
whats her name Jow Forums?
why do you do it?
what will you do tomorrow to make yourself better for her?

kaitlyn, the stuff of fairytales, christmas morning everyday.
I had the delusion that maybe the grass could be greener.
it isn't.
I do it because lifting makes me not want to kill myself for a couple hours
tomorrow i'm hitting chest. it doesn't matter though. she loved me when I was a dyel.
how could i give up a girl like that?

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Here before this thread gets nuked by mods. I'm a kissless virgin who's only trying to get Jow Forums in an attempt at improving my quality of life. I think about killing myself everyday. I have "friends" I guess, but none of them have even spoken to me, or even texted me, in weeks. I've read countless stories here about how when Anons got Jow Forums, their lives dramatically improved. I'm hoping the same thing will happen to me. If not, I'll probably commit suicide.

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Dont give up bro, i believe in you, we're all gonna make it

becoming Jow Forums isn't just becoming aesthetically pleasing. you have to improve your person just as much as you improve your physique, otherwise you're wasting your time.
the stories you here are about people whose personality evolved with their gains.

>whats her name Jow Forums?

There is no her.

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hear** sorry

honestly man i cant tell if i envy you or pity you. to have such perfection and someone who truly loves you and squander it is something i don't think i'll ever forgive myself for.
but on the other hand to never have experienced such beauty in my life, well, idk. its hard to decide if its worth it.

because right now i want to die.

watched nge again recently and was blown away by one of shinji's revelations in the final episode. he realizes that even though he wants to be a pilot, and that's what makes him happy, that isn't the only thing that will make him happy. there are innumerable other existences where he is happy without being a pilot

so i've been trying to apply this thought to my own thinkings. whenever i feel like ending it all, i tell myself "i don't NEED her, i NEED that" to be happy. i may be happier with these things, but i can still be happy without them, you don't have to disappear. you are no more or less yourself without the things you believe you NEED. stay strong bros, we're all gonna make it

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I rose too high, loved too hard, dared too much. I tried to grasp a star, overreached, and fell

Now I am all alone.

this is pretty insightful. i appreciate it user, when you think of it in that light it makes me feel a little better.

I loved her, and still do, but she threw it away and she wants to make it work but for my own sake I gotta let her go
>had a dream last night
>I could feel her fingers wrapped around mine
>could smell her hair
>wake up in bed alone

Amen brother. Rewatching EVA after beating depression was such a great experience. You truly need nothing in life but yourself.

>it doesn't matter though. she loved me when I was a dyel

Goddamn, user.
I hate that you made me remember this feel
I need to get better

Émily and it is my fault. I was scared of the red flags. She did not wait for me and is with an asshole who cheated on her. At least we had one perfect night together. She saw my vulnerability and did not run away.

why do you have to let her go?

for sure man, i know these things are easier said than done though. i lost the girl i loved with all my heart, and was in such a deep depression that i wanted to kill myself for months. but when i watched that i realized how ridiculous and even dramatic i was being. if i was born on the other side of the planet, i would have never met her and still felt happy in life. """happiness""" is relative, but true happiness comes from within

god bless user

It’s okay bro, don’t set her on a pedestal. You’re gonna find love we all will

i've always heard that true happiness come from within, but from someone who has never experienced it, i don't even know what it means

Too real. Same story here. Went for someone way out of my league. Managed to date her, get a taste of that life, but only for a week. I strive every day to make it back onto her level and make something lasting. When I’m near the end of a set and I want to give in I just imagine her cuddled against my chest again. I miss it so damn much. I hope I become a better person along the way

it's hard to say because i believe it must be different for every person. for me it's doing what i like: working out, listening to music, shooting hoops, hanging out with friends. you can chase after a girl, or try to get a new job, and if i doesn't work, lick your wounds for a little while, but don't let it tear you down, because you CAN be happy without those things

>No note

I lift to one day get a deviant AX400 gf

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I only want to get fit to take revenge on her but i also want to do it for looking for another opportunity

>in college currently
>whole party scene and whatnot
>tell her I don’t think that dancing with other people, I.e. bouncing my dick/her ass on other people is appropriate
>she goes out and does it anyway
>with my cousin
>also stays friends and is close with a guy who repeatedly tries to fuck her
>even tells me she has feelings for him
I know this is a mild cuckening compared to some other anons but damn if it didn’t fuck me up

nah man i completely understand. idk if its from just being on this site in general, but anything that even resembles what feels like mild cuckery sends me into a frenzy. i've dumped girls 2 weeks in because i felt they were trying to make me jealous. which makes me which my ex even more, because she would never do that to me. she just wanted me to let her love me and she wanted me to be happy, and she would have been happy.

