Tfw eating 4000 calories a day and still can't get past the 200lb barrier

Tfw eating 4000 calories a day and still can't get past the 200lb barrier

It's been 3 weeks

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wut r u eating exactly

mommy, im thirsty, I want milk

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anything I can get my hands on to make 4000 cals and 250g protein

milk truck has arrived

i cant even eat that much. eating too much feels really uncomfortable. i did eat 3000kcal yesterday but it was really hard.

Fucking pussies. How can't you eat a lot?

Two fucking Burgers with sauce is like over 1.5k kcal. Pizza, ice cream, fried chicken.

Just go for a dirty bulk and hit your macros. Easily over 6k kcal a day.

eating 4000kcals isnt that hard for me, i just cant do it without either glugging milk all day or eating a ton of fried junk

>to make 4000
eat more then.

i dont like that shit anymore

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not gonna make it

>havn't realised junk food is a deadly meme

Enjoy you artery and clogging goals of 2018

Then you've eaten shit food, I guess you are american? Your food there seems to be shit to me at least.

Cook for yourself. Doing selfmade burgers is god tier. Same goes for pizza or fried chicken. It's a whole other meal when you eat it without the extra shit they add in fast food restaurants.

>i dont like that shit anymore
>liking food

Bulking for people who 'can't gain weight' is the exact same thing as cutting for fatasses.

>But I don't like that kind of food
>But I'm not hungry/But I'm hungry all the time

You're exactly the same.

Enjoy eating your 4k cal with pulverized "super food" or broccoli you fucking vegan.

What lol, are you calling brocolli bad?

Its not hard to bulk on clean foods man

>cannot eat more

How can people say something as nonsensical as this? If I was not watching my food I could easily eat over 6000 calories a day without issue.

Did I say it's bad? Stop deluding yourself.
Also I know it's not hard to bulk on clean foods, but if you want to bulk and can't manage it with clean foods then go dirty. Nothin wrong with that, it's temporary anyways.

So eat more, it's really not that hard of an equation if you're going purely by weightgain

i'm eat 4k and is at 180lbs and happy with it.

eat more and move more fatty.

This board promotes meme exercises like heavy deadlifts that only fuck up your back and meme programs like 5x5. If you want to get strong and look big at the same time, do compounds with low weights but with high reps. NEVER lift above your body weight cause there’s really no point and you’re risking injury when you lift heavy. Also, don’t avoid machines. Machines help isolate individual muscle groups. Again, do high reps but with low weights. When I say low, I don’t mean 50 lbs, more like 80-100lbs and 200lbs max. Add calisthenics to your program for maximum aesthetics.

I've been doing 100 push ups a day for 30 days and it really works!

Ok, when is the best time to eat? Before workout by a couple of hours or immediately after workout? Does it matter?

You'll get there, takes time to adjust to eating more but we'll all make it in the end

Scientifically, there is a slight advantage to eatnig 1-2 hours after your workout to gain a peak anabolic window, but generally this window lasts from your workout and decreases until ~48 hours after

Eat whenever within 24-48 hours of your workout and it doens't matter


eat more

fatass here, can confirm

Attached: grugdola.png (494x570, 9K)


>what is interoception
>what are hormones

>used to work at a milk factory
>sometimes we'd run out of milk on site and would do busy work until the milk truck got there so we could start bottling again
>me hosing concrete outside
>mfw milk truck just arrive

You have a grugspurdo?

I have the opposite problem
No matter how little I eat I gain weight. im at 216 lbs now.
its 100% because of the medicine I take which makes you gain weight like crazy. I fucking hate medicine

>Juice is hard to drink
>Nuts and nut butters are hard to eat
>Bread is hard to eat
Weak bait tBh

People say stuff like this, what if you just eat like 1000 calories a day? Is medicine really making your metabolic rate 3x slower than it normally would be? That's literally impossible due to thermodynamics, and a skinny guy like me would pay a lot of money to be able to have something like that.

