How do i become really strong but have small muscle mass? Something like bruce lee?
How do i become really strong but have small muscle mass? Something like bruce lee?
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Read his book.
you don't, lol if you think lee was strong
just lift but dont overeat
Why do you keep spamming this thread?
30 minutes ago there was literally the same "How do I get as fit as Bruce Lee?" with the exact same picture.
coincidence, im just looking around to see how to keep a small frame while building strength. guess bruce lee is a good example of this
No satisfactory answer was given.
does having a high metabolism solve this?
>high metabolism
Eat more skinnyfag you aren't special
Not OP but what about this, then? Skinny guy yet extremely strong. How to unlock this mode?
He wasnt strong he was well trained. Dedicate your life and body to a physical art like he did and you will have a body as well suited to whatever you choose as he did.
Oh fuck you - I posted EXACTLY what made Bruce Lee fit - a fucking lifting/eating-routine and everything. Fuck you people who can't read.
how tall is he?
lift faster and gain fighting experience
5'8 and a half
His diet will tell you a lot,
Vitamin overdosing, raw food, ginseng,
Also being very committed,
Thinking very hard about what his body needs and how he would train,
Youtube "bruce Lee's favorite food".
But don't be stupid or catch e coli from eating raw foods, do your research.
Lots of 1rm training on few specific lifts. The guy you linked do maxes out on bench every week followed by backoff work.
Alexander Kang also should give you an idea.
bamp for extra
He was weak as shit; pic related. What you're thinking of is neural adaptations and bone/joint health. If that's the case, just pick up calisthenics and a combat sport.
Bruce switched from benching 155 to 135 because he felt his chest was getting bigger and in the way
im 100% sure these were day 1 weights so he was going slow not to snap himself up
>64 lbs bench
>with that chest
come on. I'd bet he could bench at least bodyweight for reps.
Bulgarian training
I would have to agree, here is a video of him doing 2 finger pushups for reps. And he's actually explosive doing it, what the fuck.
strength still comes with size though. Look at the size of his chest. Massively overdeveloped compared to the rest of him.
2 finger pushups at his weight don't translate to heavy bench, but i read something about him doing pushups with 250 lbs on his back. consider that he weighed ~140 lbs too. Dude could probably work up his bench to 3pl8 in a week or two if he wanted.
Mix of calistenics and 1rm weight training.
Since he trained for martial arts his body adapted to that; small muscles allow him to move quickly.
Most of the stories about his feats of strength were made up post death to respect is memory; don't actually take them to heart. Another is that he could hold a 60-70 lb dumbell straight out for 30+ seconds which obviously isn't possible for a dude his size.
Not sure I would call him small exactly.
Just train only for strength increase, not volume.
Don't take creatine, don't roid obviously. Do clean bulks. Be tall like that guy.
Literally what I do. It's GOAT
>But don't be stupid or catch e coli from eating raw foods, do your research.
I put raw eggs in protein shakes. Is this bad?
What raw food are you talking about here?
I would imagine he's talking mostly about meats