someone who is very close to me and lives with me is fat. theyre starting to become obese and theyre starting to get that "fat" personality of being angry at everything and blaming everything on everyone else. They try to do those meme diets and fail not even a day in. Is there anything I can do to help or do they have to do it on their own? I care about this person alot and its sad to see them wasting their youth by being unhealthy, sluggish, lazy and dull.
Bentley Richardson
For me it was counting calories. Like get an app or something. The real shit that had fucktons of calories and nothing good for me just looked awful.
Jack Davis
I'm 285 lbs and close to becoming diabetic and have no athletic base whatsoever, I purchased an exercise bike, should I do cardio 6 days a week or should I just do it every other day
Tyler Russell
as much as possible. also count calories. fasting is a very good idea when you're pre-diabetic
Matthew Jones
At that point, your diet is far more important than exercise. I hated working out when I was 275lbs, my moobs and belly would jiggle nonstop and it would start to hurt. I just cal restricted my way down to 220lbs and resumed working out.
Thomas Anderson
Brody Fisher
user please i beg you to stop posting this on every /fat/ post
>tfw was 403lbs >never blamed anything on anyone else and actually the more i blamed everything on myself the fatter i got >actually the more i did anything the fatter i got because i kept fuckin eating all the time >did meme diets >failed five days in instead of less than one >continued doing meem diets and failing >memed self down to 277lbs Wait I don't understand,?
Easton Martin
Anyway to actually answer your question instead of being a self centered asshole you might be able to help by calling it """binge eating disorder.""" Some fats such as myself have it in us to get better but we just need to be shown a little compassion first. My guess would be that's the real reason your friend blames everything on everyone else, because he feels he's been wronged somehow, can't put his finger on how, and wants reparation for it. So what you do is you sneakily point him in the right direction of eating less, while disguising it as compassion so he won't notice and take it as criticism. Hence the "BED" label. He'll then see a professional about it and be helped out properly with eating less and losing weight, all without ever having to admit he did anything wrong. It's quite a nefarious plot really
Kevin Wright
good point. If any exercise is done, go swimming for 45 min 3+ times a week. My older brother was a 300+lbs fatass and he started by going swimming a lot. He just fucking MELTED away, like unreal amounts of fat loss
granted, he swam like a fucking madman. went with him once, every time he passed me, I almost drowned in the keelwave.
Hey anons! Did you meet your Calariorc Deficit today? Get some good lifts in? Feeling good about yourself? Remember we're all gonna make it! Just believe in yourself!
Does sleep deprivation and/or irregular sleep schedule affects fat loss?
Nicholas Clark
366 to 213 here. Sort your diet out above all things. I only started exercising around 300 or so. Every other day is good. Over-exercising often makes you hungrier than your discipline can manage. Maintaining consistent control over your diet is your number one concern.
Carson King
There's is no concrete answer as to why, but the correlation exists. But the effect is not strong enough that you can't overcome it, myself being proof.
Leo Williams
Anecdotally, I've found that when I've had to pull all-nighters I get surprisingly good results on the scale. Sleeping burns fewer calories than being awake, and probably increases your TDEE considerably. Then again, it undoubtedly fucks your hormones so it's hard to say.
Joseph Bennett
I'm gonna post it in every thread to motivate everyone to always do their best! It helps me get closer to my goal as well!
Maybe change it up instead of posting the same thing every thread. Keep the attitude of it though.
Ethan Taylor
Femanon here before people start crying I'm becoming anorexic.
Finally saw 59kg on the scales today after a month of hanging around the early 60's. 25kg down, just 10kg to go. The goal is nearly in sight. Admittedly it will probably take me another 6 months to get there, but it was amazing seeing the 5 on the scale this morning.
Considering i guess that a bottom line for the subject would be
Nicholas Smith
Just looked it up. You're only 4 pounds/ 2 kilos away from optimal. Good job, user. Keep counting calories but it looks like you'll be in maintenance mode soon.
Josiah Davis
Yea I know most don't lift on Saturday, I did this morning though cause I was bored.
I'm going to push my way down to 50kg (so another 9kg) and see how it goes. Weight loss is stupidly slow anyway, so I can keep an eye on how things look along the way.
