How are my facial aesthetics? Am I more chad or incel? What are my chances of getting laid?
How are my facial aesthetics? Am I more chad or incel? What are my chances of getting laid?
Chad and incel are mentalities, not physiques. If you have to ask, you can probably guess which one you're closer to.
incel cause look dyel as fuck. If you actually lift, you'll be fine. Average face.
>Eye area loads
Hmm.. not bad at all
>Rest of face loads
school shooter tier incel
unless you are extroverted
You cute, like your hair, just try smiling more
/fa/ will do you better than Jow Forums
Stop taking shitty selfies and go lift
kek your nose looks like its weighing your entire head down. absolute fucking unit
jokes aside tho you dont look bad OP. go lift heavy things
Even r9k banned this cancer. Go to /soc/ with this
You look like me but way lighter. Looks average, probably could benefit from a rhinoplasty. Can you say your height/weight/ethnicity?
I’d consider rhinoplasty. Your overall face structure is well above average, but your nose ruins the balance and draws attention away from your good features like your eyes. More immediately a tan would do wonders.
Well my guy. I think you should loosen up and realize its all about confidence. My friend is uglier than you and has a gut goin on and he still pulls women. My other friend looks like the dude from the goonies and has autism yet he still gets it in.
>What are my chances of getting laid?
About the same as you stopping trying to get validation from anonymous autists on an internet imageboard
dude why u keep posting for approval in this board? lol just lift
ROmanian Chad
I personally think you're cute, but you might have a better chance if you smiled more
If you took the neckpill and got some color you could be a okay.
are you mena?
Good. Smile more you fuck. You're not getting laid with an expression like that.
You look fine. Stop worrying about things you gay retard. Work out, read books, develop your personality more.
You have a very narrow structure in general, it also does not seem to be caused by long face growth pattern deformity and is thus prenatal in origin. You aren't exactly ugly but you have a very weak face and will never be intimidating which means you will never be respected nor able to wet pussies.
Pic related. Ignore the digit ratio indications as that is not necessarily that accurate, but it is a good illustration of the general facial shape regression controlled by prenatal conditions. These basic face shapes do not change much at all throughout peoples lives, the changes are in the sizes of bones and soft tissues but not their placements and basic proportions.