Yeah sure, I'll say what's on my mind with you faggots.

I've started seeing a therapist over a girl forcing herself on me years ago. The incident completely stunted me sexually in a way I didn't pick up on until a few months ago. I feel better now that I'm talking about it, but I just don't understand how I'm supposed to ever have healthy relationships. Right now it just doesn't seem like I'll be able to break out thinking women despise me and only want to use my sexuality against me for their own ends. Maybe I'm just afraid of change. I dunno. PPL is fun too


Yeah I feel for you user, I miss her but it lessens every day, I think it’s more missing the feeling of being loved and all that... and don’t let girls jerk you around like I did because playing their games always leads to losing

Exactly my story user.
>Stayed friend with her
>Every time we hangout is torture but she’s the only girl I can bee myself around

Maybe one day she’ll heal or maybe I’ll find someone worthy. Until then I lift heavy.

I know. The thing that hurt me the most is seeing the pain in her eyes everytime we talk. Its like she’s about to cry. Self destructive people makes me sad. We would both drown together now, its too late.

I don't know if my personality is even toxic. For much of my life, I felt as though I've a foggy life, I lived it for sure, but I couldn't grasp what exactly I was doing or who I was. Now I'm an adult and still have this fog clouding my vision, except now I realize it. I can't really say I treat anyone like shit, and classmates throughout my life seem to think of me as a person who's passionate about his interests and is even humorous at times. I just have to see what happens with time.

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I miss you, Lisa.

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>Self destructive people makes me sad.
it's more sad being one, i think.
to sabotage your own happiness, to be completely miserable and to have no one to blame but yourself.
its a uniquely shitty type of feel user, i wish it upon no one.

I have to wake up at 4 for work. Currently up at midnight thinking about all the missed opportunities and good times I threw away by being afraid of emotions. So many nice, attractive girls that I could have opened up to and started a relationship with, but I couldn't handle the thought of people actually wanting me. I fucking hated my body. Women gave me signals that I either couldn't pick up on or couldn't believe were genuine. I missed that chance, and now they've moved on and have made memories with others. I'm still alone. If I changed one thing, I'm sure as fuck never gonna hate my body again. I'm afraid that I have shot down the only opportunities at love I will ever have. I'm done with my first year of college and have nothing romantic or promising to show for it. Damn I wish I was aromantic and asexual so I could be saved from this hell.

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Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein...

She was someone who I had a chance with. We were both abused, and we both understood one another because of it. She was into me, and I threw it away because I thought I was going to kill myself.

I've tried messaging three-four times in the last two years. She ignores me every time. I know she sees the messages. She thinks I'm too pathetic to talk to, despite improving every other area of my life.

So I lift.

I lift so that one day someone will come along and be intrested in me. So that I can make friends instead of being alone for months on end. I lift so that one day I can actually have sex with someone who is infatuated with me.

I just want someone.

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Fucked countless tinder hoes trying to find what I'm looking for.
Fuck bros.

I waited a few weeks too long when our graduate school program started because I couldn't figure out if she had a boyfriend or not. Some ugly skinny-fat dude got there first and it turns out she's insecure or too agreeable or something. She still stares at me and smiles at me like she used to when he's not around. It hurts, lads.

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When I feel like I can't do my last rep I just remember her saying she can´t see me as more as a friend

Oh, and I do it to make sure she knows she made a mistake in taking him over me. Tomorrow's back and shoulders. Gonna hit it real hard for the anons ITT. We're all gonna make it

I fucking love you guys, im hitting this next set for all my Jow Forums bros.

We're all gonna make it brahs.

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You dodged a bullet lol


>tfw girls all have "that one" too
>tfw for all of them it's Chad

She a cute
Lift, rowing machines, chest press, treadmill and meme ab workouts like pic related

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Fuck, op you're making me remember feels that I almost forgot.

It was 3 years ago we had a really nice fling and she found out that her ex boyfriend had been cheating on her when they were together. She got really distant and I could have saved it if I had pushed past her shutting me out.

Lifting helped the depression for a while but it got to the point that I would think about her in between sets and get bummed out.

