Is this the natty limit?
Is this the natty limit?
this nigga got even bigger?! what the fuck
daddy gib milkies
>Normies think this is what pushups will get you
that's the natty minimum
I can’t play webms
I lost my nofap streak to this?!?!
Is this one of the Bogdanoff babies?
RIP ifag
Anyway, it's basically the thumbnail. Just a dude w big tits.
lol every reply in this thread is funny af
do roids really give you boobies?
looks like my high school art teacher except for the steroids part
>any year
>any age
>not wanting to simultaneously size mog dudes and tit mog bitches
Art class must have been fun for u hehe
It's not roids its injections you can tell because he can't flex those tumors which is why the webm looks so fucking weird...
finally buying shit phone pays off
>He injected muscles
You idiot obviously have no idea what muscles are even at the anatomic level. Kys RETARD.
Damn, those jugs.
Normally synthol freaks are skinny losers playing their one last chance at looking big, but judging by this guys forearms, he actually had potential. Why not just roid? He looks like a trainwreck, and his left bicep is just about springing a leak. Revolting.
>actually thinking those are muscles
summer pls go
Do you not know what synthol is? Fucking newfag.
Yeah, a type of steroids.
Better be bait
download vlc mayne
>why not just roid
because the only people who do synthol are super poor and probably mentally retarded. Synth users seem to be disproportionately BRs or Mexican
>based mass replyer
Has there ever been someone that looks better aftet synthol injections?
Can he flex his pecs and make his nipples squirt milk? If so he could be a billionaire internet star.
They used to little ones in the 80s and 90s. Just enough to hide asymmetries before they went on stage. I would never use it, but well applied synthol isn't something you would even notice.
Paul Dillet.
Most open bodybuilders since the 90's have used it. The difference is that they use it well.
his tits are almost as big as mine
How long does a synthol injection even last? Is that dude going to look like this for the rest of his life?
Looks like Lisa Ann's old plastic knockers
bosd dids
this is actually really sad. this guy lives in some brazilian slum and has a ton of health problems from all his oil injections, there's a documentary about this guy and some other brazilian "bodybuilders". people who do this seriously have some kind of mental illness
Mr. McTitties is real!
this nigga deadass has tittys
>yfw you notice the infected left bicep
if i poked a hole in his tit would it burst
he's going poo in his pants
it would be extremely painful
take your nigger speak elsewhere
bruh just chill out my dude for real
getting ass mad for no reason lmao
You can't just tease us like that, his tits are pretty big.
he's a big man
Synthol fags
I am the natty limit
t. nigglet
Yeah, that shots gonna pop...
Yeah man, u rite.
Lucky bastard
pooooo lost in the looooooooo
Favorite response so far
could you ughhh hypothetically titfuck him
not that i would want to do that ofc..
He looks like a homeless robert downie jr. Thats addicted to steroids
Fuck off tardo new fag. Its synthol retard.
for you
Tits or...wait
Why does he pose so effeminately?
he's a homo or something. He even injected his lips once. Probably some faggot paypaled him 5 dollars for that
Can you tell me where I can find more information about this guy? Just out of morbid curiosity.
gallon of synthol a day
does anyone else think this is a good look ? because i do
nice gyno, fag
>$1000 paper weight
This guy would actually benefit from being on the receiving end of a knife attack.
I’m an ifag and can still play them
Like, nigger I got expensive surgery to not have like a third of those breasts, you did this on fucking PURPOSE?