>Be in gym >Squatting 185 (atg) >Slow day, only me and 1 other guy who's doing dumbbell shit >I'm kinda shredded but still in ottermode/twink mode >Me and other guy are zoned out with our earbuds on just lifting >Bloatlord roided up juggernaut walks in in a cutoff and starts warming up by waving his arms around with 5lb plates in his hands >Finish my set >Immediately rack weights and leave >As i'm walking out I see the other guy finish his set and leave
Not even gonna fuck with that, how do you deal with getting mogged in the gym?
By not being an insecure faggot that runs out of the gym when someone bigger than me comes in
Adrian Flores
>work out >see big guy >for you >continue working out >don't be a huge faggot like OP >leave when workout is done
Joshua James
don't understand this post
Joseph Hill
>>Squatting 185 (atg) pls be kg
Jack Rivera
fuckn rekt lmao
Cameron Perez
Why did you leave? Why are you paying attention to other dudes at the gym?
Jaxson Lee
>Why are you paying attention to other dudes at the gym? Because there are mirrors on every wall? It's not like i'm staring at people but unless your eyes are glued to the floor like a beta virgin autistic incel the whole time you're probably going to notice that there are people in the gym. Hard to believe I know
Parker Moore
>dubs of false thought you mean to tell me you dont stare at yourself or the weights the whole time? never gonna make it