>be me >36 oldfag but don't look it. >liftin 1 yr >making pretty decent gains >start catching 9/10s mirin' >feels gud bro. >get done workout. walking downtown >pass homeless man on the street >him: hey there young stud >me: t-thank you sir
fellas I've unlocked homeless mires. but will the autism ever go away?
>First kid I'm 15 and have THREE already, step it up gramps, you're so behind
Brody Jones
im not married just engaged and had lots of gf as a young kid, but found her 2 year ago and i find she's the correct one, unlike you virgins who didnt even get laid lol, also id rather be a parent now and keep sharing hobbies with my boy 20 years after and not being a parent at 40 and not being able to run by when hes 5
Luis Sullivan
>not getting married at 6 do you even muhammad my dude
Anthony Brown
>but will the autism ever go away? No. I started losing motivation and skipping gym sessions when I realised looks do absolutely nothing unless you are genetically a 10. Game is all that matters period.
William Lopez
Jonathan Smith
30's here. im glad i havent had kids so far and dodged several bullets. going to find the right woman soon. the kids will be privileged you can be an ugly fat sack of shit. but if you got game you can snag anything. also you need humor. most dumb bitches just wanna laugh all the time like some kid.
Cameron Ward
>I've unlocked homeless mires m8 that's like getting complimented by the waitress.