But thanks! Don't intend to stop counting calories anytime soon, even more so when it comes to maintenance.
Dylan Reyes
>went from size 50 pants to size 38.
>still think I look the same
Xavier Torres
Did you take before pics?
Evan Brooks
Connor Sanchez
Keep going, my dude. You're going to make it.
Jordan Myers
I appreciate the support. We're all gonna make it.
Mason Evans
No. Was too ashamed
Dominic Hernandez
I understand brother. But I guarantee you that dropping that many pant sizes has a noticeable effect on your body. You see yourself every day so you never notice the small changes
Keep grinding
Elijah Wilson
>tfw fat >tfw when fat >tfw fat basically my life >tfw
>You see yourself every day so you never notice the small changes
That's the worst fucking part. I'm dropping weight like a bad habit, and I still look in the mirror and feel disgusting.
Jackson Robinson
I've lost 120 pounds with about 40 left to go before I'm in ideal shape (aiming for 24 BMI). My TDEE is 2586 and I'm eating 1900 calories per day right now. I want to start lifting. Do I still need to eat more calories than my TDEE even though I've got all this extra fat ready to be used?
Jace Lee
im starting to get to sub 20% body fat and i notice my penis is a lot more thicker and veiny looking
does intermittent fasting actually do anything other than restrict calorie intake by eliminating breakfast
Nathan Thomas
No, but make sure what you do eat consists of protein. Your body fat can provide everything you need to live, but to live AND build muscle, it's a bit lacking in protein.
Adam Rogers
keeps insulin, the hormone that stores fat, levels down for a long period of time
Angel Peterson
thanks user, that does actually sound pretty good
Chase Torres
Wouldn't be here if I didn't agree with you.
Insulin aside- it's also good for giving you a controlled window so you can't really overeat. If you're only eating for eight hours a day then it gets rid of late night snacking, and hopefully with a few well planned meals you shouldn't ever be peckish inside your eating window.
I used to be awful at snacking after dinner, but with IF if I make sure my lunch and dinner are large enough then I'm normally too stuffed in-between to snack.
Zachary Bennett
take pics now. honestly progress pics are what keeps me going. weight loss comes slow so it's hard to notice.
but then I look at a progress photo and say holy FUCK I look twice as good. keeps me going lad. you'll be happy you did once you drop down another 5 pant sizes.
Zachary Sanchez
It makes a minor difference, the main benefit of fasting is just the calorie restriction.
Michael Phillips
Because it is. Eat less, do more, avoid sugar. It really is that simple.
Jaxon Harris
You don't have to avoid sugar though
Henry Bell
not necessarily but sugary foods are calorie dense and not very filling
just call them a fat faggot and kick their ass, they will stop fucking around then and there if they aren't more pathetic than you seem
Aiden Cooper
You asked for it...
Btw, what running app is most accurate and syncs best with Myfitnesspal? I don't seem to be able to sync my Huawei Health app with MFP for some reason (HH gives the option, but MFP doesn't). I'm also a bit skeptic about the accuracy of calorie consumption in HH, since sometimes I forget to turn the app off and go 10 km by car and the calorie consumption hasn't really increased that much.
Those, pic related, and Lean Cuisine are all pretty good imo. I don't know how healthy they are but I lost over 100 pounds through counting calories and these were my go-to meals when I was starting out and too lazy to cook. They're still my go-to TV dinners. They taste a lot better than the regular Banquet/Stouffer's/Marie Calendar meals. I have no idea why but I think it's because they use better vegetables. Green beans in a Marie Calendar meal are soggy and taste bad, but green beans in the Healthy Choice beef chimchurri bowl are crisp and taste pretty good.
my absolute worst weakness is Chinese buffets I've tried to go there and just get baked fish and green beans but I inevitably end up binging on crab rangoons, lo mein, and those sugar covered donuts. my family went out to a Chinese buffet and begged me to come >come on, just come and eat only stuff on your diet >you need to get out of your room more I refused and now I'm sitting at home eating salmon, broccoli, and a salad with homemade balsamic vingrette gonna make it, lads
Justin Garcia
no well adjusted adult is fat
Jeremiah Wood
I fucking love those things. Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones and Green Giant vegetables are my go to's. Lean Cuisine has a "herb roasted chicken" one that's only 170 calories and is delicious. I'll cook some asparagus and 2 of those and it only comes out to like 450 calories or so.
