what are some Jow Forums jobs?
What are some Jow Forums jobs?
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Beeing urself
Something in Wall Street. Higher your test is the better they do because it makes them more bold and more willing to take risks.
One where you make enough money to workout and do what you want
Wilderness firefighter.
Medical doctor
idk man if that works for you, but sawmill works for me like a charm
went from 110kg to 94kg
>throwing wood in the machine 12hrs/day for 12€/hr+benefits
>can listen to music during work
it's like i was made to do it
been only doing it for 2 years total
im not even bored of it
>12/hr 12 hours a day
Sounds like shit tbqhwyf
Bartender is the only Jow Forums jobs for us muscled betas
Deepwater oil rig worker. I make 220k a year working 3 weeks on 3 weeks off. Literally low tier doctor money yet I'm off half the fucking year.
How do I get this job? I'm an 18 yo graduating in 2 weeks. No idea what I want to get into
Oil field is hiring like crazy like now in West Texas. Just get your foot in the door with any oil field job then apply to deepwater jobs when they come up.
What are working conditions like? How difficult is it physically and mentally?
Offshore isn't that hard physically. Mentally it can be tough depending on how stressful your job is. There are a ton of different jobs so it just depends. Sometimes I'm out there just chilling for 3 weeks and sometimes I'm working my ass off just barely keeping my head above water.
You mentioned being off half the year. Which half? I get off the winter, so if I could do this in combination with another job that would be pretty nice.
Just lie about it on Jow Forums so you get the satisfaction of telling people about it without having to do any real work lol
how hard would it be for women to get into this field?
Hell yeah. This is my first year.
Anything that earns decent money pref being your own boss.
Go work for navy. Try to get on a sub. Do your time and they pick you up in a heartbeat because you're "used to the isolation"
He also mentioned “three weeks on, three weeks off”. Thus it’s half a year. Reading comprehension.
This. All labor jobs will ruin your body. You don't exert yourself for your own benefit, you do what needs to be done to get shit done. Gains are secondary and incidental.
phisical education teacher is the higer test ever you have twinks and girls obeying you
I was thinking of being a carpenter, but I’m worried girls will think I’m just some dumbass because they all go to uni
My uncle was a carpenter, and my aunt would always comment on how smart she thought he was and how good he was at math.
Most overly muscled guys tend to be unemployed. people with tax paying jobs dont have time to waste on lifting metal up and down
go away first sergeant
unemployed and living with mom
USPS mail handler. Toss bags for eight hours a day and get paid surprisingly well for it.
>Warning: This job is suicidally boring.
Anyone have experience working as a cam model?
I work in the film industry doing grip/electric work. I'm not the most Jow Forums guy out there, but it's like a 50/50 split between older guys with beer bellies and young fit guys.
Redpill me on being an airline pilot.
With enough muscle mass, a TSA-approved box cutter won't be able to reach your vital organs.
lol good one
>inb4 people post their jobs
We just had an oil field fitness thread and it was good. Seems a lot of us here. I'm land based North Dakota and it's a pretty fit job but you are right. Mentally is the hardest part trying to focus on all the data and such.
If legit a woman...it would be extremely easy to get a job. Woman are like sub 10% of oil field workers. Companies will fight over you...but...you will likely be a sole woman on a platform in the water for weeks with hundreds of men who haven't seen a girl in weeks. And these guys are all dip chewing toothless potbelly redneck not fit young rig hands.
Did you need any training to get this job?
Kek most male actors are dyel, Especially theatre based actors.
It's only when they book Multi million dollar gigs they just jump on the Dbol & clen then once they finished the gig they get off it.
t. Actor
I am about to finish High school.
How hard is it to get a job?
What do I need to do,to get one?
Do I just go to some place hiring,and ask I need a job?
Do I present something.
>Do i present something
Either cock and balls or asshole depending if you're applying for top or bottom
bike messenger or disciplined app courier. but you still have to lift or else youll end up with monster legs and noodle arms
Being able to listen to music/audiobooks/podcasts is worth more than additional money.