It doesn't help that the girls I've talked to after her have stopped talking to me after a few weeks. I'm starting to feel like no girl is ever going to find me good enough.

I know it's time to stop being a sad cunt and go crush chest and shoulders tomorrow.

God speed to all of you Jow Forumsizens who are down in the dumps too

>tfw losing hope
I don't even know what went wrong, people have always called me attractive, even girls in high school. College just ended and I'm still a KV.
Some people are just destined to be alone I guess. I at least hope that a roastie will take pity on me so that I can have a kid someday.

fake it till you make it, user. with an attitude like that, women will smell the insecurity and get put off. you can do better than a roastie.

>Girl invites me over last night at 1 am asking if I want to watch a movie
>Go over, we watch in room in her bed
>She says she has to wake up at 6am to take someone to the airport
>We just lay there watching for a little until she says she needs to try and sleep
>She falls asleep and I lay there for the whole night wondering the hell has happened
>No cuddling happens, at most a few parts of our body would be touching at certain points due to tossing and turning
>Wake up in the morning and she says bye and initiates a hug (which she usually never does)
Left me quite confused. I'm housesitting for a friend and am literally right up the street from her, should I try and invite her over rn? what say?

she was obviously waiting for you to make a move. invite her over.

No offense, but go get an escort. Treat yourself, spend some money. That'll take the edge off. First times fucking suck anyways. I cringe at the memory of when I lost it.

Hows this
"Wanna come over to the house I'm watching? We could watch a movie or play piano (she loves piano). It's right up the street from you"

yeah. order some food too, girls love that

I was a khv when I met her, we've been together for almost 4 months now and it's amazing. We're all gonna make it.

There was a legit 10/10 in the strongman group I trained with yesterday.
Did my best not to stare but there were a few times she bent down right in front of me and holy shit...

how old are you?

Losing my mind.
Everything seems so bleak.
Everyone around me is so estranged from me.
I can only try to be happy for so long.
I break then I'm forced to rebuild, and it's a neverending cycle.
I cry for attention inside because I need help but I'm too overburdened by everyone else and the moment I open up I'm stomped to the ground.
Every scar on my body is a cry for help. And people notice it. But no one gives a shit. And that's the only thing going through my head.

Being Jow Forums only gets you so far. I just want someone to give me a big fucking hug and ask me if I'm okay. Im an attention whore, and all my friends know it, but no one knows or gives a shit as to why. All I want is for someone to tell me they're here for me.


This picture males me think life could be worse. But it males me realize I'm just a fucking child trapped inside a grown body and I need affection that I never had.

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She hasn't responded

call her, don't just text
you can do it brah

>tfw no great and horrific war to fight in and discover a reason to continue living in the trenches

>tfw deep down you know she never will
It hurts lads

Bros I've been chatting this girl up for like a month. She's had a bad childhood (family related drama). I said some stupid shit relating to body issues and i've been "seenzoned" on facebook.

I asked if I did anything wrong. I have her number. Should I call her? I've fallen so hard for her. We made out and dry humped as soon as we go home and it was the first and only time we've made out.

Now she doesn't wanna talk to me. I'm fuckin devastated. What should i do?

You're coasting through life user. You gotta get some goals or else it'll keep being foggy. Also uh you might be depressed a bit, get it checked out maybe.

Did you give her up or was it mutual? Did she break up with you?

If you broke up with her just remember that, at the time, it was what you most wanted.

Viviane, she lives 1k km away from me but she would always cheat on her boyfriends with me when she was around. I know I am better without her and that I would be really dumb to trust her but I still miss what she gave me.
I do it so I can be strong enough to crush my feelings, improve and also because of all the death threats I received from her boyfriends.
Tomorrow I will continue my wii fit and zumba routine of aesthetics.

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Hope it lasts user

>dating a girl who I'd been crushing on for months
>it was adorable, I felt a real emotional connection with her, it was like teenage love
>I feel in love everytime I looked into her eyes
>never went further than holding her hand because I was afraid of fucking up and losing her
>what do you know, me not making a move made her lose interest
>I got too clingy and she asked me to just be friends
>we've been ignoring each other for over 2 months, even though we're in the same room at least 3x a week
>sometimes see her staring and when I look back she looks away
>meanwhile I met another girl
>2nd date
>we're both tipsy
>make out
>heavy making out
>tongue, ass grabbing, probably could have escalated to sex, I just didn't want to rush into anything
>don't really feel any emotional connection with her
>seems like she's expecting something serious right away
>don't wanna commit to anything, but I had a lot of fun with her

Thing is, to get this new girl I fronted as fuck, acted "Chad", and that's not who I really am. The other qt knew the real me and I felt good with her. I don't know what to do. I wish I could get the other girl back, but it seems that ship has sailed. On the other hand, I don't rule out being in a relationship with this girl at some point, but right now I'm just not feeling it. The fuck do I do?

