Do people try to start fights with you more since you've gotten fit?
Do people try to start fights with you more since you've gotten fit?
No people actually run away from me now. It sucks because I like fighting and haven't been in a fight for a while now
How much of a retard do you have to be to get into public fights?
Manlets often want to start fights with me because I mog them so bad. But they quickly learn I'm not aggressive when I can't make eye contact with people.
I've never been in one but I've seen a few people posting stuff about manlets / drunk people trying to pick fights with them, was just curious.
how the fuck do i get traps like these
I'm 6'4'' and manlets always want to start a fight when there are girls around. I don't get in fights though. They would probably kick my ass if they have ever thrown a punch before.
power shrugs
I was doing 220+ kg power shrugs for reps and it blew my traps up
This seems to be the case. Always some kind of insecurity causing these people to want to prove themselves better than you. Sad.
Some guy was running right behind me as I was biking home from the gym. Asked him kindly to fuck off then he called me a pussy so I jumped off my bike to fight him. He ran away screaming "no please don't hurt me"
So that's how you get into a public fight
other way around for me, lanklets try to start shit b/c i walk around like hot shit when they think i should feel mogged
No but they started to try and start fights when I started whistling the Flintstones my entire workout session.
My first time fighting was scraping with friends after school, I still remember my first time fighting, and i actually won.
Started off boxing but I was chubby at the time
(6ft, 200lbs then, 6'2 160lbs now)
and had no stamina whatsoever,
Friend of mine was half my size and weight,
I got flustered and fell to a knee, my buddy was punching my kidneys like a faggot,
I grabbed the twink by the legs, with my head now between his ankles and stood up throwing him over my shoulder.
I pivoted, and started frying his ribs till he quit.
>second round he got my bad arm behind me and i quit before he dislocated it.
pic semi related
Very likely user :)
I've honestly never had someone try to start shit with me. Not when I was skinny, and not when getting fit.
If that stuff is happening to you, quit going to shitty places.
Do you run around the gym holding ab wheel and screaming "yhaaabadaba doooooo" tho?
Why would you want to get into a fight? You're 6'2" and 160; you're a skeleton that would instantly get their shit wrecked.
Starting Monday I will
>a literal skeleton
>wants niggers to start fights with him
No, people in general started talking to me less, older people find me more approachable than younger people, and liberals are either scared of me, very unsecretly crush on me, or hate me based solely on my appearance
>if they're shorter then me
And I thought I was borderline skelly at 5’10” 160lb Kek
nothing wrong with public fights just a bit of banter you faggot
I bet he thinks its pointless to fight
Just join an MMA gym if you want that experience?
You are an absolute mongoloid if you fight in public spaces, the retardest of the retards
but it'd take years to mog trained people
get raped then buddy,
you gotta stand your ground when shit hits the fan.
Cops are reactionaries, if someone wants to kick your ass are you just gonna spread your cheeks?
No, I will restrain them using MMA experience, without hurting them too much or flailing in a fight like a mongoloid
Honestly it takes 3 months to mog untrained people easily
fuckin' kung fu shit using their movements against them is still considered fighting,
its literally still fighting to subdue someone trying to fuck your shit up.
By you're own definition you're a fucking mong
No because I'm still a fucking nerd on the inside and try to be friendly to everyone, people don't have a reason to fight me. Only one that has was a drunk brit when i was on vacation but i said fuck that, he was with a group of chavs, i'm not fighting 12 people
He's right you know, there's all these one punch laws in Australia now which means i'll get raped by abo jamal in prison if anything happens to the other guy
cowards roam in packs.
2-1 is unfair even if you're trained.
yeah and also there's always the chance of a knife
it's not fucking worth it
I mean subduing a untrained person within a few seconds to await for cops isn't exactly the fighting I imagined which was posed in OP's question.
It would literally be like holding down a baby.. not really fighting
whats so funny my dude
>whats so funny my dude
not being a natural, healthy man.
A powerful display of a fighting thread bringing out the masculinity insecurities in all
Whewy, I almost weigh that much at 5'9" and I need to bulk up still. Thanks, Mr. Skeltal.