Can i become a 8/10 if i cut to 10%?

Can i become a 8/10 if i cut to 10%?

>face and body pic

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Attached: Photo on 02-06-2018 at 14.06.jpg (1080x720, 178K)

Come on Jow Forums... at least a 7/10?


kind of a weird post to make but you look pretty alright

muscles are definitely above average

seems more like a qtddtot post

Gay guy here. Your body is pretty good. Way better than the average male. You could certainly cut a little bit of weight, but I wouldn't stress too much and lose size.
I would highly recommend a less sloppy haircut though.

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Actually would look good if cut

Agreed, something needs to be done about the hair and you've already gained a point there alone

Thanks for the feedback, i cut my own hair but will definitily start going to a barber and get a better cut.

>above 5/10
Pick one.

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2018 still a racist


What do the bar colors represent

Whatever you want them to represent. Did you enjoy the third season of Twin Peaks?

No. You have a 4/10 face. Maybe it will improve to 5/10 if you cut down to 10% bf but I don't see you ever becoming an 8/10 overall.

>Come on Jow Forums... at least a 7/10?
If you're at least 6'2 and have an absolutely mind blowing physique at the end of your transformation, maybe.

Honestly, what is your goal? To become more attractive to women? If so, status is by far the most important thing. A high status male is the equivalent of a 10/10 beautiful woman. You don't have to be rich and famous but you have to be somebody who has something going for him within his microcosm of society. For instance, the high school football jock is a complete nobody outside of his tiny little world but he's like a mini celebrity on campus. Status is a relative thing.

>nigger mutt
no but your body will look good. memes aside your looks don't matter that much to women. just be interesting and wealthy

>muh current year

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The last one sounds like something a poorfag loser would say.

>it sucks to be a loser, but hey, at least I'm white!

this whole site is full of losers. As long as you remember that, you'll be alright.

>this whole site is full of losers
That's another thing a loser would say. I have my shit together, don't group me with your *kind*

4/10 ... damn... i think im at least a 6/10

Yeah dont listen to him mate

this user knows what's up. only worthwhile response, every word is on point.
thanks for enlightening us desu senpai baka. unironically

>muh exception to the rule

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lol sorry to have to tell you but your shit isnt as together as you think it is

You're right.
So, blacks should just get reperations like the ameri-indians japs jews and those white land owners who were robbed by the banks and their taxes should be kept to themselves and they are to opt out of welfare and social security forever.

I think that can actually work.
Evil negro's won't take the money of the hard working whites and they'll pay back to the black and poor white communities who will want that money.
They might even keep their money in their communities actually do something positive for themselves and begin to become more independent and basically distance themselves from decent white folk
I can actually see that working out for the best for the entire country.

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Get bigger arms and maybe a new jaw. also go dress better.

We already are paying reparations. Way to miss the entire point. Bravo.

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If the people who continue to post about blacks in that manner are correct, then the only logical course of action is to give blacks some form of reparations then shut down any and all access to social security and welfare and let them keep all of their taxes. Let them fend for themselves.
Even release the nonviolent black offenders who haven't done anything violent while in prison.

It's perfect.
They will be able to pull themselves up by their boot straps and whites will be able to keep all of the money the blacks are sponging off of them.

Give them a lump sum of money and then kick them off of social security and wellfare but let them keep their taxes.

If you are correct it's much cheaper in the long run and will do wonders for race relations. I can't think of a single reason that a racist white will be upset by the above. Not at all.

Lmao this math.
If you take away tge top few percent of earners in the country the math evens out alot. My family pays 6 figures in taxes every year. You take out those families, and i garuntee, the average white person also recieves a net benefut from the government. If youre poor it doesn't mstter if youre a nigger or white trash you barely pay anything in taxes comparatively, and recieve a large benefit. This extends beyond transfer payments, but includes things like money spent on infrastructure.

>If you take away tge top few percent of earners in the country the math evens out alot.
No shit, retard. If you change the numbers, the numbers change. Really gets my noggin joggin.

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troll or retarded

>the rich whites don't count
Explain why or gtfo. You're literally the dumbest nigger I've talked to today.

>looks don't matter that much to women.

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