old bread is old
What do I need to work on edition
Pecs but lookin good
mirror cleanliness to failure
you got good genetics for abs, bad ones for chest
your chest is not in proportion to your otherwise very good physique
Goal body. How long have you been lifting?
wuts my bf lol
I like your shorts
110kg to 94kg currently
i don't know stats, I just throw wood into the machine for 12hrs per day in sawmill
best decision in life
any other fit approved jobs u guys have?
homegym since ive been 25, 6 years now
well, im a programmer if that helps.
i do envy your height tho m8
Don't really lift a hell of a lot, just do kickboxing/muaythai plus pull ups and shit
Need to sort my diet out, pretty much been eating the standard student diet of pizza and ramen for months now. Feelin shitty ngl. Just quit smoking though so feeling better
5’9” 155lbs, any advice?
forgot to mention recovering skelly
pull ups and military press
No pull up bar, are rows ok?
Just get a pullup bar seriously
any advice to escape skeleton mode?
mirin, routine?
Honestly, go nuts with eating, 5000kcal a day. It's probably the one thing that beginners undervalue the most.
how important is the quality of the food, do i just eat a lot of everything or what?
Not user you responded too, but I just lost a lot of weight, 80 this past year, 20 within the past month by way of massive calorie deficit (like 1500 cal a day and I'm 6'3 with a very active warehouse job). My arms are getting thin though so I want to bulk or just eat what I should, like 3k I think.
So is that safe to go from eating 1.5k to 3k, or will that fuck with my digestion or metabolism?
Pic is current body
>Don't really lift a hell of a lot,
we can tell
H-h-have I made i-it?
5'9 200lbs
mirin shoulders and leanness
You look terrible.... work on upper chest.. a lot
6’ 208lbs
Trying to grow my legs atm
How am I doin Boys? SL & accessories (seriously for less than a month) + GOMAD (1 +1/2 month). Everything prior was just casual gyming and calisthenics.
What do you do for those shoulders? High volume lateral raises or more heavy OHP type stuff?
other than the fact that you will feel full the first few days, you should be fine.
ty ty
I'm gonna switch to full time incline really soon, don't fret
once I hit 1pl8 ohp about a year ago I just stopped completely, now I do 4x10 lateral raises on my push days and call it good but sometimes I'll throw in a few sets of front raises instead.
August 2018 - 91kg
June 2018 - 82kg
Should I keep eating a a deficit?
Did your shoulders get big from the OHP before you ditched em? Or did most of the size come from the raises?
August 2017
Did you cut that whole time?
I lost most of the weight in the first few months, since then I've been more relaxed about it but try to eat a few hundred calories below maintenance on days when I don't go gym
I always did both but I'd say lateral raises are probably what caused them to grow the most.
Thanks, I feel like lateral raises aren't doing shit for me, any tips? I've watched all the videos I can find on all the variations and tried everything, I just don't really feel it in my lateral delts unless I go super high volume.
OP here, been doin push pull legs for ages... should probably switch it up but I fkn love this routine, worked wonders for me
I'm trying to bring up my tris, bis, and forearms. Also legs are absolute dogshit, especially calves. Fuck claves. Little lazy shits won't ever grow.
Stopped heavy lifting and obsessive diet and I'm happier then ever. :)
Absolute degeneracy.
I think this is the first time ive posted all year.. so my umm half a year update.. actually probably a few pounds smaller than last year due to health stuff. Still around 5 11 175 pounds generally
Solid. I'd say chest needs work more than legs tho
Are you even flexing in that second pic
You're the model, right?
Absolutely filet'd
Degenerate numalism
6'2 203 s/b/d/o 335/290/---/190
Lifts are consistently going up on this bulk which is nice. Trying to throw in more calf and forearm work, maybe more side delt as well as long as my shoulder holds up. Anything else?
Forgot about the rampant autism on this board. Never change Jow Forums
yea no one famous though or anything
these nipples are bigger than my future
Rate my progress bros
Roughly 6 months between photos
Goal body w/ a bigger chest. How long have you been lifting?
poverty squat good bench and ohp tho
155 lbs
can i get a rough BF% estimate?
What's wrong with your thigh?
Eat and lift
looking great dude!
>how important is the quality of the food
extremely important
not yet
Idk if you're standing straight up but try leaning just a little bit forward and doing them that way, it makes a huge difference for me.
I know nothing about my family's origin so I'm not sure, but you're definitely not the first person to ask
This gives me hope. I'm currently at about where you were in the first photo. You're doing great and you've inspired me all the more.
Working out for eight months. Started from hyper skeltal at 105 lbs now to 160 lbs, 6’05 tell me what to work on
Picture of my back. Dunno why the first picture rotated, hopefully this one will look fine. I skipped back training for the first two months out of being too vain and lazy and it was a wake up call not being able to do a single pull up, now I can bang out well over a dozen
I hurt my back a year ago and its more or less on the mend finally. Gotta keep the progress on it in check so I don't fuck my lower back up again
What should I work on boys? I'm still cutting
20% of skinny fat twinkness
thanks dude
I'm not ben
Can I post if I'm DYEL? I want to ask for advice
Lmk what is going on here.
Bulk, 5 months
Currently been cutting for 2
Posted yesterday but want more opinions on bulk or cut
Pics are: 1 year ago; yesterday flexed, yesterday unflexed, and a picture of zozz that fitted in the empty space
Chest; mirin regardless though, just saying chest to nitpick
Mirin very macho; do u slay poon?
>that guy who oils himself up and gets his mom to take a picture in the living room
Try and get a tan and you’ll look way better; looking good as is though
Focus on something other than chest it looks overdeveloped imo
Good height and frame listen to the response of Time to bulk
Not quite; on the way
Laughed, mirin hard
Mirin harder
That method of taking pictures is... interesting. Good progress
Moment of silence
Jelly of that Adonis belt
Mirin, and now hungry for pepperoni pizza
Good job, keep at it
Good going on the pullups Chang, maybe time to add weight and do a 3x5+. Do more chest
Absolute transformation good going Raj
Okay now someone do me
inb4 >that guy in the CBT who critiques people with better bodies than him
Lose bf and yeah maybe
Post a lost advery for your pecs bro before theyre gone forever
Nice dude, arms are a bit small in proportion but killer abs, routine?
Please use nipple stickers next time for srs reply. MA370 probs is lost in there
Honestly, id expect better in 6 months, but any progress is good progress. Keep hammering dude
Hard to when you tence
Shave you fucking crettin. Who do you think is attracted to that shit. If you want to increase aethstetics for free, Break out the razor
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"
Lifting for: 3 years
Also 6’ 82kg 20y/o
5'10 170, photo taken in a relaxed state
What would my bodyfat % be?
a-am i gonna make it bros?
mirin clavicle width
I'd say cut because you probably wanna look good when you start putting on muscle.
And the lesser far you start with, the lesser far you put on (relatively as compared to bulking when already a bit fat) when you bulk
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Unflexed no pump
>inb4 manlet
i-it's the a-angle, 5'8 is big boi status
Haven't been progression much lately sadly.
Better lighting (still not good) + arm flex
How about you start doing some pullups?
5’10” 163lbs. Can I start bulking yet or should I keep trying to cut bf?
funny and original