Roast me Jow Forums, give me feedback so I can actually git sum facial aesthetics

Roast me Jow Forums, give me feedback so I can actually git sum facial aesthetics

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you can‘t you‘re rekt

I think you look a lot like sid the sloth

Please shave

Bro, cut your hair and shave.

You look like them two sisters who can't move and have no brain that were /b/ essential during 2015

Your structure is not salvageable.

How to improve this

You look like shit.
That ratty teenager beard looks like garbage

I know, I usually shave, just been depressed af recently

Post pic, haven't been on /b/ in years

You can't improve it. There is no way to move your eyes around on your skull.

Your features in themselves are fine but the relation between them is poor.

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get a haircut

shitty camera lens

you probably look a lot better

Do me next, faggots

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Thnx man, but I really do look like shit
Not a seppo

Your eyebrows are running away from each other

Also fetal alcohol syndrome

You kind of remind me of a small dog. Not sure why

Eyes too far apart, looks like a Hammerhead shark.

would let you be my roman senators fuckboy

I'm 6'1 though

You look like a ... Nick.

Twink mode. Hopefully you're a homo because you'll be able to ride all the dick you can handle. Girls however, will see you as effeminate.


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where are the signs of fetal?
He has a visible philtrum

Help pls I'm balding

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Get rid of the facial hair. Idk why I see so many dudes who have thin facial hair try to grow it out. It looks like shit dude. Either full lush beard/mustache or nothing.

post malone?

That should be the least of your concerns m8

Suffering is progression OP. Get up and stop giving a fuck.

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What should be the most

How do I into full beard, without genetics?

My point was if you can't, dont.

Your left eye is cali and your right is ny

Do you own ears? And I don't mean the necklace you made from your victims

Shut up or you'll be next.

Do neck muscle training exercises. A thick neck helps aesthetic

Shave shitty Jew bears
Get a non-faggot haircut

I literally don't care about my hair, unlike the guys that spend every second worrying about it, so if anything I'm the opposite of a faggot

You have that ugly roundness. Idk how to describe it, but your face is very unpleasant. You're not pedo?

High quality jawline bro

You asked for advice on how to attain facial aesthetics brah. You can't care and not care at the same time.

WTF. For a moment i though my younger brother was using Jow Forums. Spooky shit. Looking good though.

What makes you ugly faggots post your ugly faces here. Have some decency....pls.......

Move the camera further away you'll look way better

You're honestly fine but you could take a more flattering picture

Growing your hair longer or cutting it would help u , as would shaving

I care about facial aesthetics, just not hair, unless there is a haircut that will magically make me pretty

Thnx guys, but I took the picture as close as I could because I wanted to show my REAL face, warts and all, not cheat lighting and posing

Not pedo, sorry my face upsets you bro

honestly kinda cute, no homo

Take a better picture.
You're too close.

Do you even know what FAS is?
He clearly doesn't have it.

You are evidently Jewish.

You look okay. Delete this thread and stop visiting this site.

What does it matter if its close or not?

Why? I like this board

Not Jewish, also me when I was growing my hair out

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Not too bad looking, mate. Focus neck and traps

mirin drivers license pic or whatever it is. mine is always fucking terrible.

>Why? I like this board
You what? Why would you like this toxic shithole?

Pls rate bros

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9 times out of 10 I get legit good advice from fit, not to mention it's funny

don't do dumb faces like that when you take selfies

Im just staring into the camera bro.
I legitimately suck at taking pictures. Specially selfies.

What do I need to work on? Slav btw, 23 years old.

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Long hair is gay cut that shit. Shave your facial "hair" low t fag.

Your body is less defined than a cup of jello

That's cause I don't lift boi

This is a really shitty angle bro, but I'll give it a try

-Shave regularly - search for Minoxidil, if you're up for it, but don't let that shitty beard grow at this state. If you decide you're up for it, do a very thorough study. It nearly killed my cat, because I was an unimformed faggot

-Mew !!! Most of faggots here will try to persuade you that it's pointless, but it isn't. This is a crab bucket forum. Young people and even adults are experiencing positive changes from mewing


-Swallow the neckpill !!! I can't stress this enough

-Haircut - I know it's subjective and a thing of preference, but you would be surprised how different head shapes are suitable for different hairstyles. Your hair is unatractive and looks greasy

-Take care of your skin - vitamins (mainly B), zinc..

This is all I can really tell you. Follow EACH AND EVERY point and you may go two points up. Even three if you will stick to it for a long time

Fucking rate me reeeee

You have wideset eyes and good eyebrows. Your face is balanced and you have good skin. I'd cut your hair short and go cleanshaven or figure out a beard that is congruent with a shorter hair style.

nah ok so,

1: Long hair is fine but you need to take hella good care of it, that means making a routine to clean, condition, style your hair.

2: Shave

3: Keep working out you have good facial structure for a sklinnyfat so keep going, your jaw will chisel

4: Get your eyebrows done somewhere good, and maintain that

Fellow Ontario fag. Hope that you voted big Douggie.
Nice jaw line. Shave that beard

Thnx for all the good advice brahs, apart from shaving regularly, many of those things are still left for me to try desu

Heck yeah, Big Doug all the way

Ouy vey the goyim know shut it down


True Chad potential.

You look like the preppy kids in my first year of college taking some meme degree to become a lawyer (cuz daddy is one too). Not saying you don't look good that's just my first impression.

Take the neck pill lad.

rattle rattle eat more cattle

good short haircut. dont stress your looks too much

You’re the emobodiment of faggot

Thanks anons.
What would you improve?

The situation in the middle east

How the fuck did you almost kill your cat with minox?

Go back to plebbit.

pros nice eyes nice hair decent skin.

cons, mild asymmetry, narrow jaw and round chin. faggot hair

get a hair cut, do heavy compounds, cut bf% . if you can't grow a beard shave your shitty facial hair. do this and you will look better


Who dis?

shave, get a fashionable haircut, and dress nicely. make sure to wash your face and hair too. there is not a lot you can do to fix your facial structure, but you can do certain things to lessen the ugly.
not much to critique here. great face and hair. mirin.
you don't necessarily have to cut all your hair off, but you might want to get it cut a bit shorter. the man bun has been played out for a couple years now. you don't look THAT balding from the picture, but you can find a haircut that hides your forehead a bit more if that's a concern for you. also, for the love of god lift you skinny jew.
don't pout. it makes you look really uncomfortable, which in turn makes other people uncomfortable. your poor self presentation is a bigger turn off than anything else. work on reducing the bags under your eyes as well. haircut is good, but basic. try growing out the top a bit.

Whats pouting?

Why is my self presentation poor?
Genuinely asking.

is this actually you pat

Asland lookin nigga

ay dios mio el creatura.....

Lay it on me

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it looks like you're making a face kind of like pic related. your eyes look nervous. what I'm getting at is you don't exactly look like you exude confidence (at least from what I can gather from your picture.) you can become more attractive without even really doing much if you carry yourself differently. if you come off as self-assured, people will be more likely to respect you. if you come off as awkward, people will be more likely to be put off. if you don't feel confident now, fake it until it becomes natural. make sure to stand up straight, make eye contact, smile genuinely when you speak to people. without changing your appearance, you'll already be perceived as more charming and desirable.

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I am confident and self assured.never thought that had much to do with looks tho.
I just suck at taking pics mate. For real.
How do I take a better pic? I need to up my snapchat game for some stacey girl im starting to woo.

Get a better fitting t shirt and get rid of that faggy haircut

- better diet & cut
- no smoking weed
- better sleep
- shave until you get a fuller beard... maybe forever.

twig malone