How often do i need to lift?

Attached: Tom-Holland-workout.jpg (268x400, 19K)

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shit fucked up but, how often do i need to lift for a body similar to this? is it more about how hard you lift compared to how many days you do it?

muscle protein synthesis lasts from 0-72 hours at most. So every 3 days hit the body part would be minimum to not have any lost days of not gaining

be 5'5 and do a couple of pushups and pullups a day

my gf bit her lip during this scene

Attached: 4D9E1E4D-8224-4734-AA84-BE672D6B38A9.jpg (236x282, 25K)

Your gf likes twinks. Time to find a new one.

>dating a 12 year old

fuck off nergin

sorry to hear user

so what i got is lift every 3 or so days, should the off days be cardio?

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just work out, be in a caloric deficit and eat your protons. considering youre new to lifting you could lift for 6 days of the week no problem, but i suggest working out 2 days and then resting a day

I lose my gains usually after a month. I get stronger faster if I train my whole body more frequently, every day to two days. Legs need a longer recovery time though.

>Not lifting every day

Honestly I did too

If you're a natural protein synthesis only lasts up to 72 hours. Therefore for naturals push/pull splits are highly recommended, don't fall for the big split memes, they're for roiders. Frequency >>> Volume
Lift 4-6 times a week, depending on how fast you're recovering.

Stop fucking spoon feeding the new fags.

Unless you have the boyish charm and looks like he does, this body type is useless. Like you look angry all the time, this won't work.

>Read the sticky and gtfo

He doesn't even have that much muscle, he just has low BF

The best spiderman so fare

>mfw a girl who found him attractive said I kinda looked like him

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