You might not get wealthy, but you're making mental gainz.
millwright here. depends on which type of industry you work. sometimes you need to haul 200 lbs of equipment up lots of tight stairs. or lift a motor thats 300 lbs +
im fat but i got muscle (used to be rly fit). so i can still manage
>All these mutts with manual labour jobs thinking they made it
Like pottery
>some limp wristed S O Y thinks having a desk job is hyped up
have fun dealing with womens shitty feelings without ever getting your dick wet
orthopaedic surgeons
aka. bone carpenter
>have fun dealing with womens shitty feelings without ever getting your dick wet
Manual labor = low pay
Desk job = high pay
Good luck being poor fag.
Or be the Chad mailman. Walk all day so you can eat whatever you want. Look like you're entire body is tan with clothes on. Deliver mail to lonely milfs and young girls home for summer vacation. And fuck the clerk on the side.
Also shoulder and knee pain.
>Or be the Chad mailman. Walk all day so you can eat whatever you want. Look like you're entire body is tan with clothes on. Deliver mail to lonely milfs and young girls home for summer vacation. And fuck the clerk on the side.
Also being poor AF
I'm a civil engineer in NY but you don't need to be Jow Forums to do that. Most of my coworkers are twinks or bloatfats.
>Making it
>Having a manual labor job
Pick one
I'm surprised no one talked about engineering, great pay and easily Moog your fat or skinny fat coworkers.
Nice, I'll be getting my masters in electrical engineering / Computer engineering master, is it worth it to move to the US or should I stay in the EU.
It depends on what company you get hired on to. I work for an American-based international construction firm and travel fairly often. Just returned to NY after spending a few months consulting on a project in Germany.
I don't have much experience with EU firms but shop around until you find a company that wants you on a progression-based career path so you aren't stuck in your first-floor cubicle like an intern for your entire life
Commercial electrician here.
For the most part its physical, but not so physical you cant workout most days.
Really to be good at it it is kinda cardio-ish (HIIT) and a lot of mental and memorization to be decent at it.
Some days you might have to dig all day because you cant get a machine in to do the digging and run a tamper
maybe threading 100# 4" rigid pipes
Or pulling bigger wire
but really most days arent that tough, those tough days are only here and there.
Chances are if its really big you use rigging and machines to move stuff around because you arent gonna be moving a 1500# switchboard around by hand anyways.
Really though I go into the gym at 4am everyday and do 90 minutes before I go into work and although lately its 10+ hour days its still manageable without being so exhausted I cant function.
>all these slave-tier manual labor jobs
>""""making it""""""""
Why are people shitting on Manuel labor jobs? I work construction in NY and make bank. Idk how the rest of the states are though
i had a friend who was a massive dolt in HS, every one thought he was gonna live in welfare but just 3 years after graduating not more than 2 people made more money than he did working this job. it didn't require much qualification, that's the biggest bummer. pays high basically because if the risk attached, i wish I was aware of this back then.
It's not about the money, it's about your health after doing these jobs for 20+ years.
>Labor in NY
>Union pay ($40+/hr)
Just graduated with my civil undergrad three weeks ago, looking for a job now. I turned down an offer to work for the company I interned for, which might have been a bad idea, but oh well. I'll get one soon.
Risky move. Usually you go with that company for less than 5 years to get experience then search for better offers.
can confirm to some extent, 37 yr old here with about 20 years construction.. knee issues from squatting, cycling, running and stairs. Shoulder issues from benching, and always working above my head. Back issues from DLing and picking things up. Hip issues from wearing tool bags. Smashed hands and other bs joint issues... fuck dude you arent going to be in perfect health no matter what you do...unless you want to live a super boring safe life. I dont know a single lifter over the age of 25 who hasnt had an injury of some sort. I also see the office types who sat in a chair a ton and they arent moving well in old age, but the older construction types seem to keep pushing on.