If they fine me, I won't pay it. If they jail me, I'll go on a hunger strike. I'm not doing this. And that's that...

>If they fine me, I won't pay it. If they jail me, I'll go on a hunger strike. I'm not doing this. And that's that. I'm not using words that other people require me to use, especially if they're made up by radical left-wing ideologues. If our society comes to some sort of consensus over the next while about how we'll solve the pronoun problem, let's call it, and that becomes part of popular parlance and it seems to solve the problem properly without sacrificing the distinction between singular and plural, and without requiring me to memorize an impossible list of an indefinite number of pronouns then I would be willing to reconsider my position.
When was the last time you put your own self, family and livelihood at risk for the sole purpose of steering society in the right position?

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why does jordan petterson always think he is being persecuted? everyone on the left-wing doesn't even care about him, and the only people who follow him are low-IQ retards who think his ideas makes them smart.
back to Jow Forums they may agree with you better

Yes that explains why the left keeps trying to destroy him on live television...

Get the fuck off my board you dyel retard

>why does jordan petterson always think he is being persecuted?

He said EXPLICITLY at the Munk debate he doesn't think this.

>everyone on the left-wing doesn't even care about him
Yet they all talk about him in the news

>low-IQ retards who think his ideas makes them smart.
Sam Harris isn't low IQ, neither is Bret Weinstein.

He was the best professor I've ever had. Period. Nobody got me to start thinking critically, writing, and reading like him. Maybe if you took the time to listen and understand, rather than interpret, you might find there are common grounds. I disagree with him on matters of ontology, political affiliation and the schools of psychology I am part of, but that doesn't discredit him.

Sort yourself out, you deflated lobster.

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My IQ is in the range of 125-132 (WAIS-IV) and I have a MSc and Jordan has helped me in my personal and work life immensely, so your remark about him being a "smart person for dumb people" is simply derivative and false, which is also obvious to anyone who has actually paid attention to his debates instead of thought "TL;DR" and resorted to their default source-of-opinion media outlet.
That being said, he in fact HAS been persecuted personally, being put in a "social justice tribunal" (yes, that's the actual term for it) for simply speaking out against a bill which SOME transsexual individuals are in favor of, more often than not while also harboring otherwise relatively extreme left wing opinions.
Would you be interested in actually having a discussion about whether or not this man has done the right thing in opposing this bill, with absolutely zero to gain from it personally, or would you rather discuss the general vague persona of Jordan Peterson as a figure of centrism and religiousness?

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people like you will never make it, your soul is ugly and foul.

not sure why this is on Jow Forums but ive found his book very helpful

ive heard he has some weird opinions but overall i think hes pretty smart and refreshing, he encourages people to quit being losers

>Sort yourself out, you deflated lobster.

imagine being this guy right now

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>has a wife and a mistress, beats both

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>being this delusional
There are dozens of people showing up at literally every one of his public events trying to disrupt it. They try to cancel his speeches, if they can't they will just burst into there screeching, they try to disrupt the events via other means (fire alarms, calling 911, etc). He is also being character assassinated, with the press saying things about him that are not just inaccurate, but outright false and idiotic.

Remember boys, blind idiots like this faggot right here will be the first one to get shot because they won't even realize that they are standing in line to face the firing squads.

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This is not real, is it?


Sam Harris pretty convincingly exposed him as a pseudo.

>implying harris isn't a pseudo

Your statement is roughly equivalent to "sam harris rekt jordan" without any real explanation as to why, which is interesting since they spent two hours trying to find common ground on the definition of "truth" and then two more hours trying to figure out where they actually differed.

Nice fitness thread

Jesus I read this in his angsty voice and I am already feeling anxious.
He is a nervous mess. I am struck by his gall to give advice about life to others

>I am already feeling anxious.
>He is a nervous mess.
It's incredible how someone can project so hard in order to make themselves feel better, thank you

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(Imaginary) adversaries unite and energize your crowd. Also playing the victim card gathers sympathy.
Peterson has found his market. A market of retards led by a minimally brighter cult leader (himself)

Tired of seeing this guys face. Just posting to say that if you’re all about this dude, you’re a fuckin incel dork

Peterson wouldn't concede the subjectivity of his definition of truth for two hours is what I recall.

And in general, his co-opting of Christian orthodoxy to decidedly Jungian ends while still claiming to remain in the realm of Christian orthodoxy is annoying.

>this guy plays a victim
He's said multiple times that everyone's oppressed and a victim but that's not a reason to give up and work towards a better tomorrow. What you just said could literally be applied to anybody who is striving towards making a difference, be it Stalin, Hitler, Duterte or Trump.

>If I criticize anything I am 'projecting'
Besides I don't claim I have solved it all and give advice in exchange of shekels.
The state of Petersonites is truly pathetic. Go listen to your internet daddy now

Peterson is pretty on point with most things except for the claim that individualism can save western civilization

He’s a catch for people going full Nazi. Leftists should thank him for having the popularity he does. Without him, a lot of men would just go straight to the right wing


It's not a strawman, I literally quoted what you said. You read a statement that I had copied from a video debate on Youtube and "sensed" that he had an angsty voice and it made you anxious and immediately followed it by claiming that he is a nervous mess. If you actually watch the video you will see that he is as calm and collected as any sane person could be expected to under the circumstances.
And yes, the man is making good money from the hard work he is actively putting in, what's the problem with that? Are you a socialist? He's not funded by tax dollars and virtually all of his material bar his two books are available to watch for free online, so what are you complaining about exactly? "Shekels", dude if you only knew what it felt like to earn an honest dollar you wouldn't be calling it "shekels", like what the hell do you think the world around you was built for? The good will of men who think and look exactly like you? What a joke.

That's right. Some times the oppression exists. Others it doesn't, and is used as an excuse to push an agenda.

I didn't even watch your video man. I sense his anxiety in every video of his I have ever watched. The guy doesn't even have the most elementary charisma you need to successfully lead a cult.
It's incredible how many retards fund him

aye this
checked out the book, don't agree with everything he says but there was some decent stuff in there

Please give proof of Jordan being an anxious wreck instead of making shit up and resorting to ad hominem attacks. When you resort to ad hominem remarks about how he appears anxious, it does nothing to prove a point and it cannot be used in any sort of logical debate for the pursuit of truth.

Th assumption of him appearing anxious has absolutely nothing to do with what he is debating

I can't. It's just my intuition. You can't really expect me to hook him up to a machine and measure his cortisol levels as he talks in order to have a concrete argument

Exactly. It would be more effective to debate his actual arguments instead of attacking irrelevant qualities of his character or reputation

ill listen to his lectures while playing vidya. the gist of it is taking responsibility for yourself. you'd have to be a real dingus to think hes a cult leader or a shill

Jordan's greatest flaw as a thinker is that he takes the one thing he's been educated in (Psychology) and uses that as a basis to suddenly become an "expert" in dozens of other fields (Philosophy, Art, History, the hard Sciences, etc). He's obviously a bright dude, but most of his work significantly lacks context outside of the very narrow framework he presents it in.

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>Th assumption of him appearing anxious has absolutely nothing to do with what he is debating

I think it has, it's indication that something makes him uncomfortable and afraid. I wouldn't believe a word out if his mouth even if he was trying to prove that Earth revolves around the sun.Some things speak louder than words if you can catch them