How will Jow Forums raise their children?
How will Jow Forums raise their children?
Not like that.
How the FUCK did he do it bros?
Just look at that pure Alpha Specimen of a man
on a bench, you retard
How the fuck do guys like this get a girlfriend?
I just don't fucking understand the modern world or how to navigate it at all as a average guy now. Do you have to become an insufferable faggot feminist cuck to actually have a wife these days as an average guy?
I just don't fucking understand this shit, it goes completely against everything I saw growing up in the 80s/90s with all the adults around me. Its like I'm living in some fucked up alternate reality.
>bugged right eye.
Easy, he keeps standing slightly to the right. in her dead spot.
She gets BLACKED every weekend by Tyrone and Jamal plus betabuxx
that you should bully and beat the shit out of faggots to literally set them straight
She's cucking him
Black santa = tyrone
He's a rug that gets used by her and walked all over by her. He probably gets sex from her once a month if he's lucky. The rest of the time she's fucking every guy she can while he wage slaves away to pay for her.
Don't be fooled, user. Women like masculine men and abuse feminine men.
Because she probably isn't looking for a partner so much as she is looking for an indentured servant. Somebody who can and will never leave her, no matter how much she hits him, cheats on him, treats him like shit. She knows he will not only do every thing she wants, dropping all his friends to look after the kids so she can have a social life as well as a career, making her the absolute center of his world, but that he will put up with anything. Just about every time you see a relationship where 1 party is substantially out of the others league you can be assured that the relationship is abusive in nature b/c thats what abusers look for, somebody who knows they can't leave.
I will have my children learn how to eat healthy and why it is important, let them choose a sport at young age and introduce them to hobbies like reading. I don't want to be as harsh as the stereotype asian parents, but I want them to know the importance of school, learning and improving yourself (while still allowing them to be kids). I also want my children to enjoy as much of their youth as possible without being in front of a screen and help them making friends and building a social live (by motivating them to go out or bring friends home for example).
As an only child, I know that I'm going to have at least 2 kids
They'll have a balanced fucking diet - I'll let them have lollies and chocolate, but they'll be treats. They'll grow up on water, not cordial or cola
I'll spend time with them - reading, gaming, whatever it is they like. I want to have a bond with my kids. They'll always like their mother better anyway, that's how kids are - but I want to be part of their lives
I dunno, not much else I can think of. I'll just teach them how to be as good as they can be. The next generation will always supercede the last - I'll help make them some of the best
With Photoshop?
>that pic
>the last stage isn't Super Basedian
She probably is some fat sow with a pixie cut. Who the fuck cares what kind of creature this "male" is bedding.
It's kinda depressing that they want to ruin Santaclause, hopefully this is just some lunatic fringe bullshit because I want my kids to be able to believe in santa and the tooth fairy and all that good shit that made childhood just a little bit brighter.
I'm as liberal as the come but this is stupid
Sadly probably this. Unironically.
Play sports with him
Be a mass monster in front of him so he has something to look up to
Destroy opponents in boxing while he's in the audience
Be open with him about important life shit so he isn't discouraged from coming to me for support
Drop subtle red pills while working on my bike and sharing a beer with him or while hunting together
Read to him early on so he develops a love for literature and appreciation for knowledge
Engage him in debate regularly
And the obvious shit like only buy healthy food and provide him a nurturing and social environment to grow up in
A lot of these I picked up from my dad, and I know I can be an even better father
>user making 6 year old son watch him fix his bike
>here boy, drink this beer, don't be a pussy
>now let me tell you about the jews
You okay white boi
First and foremost you have to lead by example. When you see farmer's kids they are usually extremely hardworking and outgoing. Office cuck kids are usually weedy incels. This is entirely the environment they are in and the example being set, rather than setting rules.
I would probably not even have a TV. Putting your kid in front of a TV is terrible. The dilemma with kids is that they demand so much of your time, but you really do need to make sure they are occupied and not just stick them in front of a TV.
