I'm a 22 yo virgin, Is there even any reason to try to "make it" at this point?

I'm a 22 yo virgin, Is there even any reason to try to "make it" at this point?

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still young stop being a defeatist pussy
i have a nineteen year old friend who says the same thing

What's it with these fucking losers losing hope and moping around?
Just keep at it.

Yes. You could either work really hard for a few years and then make it, or do nothing forever and always be a failure.

Fuck off with this bullshit

I was a virgin at 19 too, i was full of optimism back then. Now here i am 3 years later and feel like my ship has sailed.

I lost my v at 22. I've since had numerous sexual partners and am now settled down and married with two kids. It's never over till the fat lady sings, and by fat lady sings I mean the fat lady turns you down.

im 18 and still a virgin

might as well end it as well

Get a hooker and lose your virginity you sad sack of shit

>I've since had numerous sexual partners and am now settled down and married with two kids.
This is all i want desu

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