you aren't drinking out of thirst but rather boredom and you need to drop this habit. I drink coffee, sometimes sipboi and protein shakes to serve purposes but always water when thirsty. You won't care about the lack of flavor if you're parched.
I drink my green tea with just water. No sugar or any type of milk. Stay mad Amerilard.
Because they never taste anything like the real thing. So either have your soda in moderation, as a treat, or cut it out completely.
Enjoy your cancer you faggot
Are you a bong? Bong tea is blended to be drank with milk so is intentionally really strong. Try chinese tea or brew for a shorter time (1-2 minutes)
Black coffee, black tea and green tea, all without sugar. Sometimes milk or multivitamin juice. Don't be a sugar-craving fatass.
>Putting sugar in tea
Absolute heresy.
>post lunch
Fuck off Angie.
>why not to drink it?
Artificial sweetener conspiracy theories spread by sugar peddlers.
No, sweeteners do not spike insulin levels.
That's the most legit reason not to drink it. Fortunately I don't care about water retention and my blood pressure is good.
In mice. It has not been replicated in humans.
Only some of them might cause a spike, the results are mixed. Aspartame, the most popular sweetener is not one of them anyway.
(website has links to pubmed studies)
it has acesulfame K and another shit I forgot, which are bad for your brain
tea, coffee with almond milk, no sugar. Buy dried tea instead of the shitty satchels mate. Sometimes I chug an energy drink down but that's it (I know I know).
that's enough to understand
ITT: fatties justifying their sugar addiction so they don't have to admit they're weak for adding sweet chemicals to everything they drink.
Drink water you disgusting hamplanets. Stop making excuses and compromises. You're never gonna make it if you spend all your time thinking about working around your problems instead of solving them.
I've also never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.
Water and coffee, breeeeeeh
>Stevia is linked to cancer
I drink about 4 cans a week of this stuff
Bubly is the la Croix killer
people who dont drink 90% water sicken me
especially when they call water drinkers boring
if the most interesting thing about you is that you drink coca cola you honestly need to make a change
soda drinkers sicken me
a 330ml can of sprite here has 6g of sugar, I always wondered why it tasted so shit as a kid
I've heard that sweeteners trigger an immune response which even though they don't have sugar.
my nigga
coffee for flavour, water for hydration
>I've heard
Do you have proof? If not, then who fucking cares what you've heard?
>not seeing the word postprandial
Imagine being such a huge brainlet that you ignore a word you don’t know and then tell someone else they’re peddling nonsense
>you gotta live life
You've been memed by coke commercials.
Good lord I can't tell if you're just fatties in denial or actual soda industry shills. Stop being so fucking retarded and drink some damn water.
>NNS interact with novel sweet taste receptors discovered in non-taste tissues including the gut and the pancreas, which can influence insulin secretion
Aspartame does not cause an insulin response.
>It seems that your body is not smart enough to know it's not real sugar,
it will change your gut microbiome to one that is used to sugary shit so you crave junk more than you would if just drank water. the artificial sweeteners are bad shit