How do I quit porn once and for all? No matter how hard I try I always relapse and it's tearing me up inside...

How do I quit porn once and for all? No matter how hard I try I always relapse and it's tearing me up inside. I have no discipline.

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We gonna make it.

Just keep trying and maybe it'll stick. I suddenly stopped around a year ago and don't have anything to attribute it to, so I guess it was just time

Just remember that you have better things to do

how do you feel now?

become the kind of person that doesn't waste his time on porn

just wank without porn, its easy

Much better, to sum it up: I feel more proud of myself and my mind doesn't feel "foggy", to put it in some way. Maybe you won't notice a big difference, but I fapped like 1.5 times a day and often edged for longer than an hour.

Said this before but go to a mirror and make a promise to yourself you won't fap for x number of days. Then if you want to fap realize you're literally cheating yourself. Remember that moment you looked yourself in the eye and said no more. Don't break promises

i installed pornblockers on my chrome. i put random passwords on them and didnt save the passwords anywhere. so i literally cant watch porn anymore.

Now that I think about it, I think it changed when it got extremely bad. Same thing happened with procrastinating: I was sleeping 4 hours on average due to leaving homework until the very last moment, and then I suddenly changed completely and now I do everything in advance.

I believe in you friend. I haven't watched porn in almost a year now, and never have thoughts of going back. It will happen, if you do it long enough, it's different times for all of us depending on how much you watched before.

I have no problem quitting porn, I have trouble not wanking it though.

I made thi motivational poster, and placed it to the entrance of my bathroom, so everytime I think of wanking, I look Arnold straight in the eyes. It works like a charm. I hope it serves you well.

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That is both autistic and beautiful

So here’s the thing, I had an addiction to soft drinks. Literally had half a case by noon when I was at my worst. I recognized I had the problem but anytime I had one I felt like shit after. So then once I highlighted that feeling in my head, the desire to drink a soda diminished, it was tough at first but now I can safely say that I have completely cut soda out of my diet. Feels good. And it was all because I remembered the shitty feeling I got after I drank a can of soda. Perhaps you could apply this same thing to your life?

That was a great move. How are you feeling now?

Who is the Asian man on the bottom?

>TWO Gokus

pray and fast. srs

unironically this.

former 2-3hr a day porn user here. Now I think of porn the same way I think of strip clubs- dirty, gross, pathetic etc. I can even browse Jow Forums and the braphogs don’t make me want to go watch porn. I owe it all to the rosary and the mercy of Christ.

My dad.

put me in the screencap

i feel better, guilt-free. i only fap like once or twice a week and i do it to beautiful clothed women, not honorless whores. my mind and my soul feel more clear.
i now realize how corrupting porn actually is. when i fap i don't feel regret afterwards.

That's very nice of you user. Does he know about the poster?

treat it like the literal addiction that it is

whenever you relapse tell yourself you fell off the wagon again

I can't wait to jerk off to this poster.

Bumping for more info about this heroic asian dad.

He sounds like a great man user, God bless both of you

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Jow Forums - Fitness

You tried long enough that even though there were relapses you managed to break the mental circuit that had been engrained in you brain. Such things take a while to break especially if they are ingrained deeply

If my son did this, I would surely cry. Well done user, you are going to make it.

Switch first to softcore stuff. Hot girls masturbating. Then switch to celeb pics. Then to your imagination. Worked for me. Deescalation rather than sudden cold turkey.

Fuckin A

Need a way to do this on my phone

So what you're saying is I need to watch more porn. Sweet. Ok.

You feel alot better without it.
Take my word brother.
Ive been on/off noporn for the last 6months.
Usually I go 2 weeks or so, then relapse but the truth is I feel ALOT better without it.
Infact its kind of addicting, to not watch porn and feel good, confident, talkative, etc.

I made a promise to someone I loved that I would never do it again.
I don't mean I actually went up to their face and said so but just made the promise to myself that I would do it for them. It's worked for the past few months due to the immense shame I get whenever I feel even an urge.

1) you must take 10 deep slow breaths every time you think about looking at porn. It will give you a chance to break the cycle.
2) delete your porn collection. Seriously. You’ll feel less like Gollum. If you lapse just jerk of to streaming porn.
3) go easy on yourself. It’s hard! Read yourbrainonporn everyday to keep yourself awake to what you’re trying to achieve.

Fucking beautiful

Oh fucking hell....

Finally an anti-porn thread without Jews coming in and spouting that porn is good for you, pushing their mind control porn agenda.

Quit porn user, its poison for your mind.

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You're a good guy user.


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First of all consider if its even something that you should do. I've been on nofap for around a month and it hasn't fixed absolutely anything. I'm still the same socialy awkward mess, girls still pay no attention to me and I still feel like shit. The only outcome is that now without porn and jerking off I have completely removed any form of sex from my life. I might as well chop off my balls now.

Unironically: start water fasting.
Your libido crashes and you do not feel any need to masturbate. Currently 8th day of waterfast and even the idea of watching porn makes me bored. After few days you just don't wanna do it anymore.

I used to jerk off 2-3 times everyday and actually didn't even think about this aspect of fasting as a gateway to noporn, but I think I could just use the opportunity and stop.

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You give me hope for this place, user. Bless you.

I downloaded porn video that I liked the most.
Knowing that it is always available to me whnever I feel like it actually lets me become more relax and feel in control.
days have passed and I didn't opened it.
I know it is there, I know I can watch it yet I don't do it.

Not everyone is a fat fuck

>jerking off
>form of sex
Do you actually believe that?

Anyways even if it's a net neutral thing, getting rid of an addiction is a good thing for its own sake

porn isn't the main issue and stop treating as such, are you seriously whining about jacking off to some trash broad? lmao.

iOS has really good built in blocking tools. Go to settings and search "Restrictions"
This 1+ times a day till you no longer want to watch porn.

im 26 days porn free now and 14 days nofap. Been listening that once each day.

Get nudes from an actual gril and you'll see how pathetic sitting around jerking off to porn all day. It's so much hotter when there's an actual person behind it who is happy to send you the pictures. Quit porn and fapping 7 days ago, never had an urge to go looking for porn since.

It's because you've got nothing else going for yourself. Focus on a career, technical skills, etc, and it will become easier. It's hard to restrain from fapping if you don't really have anything better to do.

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go /noporn/ and then eventually /nofap/. Instead of watching other people have sex imagine yourself fucking. It's best to use qts you know irl.

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I have this painting as my desktop background and whenever I have urges to watch porn or be a lazy fucking cunt I look at it and remind myself that Jesus has been through much worse than me and that He is always by my side.

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Fuck, I've had this pic saved for a few months but never realized how rough Jesus is portrayed to be... Makes it a lot more intense

You have to find something stronger than porn to fill that void in your life. I feel your pain op. I was addicted from the age of 18 to 25 and it caused a lot of massive problems in my life. This past year i told myself to go a month without it and i just happened to find a decent girl. Since then i don't have the urge for porn. I would rather live life with someone than resort to pure visual sensation. You can make it if you try. Just give yourself a 1 month trial to see how much better you will feel.

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