Anxiety/Panic attack meds and alcohol

Can you drink at all while taking clonazepam?
I tried asking on /sci/ but the eggheads couldn't give me a straight answer, or explain the reasoning behind their answers.

I took half a milligram Wednesday morning, half Thursday morning. I swear my doctor said after 6 hours I should be fine to have a little, but I've read so many mixed opinions online. Waiting on her to call me back Monday. Anyway, some say they've had much larger doses and drank the very evening they did, and they didn't end up dying or sick or anything. Might it be fine if I drank some tequila later, or should I avoid any at all? I'd really like to have a couple shots. I know the half life of clonazepam is anywhere from a day to like 3 or maybe even 4 days, but idk what that even means. I really don't want to have to wait that long to drink anything on a regular basis, especially when idk how often or when I may need to take half a pill.

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No, you should not drink while taking long acting benzodiazepines. Mixing benzos and alcohol is retarded. You're unlikely to die unless you're getting drunk and abusing Xanax, but it's still not a good idea. The reason is that they are both GABA agonists, and they have synergistic effect that can cause respiratory depression. I've seen psychiatrists cancel scripts for patients after they find out they've been drinking while on their benzos. Not worth the risk.

You're a loser faggot basedboy if you need this shit. Address your problems.

If you must take it to satiate your onions cravings please just accept the consequence that you cannot drink. Combining depressants can kill you pretty easily. Lots of idiots do it anyways.

How long does it take to leave the system or be safe enough then? I really don't get the whole half life thing at all... I'm completely new to these kind of meds, meds in general actually.

I really really don't want to have to use drugs to cope, I know it's not good and shouldn't be needed. I've been looking into yoga and cbt therapy (I think it's called,) basically a type of meditation I can try on my own. Luckily, I just got prescribed this a couple weeks back. Only took a half dose maybe, idk, 6-7 times or so. And I'm not even sure if it helps, or if it's more of a placebo affect I get from it. Though I haven't tried a full dose...

Thing is, idk why I have panic attacks or bouts of anxious feelings. I really don't. I don't have any triggers or anything. So it's harder to address why I may have them, but, hopefully the yoga and meditation will fix that.

A long time. The half life is like 20-50 hours. The half life refers to how long for half of it to leave your system.

So, it's been about two days for me, since I took a half a milligram. 3 days since I took another half. There's still like .3 milligrams in my system now? And that's enough for it to be a bad idea to drink at all? Sorry I probably sound like a stupid idiot, I just really know nothing about this stuff and really really want a drink every once in a while lol.

If you've been 2 days without any, you're probably fine. I wouldn't drink on days that you have taken it though. Have a couple beers. Don't get smashed.

Psychopharmaceuticals are not recommended for anxiety disorders. There are much safer and not addictive ways to solve your issues. Go see a cognitive behavioral therapist. Panic disorders are usually not difficult to win.

Okay, that's sorta what I thought. I mean, like I said people drink on it all the time, and I know it's retarded to drink the same day you take it. But surely a couple days after couldn't hurt. I wonder why my doc said 6 hours, I know she didn't say 6 days... So having a tiny amount in your system is (usually) fine, that's good to know.

Yeah, like I said, really don't want to have to take drugs for my anxiety/panic attacks/whatever I have. The fact that it's take as needed and is somewhat addictive only makes me want to take them less. It doesn't seem all that effective, but, haven't tried a full dose as I've said.
Is it possible to give myself cognitive therapy? I think I read people have done it, and solved their issue (at least mostly) on their own. I know yoga I don't need a teacher for. I don't want to have to end up seeing a therapist, one because I don't think insurance would cover it, and two, well, I don't even know why I have this problem, lol. I think it might have to do with my years of pot use, if I had to guess, though.

thats like saying a cancer patient is a loser for needing meds. for real not joking you are retarded

And of course my anxiety kicks in the day I finally plan on drinking a little lmao. I'm gonna try to tough it out without the meds this time if I can though, shits such a pain in the ass.

go ahead i did it once i felt sick and got a headache but it didn't do any worse than that.

I used to have panic attacks. Completely random shit used to set me off pretty badly. I never took anything and the feeling started going away on its own and now I have no problems with it whatsoever. Basically during a panic moment it was important for me to have something to focus on that I knew was safe. Trying not to be frantic and trying to focus on what's normal and ok about the scenario really helped too. Usually whatever made me panic was totally normal and not scary, it was just hard to chill out. I'd get paranoid. Having a gf helped. A counselor friend of mine told me that sometimes it helps to just take inventory of your surroundings, like for example, making a mental note of all the red objects around you, then the blue ones, then yellow, etc. It helps you come back to reality. I found that my biggest issue was a feeling of being out of control. I'd say you know better than anyone else what's goig through your head at the time of the incident. Good luck, stop taking pills.


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If you take benzos and alcohol there's a chance you will black out and not remember all the crazy stuff you did the night before.

You can but you need to severely limit yourself depending on dosage of clonazepam.

Respiratory depression is no joke. If you pass out from drinking too much you might stop breathing. I'd recommend not sleeping until you sober up from the alcohol if you do this.

You last took it Thursday? You having nothing to worry about. Drink away.

Taking the pills then drinking is a different story.

You’re not supposed to but I do it ALL the time. If anything it helps you get drunk faster. Just start out with a low dose and drink slowly up, after all they are both CNS depressants. I keep 1mg of klonopin in my wallet every time I go drinking and 4 dry martinis in I’m having the time of my life. Source- I did it last night, again, with 2mg and 2 dry martinis.

By low dose I mean .5mg by the way, the doses I take are high

lol at these S O Y boys, theres no problem drinking and benzos only a full dyel auschwitz bod would not be able to mix the 2. bunch of soft cunts on here

Yeahhh, I usually text a friend if I can until I calm down, it's completely random for me as well. Idk why I freak out I just sorta do :/
I really don't feel pills are the answer, but, they MIGHT help. Long term hell no, lol. Taking in my surroundings or playing sort of a game like noting the colors and stuff actually does sound like it could help when it's happening, I'll try that, thanks.
Lol, I've read a lot of stories like that. But those were mostly all people who took larger doses, and drank just hours after.
Passing out after drinking is what causes respiratory depression? I thought it happened while you were awake... Either way. Yeah, definitely not going to drink much. Maybe like 4-4 n a half shots or so of Tequila AT MOST. And I like to spread it out over an hour or 2 at least usually anyway... sometimes I'll set a timer in between shots for like 20 minutes, to make sure I don't over do it. I did that before I even took benzos. And like I said, I've only taken half doses at most. My prescription says 1 dose of 1mg, just haven't tried it yet.
Yeah, would never take one and then drink, that really is just plain suicidal. People say all sorts of different times though to wait til you can drink, hence my massive confusion.
Doesn't help that I'm kinda paranoid when it comes to things like this lol.
That doesn't sound very safe friend xD
But hey I'm glad you're still fine, at the very least.

Just drink lol.

>still taking benzo
find safer drugs like phenibut or gabapentin