How do I fix this?

How do I fix this?

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Maybe training abs once in a while would have helped you know.

stop eating sodium

Are you sticking your stomach out or is that you resting? Do you have a side pic?

try exercise


yeah im sticking it out but still i have alien freak body

this is probably right

Lift weights and eat food

nah dont kys, just bulk and do SS

whenre you expecting, faggot?

>just bulk
no. he's bulked enough.
stop eating bread, op.

eat and lift

Start running cross country and go skeleton mode then do a lean bulk with progressive overload on the 3 main lifts.

how do i fix this

Attached: IMG_1594.jpg (2448x3264, 684K)

OP is already skelly mode

by actually lifting

drink milk with the rest of your food, and lift. Also eat more.

Attached: 1080.jpg (1080x1080, 44K)

13" biceps
4 months into weight lifting
why do I look like shit and how do i fix this upper, Jow Forums?

Attached: xskchv.jpg (720x1280, 264K)

>Why do I look like shit
>4 months into weight lifting

hmmmmmmmmm what a mystery

3 nipples

Simply unscrew the old, blown lightbulb and then screw in a new one! Haha!

Hit puberty and lay off the fucking sweets.