>Jow Forums
God I hope not
birth control pills
look into it
>becomes a rebellious homosexual after puberty
Lmao literally just be urself. My gf won't stop hounding me for kids and marriage and I'm a cunt
Get them into swimming at an early age.
I would want them to find stress relief in physical exercise in a way that I never did growing up. My outlet was eating and video games.
>I just don't fucking understand the modern world or how to navigate it at all as a average guy now.
You should probably get tested for autism bro because chances are, given your post, you have it.
We live in a world where it doesn't matter if you're a good person or not. I will train my son how to be a strong man. If you don't improve yourself 99 out of 100 days, then you're a failure. I will teach him not to give a fuck about woman, if you take care of yourself and build yourself into a man, bitches, money, respect, power, they all follow. Take care of yourself, your family and friends, anyone else is expendable.
women don't like whiny feminist men generally. the women who do like guys like that are emotionally abusive, they want someone to dominate.
I just be confident in my own education/career/intelligence, and be funny and make them laugh. They like to have fun overall just like any other human being. You need to be a fun person to be around instead of obsessing over height or income
As a kid:
>teach them to be kind and self aware
>make them read a lot
>encourage creative and or physical hobbies as outlets
>take them out to do fun things
>if they spend a lot of time on games or the internet i'll keep an eye on what they're doing so they're not fucking up my computer/watching something inappropriate
For adolescense:
>talk about sex, my kid is probably gonna have it anyway so it's better that they're safe about it
>talk about alcohol, let them try in a safe environment, making it taboo just makes them hide it
A lot of people might disagree with the last two points but i don't think that making sex or alcohol into a shameful thing would be good, especially considering how hypocritical it would be.
Do you anons agree on this?
Yeah I agree
Just set the right example, you retards. It’s not what you say it’s what you do. My kids think going to the gym, eating well, running and keeping the missus in line is a natural part of life because they fucking see it every day...
I always had bad social anxiety and the idea of sex terrified me, couldnt talk to girls, couldnt talk about sex or sexual relationships or flirt or anything.
Then I actually had sex and realised its so easy, and fun, and really theres no downside at all, or anything to worry about.
I dont know how you help your kid to understand that. Maybe just be direct and say that sex is nothing to be afraid of. There's a lot of virgins on Jow Forums that are still terrified.
Yeah i think the main thing to stress is to make sure is consent and being safe with condoms. Destigmatizing it is important.
>teach them perfect pitch by letting them listen to jazz and playful pitch exercise till the age where they stop hyper-learning language
>lay them always on sheep wool and let them play in dirt to prevent allergies
>dont tell them how intelligent they are, because they would learn to strive to hear it the whole day instead of being actually productive
>social expositions every week so they wont get social phobie like me (i want to die btw)
>show them to brush teeth everyday, exercise fitness, eat well etc
yeah thats it for now
>implying anyone on this board will get to reproduce
Anyway when reading this thread, as a person who works with kids, I can honestly say its for the better. The way most of people here plan on raising their children would fuck them up for life.
Consent is a tricky one because thats one thing that actually scares boys away from sex and into Internet porn - because porn is always consensual.
Make sure they dont rape girls that are passed out or too drunk to know whats happening, thats enough
Umm society changes you know
And yet mental illness in children has never been higher, not including all the children that should be considered mentally ill except it isn't politically correct to do so.
In what way are they not already fucked up for life?
Why would you want kids? Right now the world is trending towards being fucked. Why would I bring a kid into a work that's gone to shit.
Also why would I limit my autonomy by having some little shit that's dependent on me
Yeah it's mostly about when alcohol is involved
what would you talk about regarding alcohol? i would probably show him some studies indicating that earlier age at onset of cannabis use is associated with greater neuropsychological impairment, and maybe tell him that it will always be there when he's older, there is no rush to use cannabis as an adolescent.
honestly not sure if that would have convinced me as a teenager, i was quite rebellious, but i think the only hope the parents have is trying to educate them with facts, rather than using scare tactics or just telling them not to use drugs because they're illegal.
whoops, i used cannabis as an example for how i would approach the drug topic in general, but the same goes for alcohol.