Got rejected at fucking 29.
It started to get strong, then it was for her, now it's back to getting strong.
Nothing, she doesn't want me and now I'm just back at square one, only I can lift heavier. You guys were right. Lifting for girls means you're never going to make it. First day sober in a week. I'm still miserable but it's better than yesterday.

> she comes over to me at the club
>we talk
>we get outta club together
>she runs away
>i follow
>she's with 3 guys
>calls one of them her boyfriend (but is lying i think)
>i call her a whore
>get in a fight with the 3 white knights untill 3 other guys stop us
>she breaks down crying.
>i walk home

hadn't seen her for so long and thought i was over her. dont know what happened

Well guys, I broke up with my ex. This is a major point in my life, as she was very big part of my life, even though we were together shortly.

I know, some of you may say to "get over her" or "fuck more women and not think of her" but the fact is, I still do, since we had our life mapped out together and we actually planning in major milestones together and worked hard for one another in every aspect, until I let something get the better of me. She was everything i looked for in a woman, but cant find, and she told me that I am everything she wants, looks and personailty wise, and saw a future with us together. Without being sidetracked and sticking to what I mentioned earlier, I can do those two options. I know I'm very attractive, have had women tell me that, and other men who were hetero and gay as well, if that matters.

I seem there is a chance because she had me blocked on everything, and I had messaged her while I was intoxicated last weekend, and found out she had unblocked me on a social media. We had spoken of gathering some of my belongings, and she had not vandalized any of what I had originally told her to destroy, as I was angry and wanted her to burn everything. She spoke to me, and said she wanted to meet me in person one last time, then had told me to stop talking to her.

Does anyone see a possibility of this working out? Or should I call it quite? I'm not really a man of quits.

fucked 7 other girls after her to see if that would work.
blocked her on all social media. unblocked her on facebook to call her a whore while drunk afterwards though now she blocked me after calling me a stalker
whatever atleast it felt alpha to have 3 guys back down from a prober fight.
don't know if it was roid rage or just normal anger though

There's no going back, it's over, don't be an idiot like me and chase someone that's not coming back. I wasted a very long time doing it and it's the thing I most regret in my entire life.

Coming to terms with the fact that not only am I sticking my dick in crazy, but I love her and will probably continue to deal with her random bullshit days as long as our relationship doesn't become too toxic.

At the same time, this board's becoming less comfy for me, there's this shitty blend of Jow Forums and Jow Forums faggots that have taken to circlejerking on here. Some of you guys are alright though, I'll probably keep coming here the same way I'll probably stay with my gf.

seconding this.

I'm not going to chase and bother her repeatedly. We have the same circle of friends, so it's inevitable that I'll see her again.

She had said I was her soul mate, so that's why I am trying to see what I can fix on my own. If not, I guess I have to move on. Explain to me though, what went wrong in your relationship? We had nothing go wrong at all, except some fears I had.

So you stalked a girl out of the club and when she tried getting you off her back by asking men for help, you called her a whore and started a fight. Jesus christ, is this what happens when Jow Forums starts making some gains

>I let something get the better of me
did you cheat on her or something? What happened?

I have major trust issues, and they would come and go and we would resolve them together, and then this past weekend, it blew up while she was doing something. I'm not going to go into detail, but that's what happened. We yelled at one another, she cried, screamed at me, which she told me was rare for her to do, and then it got silent and quiet at the very end as we said goodbye to one another.

Like I say, next day we talked briefly about my belongings, because she has a lot of personal stuff, but I want her to keep eveeything, but this picture we had taken together. I really want that picture.