4000 took me to 225, then I bumped up to 4300 which took me to 235 but I stalled there so now I'm gaining again at 4600. It sounds like a lot but if you're a large male training hard you're gonna need a lot of fuel

Over the past month I've put on 5lbs, finally. Now I'm going to take 2 weeks to hopefully cut 4-5 lbs. Have any of you had decent success with short interval bulk/cuts?


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>gain 5 pounds in 1 month
>lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks

have fun with nogainz

psshhh I can lose 5lbs in a single shit lol

I can gain 5 pounds in a single shit

gotta eat big to get big cmon

You can progressively gain a fair amount of muscle mass after a couple cycles though right?

have fun eating my shit

Keep in mind I'm eating clean, hitting macros and lifting heavy

depends on what you are losing... that is a really short cycle btw.

realistically you want to bulk like 12 weeks, gain 10-15 lbs
cut 6-8 weeks, lose 5-8 lbs of FAT, get that bf back down below 10%

i'll eat your shit

I visit each portapotty in my city and bag up as much shit as I can to eat later. I still can't believe people let easy gains go to waste in a portapotty.

I'm at an awkward point where I want to put on muscle but if I bulk more I'll look fat because my bf% is already decently high. I don't want to cut down to nothing to lose all of my gains either.

I was eating maintanence for a couple months hoping to see some body recomposition but didn't get much.

Should I just say fuck my vanity and buy a whole new wardrobe a size larger? What would you do

>Should I just say fuck my vanity and buy a whole new wardrobe a size larger? What would you do

Exactly this. If you're going natty, eventually you're going to have to forgo some aesthetics and in the long term it will help you.

my personal rule of thumb is to never bulk past 20%.. if I am over 20% I cut until 10% and try to slow bulk, like 250-400 calories over maintenance... might take 6 months though. Weight gaining can go fast but it usually ends up as mostly fat if we try to over do it. I maintain at 2800 calories and weight 190. I buy cheap cloths so it doesnt matter to me if you buy new cloths... its probably only a few pairs of shorts/pants and shirts anyways.

Although you both gave me different answers I appreciate the input

Can I get a bf% estimate

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we give different answers because there is no one way to do it... you can bulk and turn into a bowling ball if you want, or try to stay aesthetic.

pretty close to 20%

Time to cut, thanks

What's the point in more than a 500 cal surplus?

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1 litre whole milk
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 banana
60g oats
3 scoops whey protein

blend it and drink.

Le mayo

This but better

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Eat cheese.

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>Mutant mass tee-fucking em
Don't eat that crap, user.

My friend used mutant mass and he said it helped him in gaining weight. Is it bad for you or just useless, because it is possible to gain weight without it?

Stop going heavy on whey then.

good luck getting those macros out of the shake and into your system.
your body can't handle that in one sitting and you're gonna get fat diarrhea.

>My friend used mutant mass and he said it helped him in gaining weight. Is it bad for you or just useless, because it is possible to gain weight without it?
look at it's ingredients user. Eat some unimaginative chicken breast and rice instead.

lucky they included the 50g of oats
it wouldn't have done shit otherwise

First world problem. Try needing 4000 calories just to get to 170lbs.

>bulking for just 12 weeks

Why do you hate gains?

try sipping your SKELETON SHAKE throughout the day

Alison Huber
there's an imgur album and a vsco account around if you google

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that's just not possible. your calculations are way off. unless your activity level is just insane

Can any anons confirm this? I'm willing to try anything at this point.

>tldr; food takes calories to digest. Eating clean results in about 15% of your calories ingested being burned to digest it

Eat processed foods and high fat. They burn less calories to digest. Heavy weight powerlifters often have the same issue and often turn to junk food for the same reasons.

What I used as my extra food item is sweet potatoes, baked (easy, poke with a fork 5 or so times and bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes), slathered in butter and coconut oil.

Couldn't have broken the 235 barrier without them.

Also it's worth noting that your appetite will increase as you eat more, it won't feel like such a chore to hit your calories