Alright guys, not sur if it fit in Jow Forums, as it's curl, for the dick. I want it to be harder and to last longer and I have heard about Kegels in /sig/.
Has anyone ever try them ? If they are litteraly curlfor the dick, is it really worth it ?
Also any advice on practising and any reliable sources is more than welcome
I know it helps (from experience) to delay climax, you squeeze it hard when you feel you're gonna blow and you keeps yourself from going over the edge and can continue
Jacob Sullivan
This is some bullshit. Kegels are more important for vacuum pose work.
Camden Price
>started doing them the other day >feels like a could fuck a hole in granite
would recommend
Liam Johnson
actually just had a lecture on deep core muscles for a class i'm taking. if you don't want to be wearing adult diapers when you're sixty, do your kegels.
Caleb Butler
I heard that someone who did kegels regularly had troubles maintaining an erection without flexing. Is this a 100% meme?
Caleb Perez
Kegels helped me shoot cum crazy far after doing it for a month so that's a plus.
Yeah, it's a meme.
Eli Ross
isn't fapping 5 times a day the same as doing kegels