You're not soul mates. You were in love and now you're hung up, but that's what happens when you connect with someone so intensely and see yourself having a future with. If you have the same circle of friends, make it so you're never with her. Not once in a while, not occasionally, never. You'll just make yourself crazy. If she shows up, leave immediately, maybe say "hi" if you don't want to take my advice.
>tldr: life choices between us were too different
My relationship was one where we were never at the same stage of our lives. After a few years it was pretty evident that we weren't going the same direction, and once my father died it basically just broke me as a person and I became not only someone she didn't have a future with, she didn't have a present with. For like 4 years I tried doing things to get my life in order, staying in casual contact with her, trying to be friends. After some time and we had gotten close, I took my shot. It was the same situation as when we had broken up, even though I thought I had made intense progress in ways she would find attractive, and she didn't want to get back together. I wasted so much time and effort on something that wasn't there. Biggest regret of my life, I'll never have those years or that sanity back.

Just told my girlfriend I love her, she brought back my faith in relationships and treats me like no other girl has treated me. Her father died shortly after she was born, and I want to be there for her for when times get rough. Tomorrow I’m taking her to sign up at my gym and I’ve never seen someone more excited. She’s the sunshine in my otherwise horrible life and is helping me turn that around every day.

Don't get me wrong, I had did that before, but with a girl I didnt like fir herself, more so for her presence, which I regret, so I know how it feels to waste time on someone who won't give back.

This is something different though man, someone else who's different. I know for a fact, and I fucked up my guy, and I want to fix it. If I cant, I guess I just have to move on.

she keeps following me around and ALWAYS keeps looking at me.

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She was head over heels for me mate. We dated from 17-22. It was a beautiful relationship the whole way through, mutual love, caring respect and support. Never a girl I had to worry about cheating with. But as many young men do I became restless and complacent in our relationship and thought maybe I could have it better.
It’s been over a year now.
a couple weeks ago I reached out and told her how I felt. She didn’t answer and instead just blocked me.
I feel crushed

...und das heißt...

God damn user our situations sound very similar see
I too am considered “attractive” most of my family and friends were actually happy I broke up with her because I’m so young and she was all I’ve known.
You can love someone so much, but you can never love them as much as you can miss them

Fine man, do what you want. Moving on is harder than you think once you invest time into something. And if you "just can't quit" like you said, you won't be able to. There's a million hills to die on in this life, do you really want this to be one? I'm only wishing you good luck for when you wind up like I did and you don't blow your brains out.


>whats her name?
>why do you do it?
For myself and to get laid
>what will you do tomorrow to make yourself better for her?
For her? Nothing, I don't give a fuck about her

I know it's hard. I have been already wanting to blow my brains out since I was 16, because I feel so empty now, and I feel more so now than ever, but I keep chugging on so I can return home.

What's your plan user? What do you plan to do?

Right now it’s to just do what I have to do and move on. I can love her and tell her I love her until I’m blue in the face.
She doesn’t love me anymore, it’s my own fault and I can’t change it.
I guess my plan now is acceptance.

I understand user.

Mine is still fresh, the wound is there. We had everything planned out in near future, and we were planning lots of things for us to do when I return. And I feel like there are residual feelings for both sides, and I'm sure both of us want to work this out, but the break up was very rough and basically blew up and escalated.

I think I'll have to accept it eventually.

Any advice to give me before I try anything further?

Don't say you weren't warned. RIP bro.

How much do i need to lift to beat depression?

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>saw her out with him

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I bench 2 pl8 at them moment, how much more?

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that's very impressive user, but your work is never done

Physical gains grant social gains, though. When you get mires, it boosts confidence, with increased confidence comes increased social interaction. It's a feedback loop.

What do we think of social media, relationships, and revealing pictures/clothing?
This is unironicslly the biggest strain on my relationship right now. My girlfriend has a very active Instagram and posts pictures a lot, and will even delete pictures if they don't get enough likes in the first 5 minutes

She has always posted revealing pictures with cleavage and the likes, since before we were together. When she posts one of these kinds of pictures I tell her jokingly that she's a whore to get the message across without seeming insecure or whatever, which is something I really try and avoid because it's toxic. I don't say anything else about it otherwise.

I think she knows I'm not comfortable with her doing it (once we had an argument and she posted a revealing picture during it and I really got pissed off about it) but I think she can't help herself than try and get As many likes as possible no matter the cost. Maybe it's just because she's young (18) and I hope she'll grow out of it

Don't get me wrong this girl is fantastic in every other way, smart, caring, good morals and good family. What do you think guys?

>College just ended and I'm still a KV.

When college ended, I was a KHHV, now I'm just a KV. Soon, hopefully, I will be neither. You just gotta keep going, bro.

We're ALL gonna make it.