Adrian Reed
I just ate 1100 calories worth of ramen and puked it all up. That was all the food I had too so I won't be eating anything else today.
how to estimate calories without any tools: >remember this rule of thumb: an apple is about 100 calories, a chocolate cookie is about 300 calories, and the kind of shit you can get at a restaurant you might take your girl to is about 1000 calories due to sheer quantity >given this, it should be easy to get a (very) rough ballpark estimate of anything you're going to put in your mouth based on its size and quality ("quality" as in anti-lardassiness factor, as in "how okay would i be with being seen eating even a small amount of this," not as in fresh/rotten -- e.g. brussel sprouts are high "quality," donuts are low "quality") >round that estimate up to the nearest hundred >if the result is over a hundred, add another hundred >if after eating it you feel stuffed AND it was low "quality," add another 200 >you now have a very generous estimate of the calories in whatever the thing was >a generous estimate is good because you'll lose more weight than the estimate suggests which will come as a pleasant surprise or relief; by contrast, if you underestimate, as fatties are prone to do unless they take conscious measures to the contrary, all that can follow is disappointment
still not feeling ENTIRELY humiliated or defeated about that, even considering that I'm so fat i don't need to eat at all. i mean I'll still lose weight so w/e
Nathaniel King
Hell no. Hell fucking no. They're delicious, but these are what pushed me from already really fucking fat to my absolute highest weight. Never going near them again. I think the calorie counts they give must be misinformation or something.
Jonathan Reyes
Tfw those jeans that grandma gave you two christmas's ago but you just put them in your closet because they never fit you finally fucking fit you.
I'm finally starting to fit into my "christmas reserve clothes that I could never fit into but kept it anyways"
There's no new /fph/ yet, is it cool if I hang out in here instead and make fun of you guys? Wait... You're not supposed to ask someone if it's okay to make fun of them, that's retarded. I'm sorry. I made a mistake again
Caleb Edwards
Has anyone had their resting metabolic rate tested? The thing where you breathe into a mask for ten minutes and they tell you how many calories you burn at rest. How much did it cost, and was it worth it?
>based grandma giving you motivation and goals cherish her user
Carson Howard
fat fuck
Jaxon Foster
It's ok user, we forgive you. Next time be sure to make fun of us without asking first
Nicholas Russell
Jack Young
>400 IQ edition If there's one edition /fat/ specifically should never have, it's this. All of you fatties are brainlets, categorically.
Brody Fisher
>weighed in at new low yesterday at 154 pounds lost, almost at my goal weight. going out to eat monday to celebrate grandmas birthday, and then think i'm gonna get donuts with my family in a few weeks. gotta cut myself a break sometimes I guess
Jonathan Walker
Binged on pizza last night and now I’m seeing a movie with family that I really don’t think I’ll enjoy so I might break down and get sweet shit too
Still a downward trend on the whole though
Andrew Martinez
Can I still lose weight if I eat 1200calories a day but soda is included in that?
Benjamin Bailey
Calories are what matter, read the STICKY.
Christopher Lopez
good job lad how big were you? I’ve only lost ~35 and it’s a huge difference can’t imagine 150.
Jack Garcia
Ate a roast beef sandwich with mustard and mayo 420 calories for lunch I ate a stick of beef jerky 130 calories finally I ate a dinner consisting of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and lots of asparagus. I don't know how many calories my dinner was but I hope I'm doing fine
Aiden Murphy
>mashed potatoes That's where you fucked up. If they add milk or butter you are fucked. Should have just ate a boiled potato instead
Adrian Roberts
what do you guys eat that has fat in it? everyday I eat only around 20-30g of fat and some days it's not even that high. I hit my calorie and macro goals but my fat goal isn't sufficient and leads me to feeling terrible some days
Alexander Williams
I used to weigh 320, idk what my starting weight was when I started to purposely lose fat though. i've posted my pic here a few times
Daniel Ward
Jaxson Cox
John Allen
ive been working real hard, stopped eating garbage but i feel like im going no where. been lifting weight and cardio every other day. tell me why im failing and any advise 230 right and 220 left. like i know im losing weight but i also feel ive hit a wall