MDMA / general drug thread

took a tasty 180mg MDMA crystal on saturday (bodyweight, 87kg). it was my first time. is my brain fucked now? kinda spooked out because I read that you shouldn't go over 120mg on your first time.

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MDMA is extremely neurotoxic, its a fun drug, but don't take it more than once a year

I am not understating at how neurotoxic it is at high and frequent doses.

you'll be fine
"IT PUTS HOLES IN UR BRAIN!!!1!" Is some Tipper Gore bullshit

I mean it's actually true if you take MDMA regularly, but even using it a couple times a year won't hurt you. It might give you some shitty depression though so be careful

how do you feel? do you feel like your brain is fucked? more than likely you're freaking out about nothing.

just give your brain a rest, don't be putting any more drugs in your body for the next little while and you'll be back to normal in no time.


Yeah be carefull, thus shit is nasty af but can fuck up your dopamine. I used to take 100mg each week for 2month and it took 6 to recover. 6month depressed because of low dopamine levels caused by mdma.

it's strong yeah, emotionally the strongest drug I've done. way more powerful than speed or 2CB.

I'm not sure, I guess I'm feeling fine (slightly numb) just spooked out a bit after reading warnings that first timers shouldn't go above 120. the thing is, I'm not sure if my seratonin's burned out or not. the worst deppressive hangovers I've had in life were from alcohol or speed though, and I'm not feeling that at all. just general numbness to the world. zero anxiety too which is kinda cool.

yeah I'm not gonna take it for a while that's for sure.


>your first time
you're not gonna protect your brain by building a tolerance or anything, idk about dosage but you're probably not going to do noticable damage on a single common dose

what do you mean?

explain to me how this is Jow Forums related

it's related to health.

this hasn't been a health board for a very long time

go cry about it on your blog faggot

discussing matters concerning health isn't bannable on this board.

jesus christ look at the sizes of those things

dont worry ive literally taken 1.2 grams of it (over the course of about 16 hours ) and im fine

Self proclaimed MDMA expert here. First few times you will get afterglow from mdma and that dose is nothing, believe me. I know few guys who always popped 1 and a half pills of 220mg strong mdma and they were fine, but they popped so often that now their memory is a little fucked up. But don't worry mate, 180mg for first time is nothing.

>180mg for first time is nothing.
ignore this fucking idiot. must be some nigger-tier mdma you have then
>self proclaimed MDMA expert
explains why you're such a fucking retard

This, sorta. I've abused the fuck out of mdma on a binge. 3 grams over 2 days, dosing every hour.

Worst fucking comedown I've ever experienced from a drug. Hellish 3 or 4 days before the brain zaps slowed down.

But I lived, so the small amount you took is nothing to worry about. Just stay hydrated and listen to your body.

i took 400-600mg (~80%pur) my first time because I finger dipped extra while high bc it felt so good. Luckily I puked but my dopamine levels were fucked for 2 years worst years of my life and worst mistake of my life. Still feel that I have brain damage. Don't take this shit if you're an irresponsible fag like me.

Just this thread gives me heart palpitations, anxiety and depression because one moment of retardness fucked me for life. Luckily I was pretty smart so I'm not fully retarded, feel kinda grateful that I'm still here desu.. don't do any drugs now but the occasional social beer.

180mg is ok. One time dose of that will not do damage. Sustained, heavy use will do that.

I usually take around 100mg and add ketamine because I don't like the side effects of higher doses of m (jaw clenching/sweating/eyes all over the place).

But I've seen people (and with people i mean Brits) munch down grams on a festival day.

MDMA is nice
Try LSD or DMT and get back to us.

My friends must be fucked up junkies with extreme tolerance because they can handle shit like this easily. Seen guys pop 3 xtc pills of 200mg each in 10 hours and still lick M every hour or so. You sure you were out of for 2 years because of the mdma, not just because you made yourself think that?

its not dopamine its serotonin, but yes it will do that to you

not op but how hard does mixing 4fmp and xtc fuck you up?

You're fine. I take between 300 and 400 mg per 3 months on parties. The 2 days after you're a bit buzzed but after that you're fine. Just dont take it more than once a month because you have to take more each time to reach the same effect.

hard. If you start with 4fmp you should take half of your normal xtc dose because it works much better.

Hmm... I've done a lot of pills and tried mollies, is MDMA crystals another thing?

MDMA is the stuff that should be in your pills, but especially in the States it's usually completely different shit that they put in.

LSD was the best thing I ever took. 150micrograms and the trip was insane. I was laughing nonstop, the euphoria was intense. not to mention the visuals.

I stupidly took large doses of ecstacy, mdma, coke and ketamine for several years when I was younger (I was pretty fucked up back then) It definitely had a negative effect on cognition. For around ten years after stopping I had problems with my memory and learning. I was also an alcoholic which doesn't really mix well with those drugs (almost died on several occasions)
I found exercise helped greatly with my recovery and feel my cognitive problems are gone for the most part.
You should be fine after one dose though, but as others have said don't get into a habit of taking it regularly.

since we're on the topic off drugs, can you fiends help me out with this?
>classical adhd symptoms at early age
>suicidal thoughts at early age due to constant psychological abuse at school and home
>start being unable to control thoughts at a young age (unable to stop hearing the same song in my head)
>skip 20 years
>diagnosed with adhd/depression
>psychiatrist wants to start me off on baby shit since i told him ive done amphetamines/benzos to make sure im not a junky looking for a fix
>prescribed wellbutrin because it should be able to shoot two birds with one stone
>holy shit this mental clarity, i can control my own thoughts, i can decide if i want to think about anything at all or if i want my mind to be a complete empty void
>able to decide to do something and actually do it without it having to be a personal struggle
>able to sit my ass down and read my differential equations homework without my mind wandering off
keep in mind i felt this from around 6am to noon, but once noon hit
>hit with crippling anxiety that left me rocking in a fetal position at school crying until the sun went down
>only thing that gave me a bit of calm was knowing that i could end it all which gave me a sense of control over myself

brehs wtf? this happened 2 years ago but that shit sent me down a fucking spiral that im still trying to make my way out of. Since then i've been on zoloft, antipsychotics and amphetamines and the closest ive felt to that mental clarity was the first time when i've done vyvanse and when i was drunk and on klonopin. Was that just euphoria that I experienced? I didn't feel happy or anything, I just felt calm and from that calm itself I felt happy. Can I ever feel like that again or should I just shoot the shit, hope I od and die happy?