>implying i don't wish that was my dad
>no public school garbage
>no processed foods / sweets
>no television / iphone until 15+ at the very fucking earliest
>2 point lower wife who can't leave because I hold all the chips (money, looks, testosterone).
Broken homes fuck kids up the hardest imo.
Absoloutely not like that
>no phone or television until 15
Snownigger cope
>wife who can't leave
Who are you trying to fool?
In my homeland,we would have people like you hanged from construction cranes
Omg i want to genocide these kind of people so fucking much.
Sounds like your homeland is a shit hole then.
In my homeland (America) we don’t bake cakes for you faggots, and if the federal government would let us, we would also hang you from a crane
Good EYE user
I wish I was that cow....
Well said
That's unironically top parenting right there
>Implying America isnt the top exporter of homosexuality
>future child
>having sex
lmao, she didn't even take his last name. And besides, according to their leftist religion, having white children would be racist.
Hit the nail on the head buddy
godspeed user
I'm definitely only gonna let them play Vidya on the week ends. Nothing else fucked my social gains in school more than this
Over the last few generations people have just gotten worse and worse. Our parent's generation was just a little shit, and look at the monsters they created. The next generation will be most likely be autists on a scale unimaginable. I can only hope I've learned enough lessons on what not to do raising a kid that I can end up doing the right thing, but it's a very daunting prospect.
hey everybody its Jason Blaha here
I want children, but I absolutely hate this world and existing in it. I can only see the world becoming a worse place as time goes on and I'd feel guilty for bringing another person into it.
Hahah. I'm American too. Glad to know they let low IQ individuals access to the internet. Really allows you guys to learn more about the world.
white people are so fucking weird
>zero tablets/cell phones/computers aside from school. Screen time rots developing brains
>Redpills early with visual aids to assert the truth about diversity and feminism
>Bedtime stories of the Roman empires demise
>Sports, mine and my wife's played sports so we can play with them
>engage him in debate regularly
This is easily the thing I'm grateful for most that my dad did.
The guy would take the position of something he didn't even believe just to force me to think and defend my thoughts/beliefs.
How about you suck my thoughts/beliefs you fucking fag
Nigga I'm 22 and I didn't get a phone until 18 and a TV/internet at 15
I turned out fine
>Why would you want kids? Right now the world is trending towards being fucked. Why would I bring a kid into a work that's gone to shit.
Stuff you have no idea what you're talking about, I fucking hate statisticlets
i whisper the words 'grow, grow, grow' while thinking of them.
I hope his children are girls because any boy with that as a father figure is fucked beyond belief.
How was your first time user? Don’t want to pry but fear of how awkward doing it for the first time will be is one of the major things keeping me a virgin.
>Just about every time you see a relationship where 1 party is substantially out of the others league you can be assured that the relationship is abusive in nature b/c thats what abusers look for, somebody who knows they can't leave.
This is me. I have a loyal as fuark 7/10 wife and regularly fuck other women on the side.
Wife even caught me with one and didn't leave.
I've been doing that shit since I was 18 and women have never been attracted to me. All the girls I like like oyboys and manlets.
No you don’t, why on earth are you lying on the internet? Also
>implying you’re far above a 7
Post face and time stamp faggot.
Where do you think women without fathers end up?
Sure thing Achmet
>Be black
>Raised on Christian value
>Never thought why santa was white
>was more interested that there was a fat guy giving presents.
Shesh white people get it together.
Good ones are still out there, have faith.
I have a qtpi wife and we discuss how much we hate leftist bullshit all the time.
>spend a lot of time with my kids on the weekend
>do different sports with them and get them to move
>teach them basic things like swimming, cycling and get them a decent bike
>see which sport they enjoy the most and get them to join a club nearby
>motivate them to get good at it and support them as good as I can
>get my wife to cook healthy food and get our kids on a good diet
>eventually introduce them to weight training to further improve their performance
I know. Blaha is a dumb faggot who will die alone if his tranny gf ever leaves him.