I live in Scotland and people I know take a gram in one go. It's disgusting, I've stopped taking it when I go out, last time I took it I was blackout and have scarring in my inner cheeks and lips

Fucking sad isn't it? I'm in my early 40's and people I knew when I was 20 are still doing it.


it hardly works because of counteracting receptors because of the similarity between the ampethamines.

Taking xtc after 4fm doesnt work well, its extremely neurotoxic and diminishes the result from x considerably. you be better of taking just x

we used to do it every weekend. like 10 or so pills spread out throughout friday and Saturday (we wouldn't sleep) while we went to raves, combining it with multiple other drugs like ket, acid, mush, ghb, speed, coke.

I really think it depends on the person and their mental well being. I did this for almost 10 years and I'm relatively fine. I own my own home, have a great and well paying job and am physically fit and active. some people just suck with substances and arent prepared for what they do to your brain

180 for 90 kilos is fine.

>I really think it depends on the person and their mental well being
this really. i've seen people like you who are functioning well, but I've seen my friends turn into literal scum.

it's not a particularly high dose, no. You definitely have not incurred any permanent effects on yourself from taking mdma once. That said, as others in this thread have pointed out, don't take it very often (every 3 or 4 months is a good rule of thumb). I don't do it at all any more because the comedowns became completely unbearable.

i very much doubt that a single time taking mdma caused 2 years of depression bro. Have you seen a therapist or psychiatrist maybe?

It’s okay to feel out of it at first. MDMA has hands down the strongest comedown I’ve ever experienced on any drug. I haven’t done it in a couple years but give it some time and you’ll feel back to normal again. It’s negative side effects are mainly boomer memes but it really does lower your seretonin levels which is why people feel so depressed after.

180 is pretty close to the normal dose, i know a guy that took 800mg in one night and ended up off his nut, he hasn't been right since.

You shouldn't do mdma ever you fucking retard, lol, you're fucked. Say good bye to you're mental health for the rest of your life. Everytime you make some questionable decision, in hindsight you'll always ask yourself if you would have made the right decision if you'd never fucked with mdma.

t. drugsrbadmmmkay

What drug do I take to unfuck my autism?

I second this, also experienced the same thing with the comedowns getting progressively unbearable from bi-monthly use which led me to stop.

300mg of KCN

if you ever become that desperate, maybe try dmt. relatively easy to make on your own, safe if you are cautious and it might fix your problem


Oh that's rude.

>it was my first time
What I can tell you is: being your first time, it was the best ever, so I hope you had a good run, since the first is always the best, you'll never get close to that feeling again.
And no, one time doesn't really affect you at all. Just don't abuse it

mushroom and whisper normie normie normie...

MDMA kills your happiness


It's off-topic. There is a reason health was removed from health and fitness. Anons abused it to just talk about all kinds of shit because it was lol health related

Counteracting receptors? Bullshit
MDMA and 4FA both act as releasing factors for serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine and inhibit their reuptake. I don't know if they act on exactly the same receptors because quite little is known about 4FA but they have the same general effect with some difference in ratio between neurotransmitters. Their effects stack up so to say.
Done it a couple times myself and I can tell you the mdma does hit twice as hard.
Probably right about the neurotoxicity tho

Microdose codeine+wellbutrin

Haven't done it myself b/c muh tism is manageable but the effect I've seen it have on other people is unbelievable. That combination turns depressed spergs into happy, social, carefree, normies (well, "normies" in terms of mental state)

Codeine dosing varies from person to person, but it's always between "cough syrup" and "actually high" doses. Start on the lower end. The Wellbutrin, as I understand it, makes you happier but not necessarily less autistic. Add to taste.

I'm scared of shit like Wellbutrin.

it's not technically necessary, and you can use a few others, but wellbutrin is one of the least dangerous of the bunch.

What's with all these faggots making huge generalizations? Everyone's set up differently so drugs are gonna have different effects on people's mentalities.

I'll look into it. Thanks for the help.

When you also took alcohol alongside with it, then there is very likely some permanent damage to your brain.
Regarding the first time, you very likely will feel "good" again after ~3 days with healthy sleep. Depending on your brains serotonin values, it can take up to some month until they are back on their regular values.

I stopped taking those party drugs forever, after some idiot put an overdose in my beer.

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I fucked myself up good by taking mdma regularly for a period of 3 years. (Ie every 2 months) with a period of like 6 months where I did it twice a month even.
I had weird brain zaps, saw smoke or movement. I still sometimes have weird perception of object but the brain zaps have completely gone away. (Now 3 years ago). I've done mdma like once or twice a year since and I've been good.
I can still do my job though and finished my study with good grades, but I feel like I needed to put more effort studying then I did before.

Have done it once at a reasonable dosage but I still sometimes get jaw clenching despite it being nearly 2.5 months ago. Any way to get rid of it or have I fucked myself for life?