After working out in AthleanX's gym, following his nutrition and exercise programmes, and basically having him as your personal trainer for 18 months, you too can look this jacked
After working out in AthleanX's gym, following his nutrition and exercise programmes...
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the guy is used to working with uber chads with athletic genes, you could have them do band exercises and they'd get jacked. Throw him some twink who refuses to eat anything besides a few chicken nuggets and a sip of sprite and what do you expect.
Jeff isn't natty (yes he's in the nat range, still not natty) is or will start selling supplements at some point to scam people, and although he has academic and professional background he is full of shit about anything that goes beyond novice/intermediate.
That being said, his advice on rehab/injury prevention is very good.
His audience is naive people, mostly, hence the clickbait tittles
frankly I think it's his cpt background that prevents him from giving 'good' advice for stuff beyond novice or intermediate lifting. Since a lot of pushing into advanced lifting territory is not good general advice and unnecessary for normie health and fitness.
The clickbait stuff and straining for video content is pretty blatant though
Can't outlift shitty genes. At least without gear.
guy doesn't look that bad tho and he could be very athletic
That's the thing I used to follow Athlean X religiously, but the whole personal student who is still dyel really throws a load of doubt over his whole programmes. If Jesse had made the progress he'd made in 6 months that would be one thing, trash genetics could excuse it, but 18 months? Either Jesse or Jeff is full of shit. There are guys who do just pullups and push ups for 6 months that look bigger than him.
Really, that's all 99% of people need and want.
Yeah, sure, if you want to pull 800 or get onstage at a decent show or whatever equivalent feat you're gonna need to start listening to crazy fuckers like Jamie Lewis or whoever and risk breaking yourself but very few people think they want that (and even fewer actually do).
the best program on earth won't matter if you're not eating right
That was my thought as well. Dude probably doesn't have his nutrition on point.
I'm not even memeing here I'm not a fan of alphadestiny but say Jesse had been his student for a year and a half instead of AthleanXs I guarantee he would be far bigger.
Probably, but I'd wager 'get fucking jacked' was not one of the goals of his training.
He was in a fucking car accident during that time you massive cunt retards
the state of Jow Forums.. jesus christ
yes, i might have worded it poorly, but my point is he has some good free advice even though he is obviously catering to a normie audience.
If he was getting adequate caloric intake to get bigger he'd either be fatter or more muscular. Since he's about the same it's fair to say he's just not eating enough to grow in either direction.
Not everyone follows these joootobe "celebrities", like they were some fucking idols or smth.
Glass yourself cunt
I would just powerclean that fucking car mate. That dudes a puss
everyone here sure is quick to jump on the shitflinging train which does indeed tell us quite a bit about the state of /fit9k/
neck yourself niggerlover
>everyone here sure is quick to jump on the shitflinging train which does indeed tell us quite a bit about the state of /fit9k/
Do you have some mental disorder? Maybe you are nigger with 70iq?
LEARN TO READ. Not everyone knows that some shitstain was in accident or smth, people just posted dyel stating that he trained for 18 months and still looks like shit....... and he's even a manlet. Pathetic.
I was about to say 5'11 isn't a manlet but then I remembered what board I'm on
6'0 = King of manlets.
It's 2018, not 1960, gramps.
I can see you've taken your roids this morning
pathetic loser
Yeah and Blaha was in bed for year after being poisoned with polonium by Mossad
5'11 is a manlet and i aint even memeing, 5'11 IS SHORT NOW
>comparing Blaha to Jeff & Jesse
kys loser
>a wild Chad appears
what's the guy trying to do though? bodybuilding? yes, then it's shit results. weightlifting? probably shit too. does he want to run or be good at sports, be a climber, a runner, a swimmer, or similar? then don't see anything wrong with it
without his goals this thread is useless.
this is /fit9k/, what can one expect other than mindless shitflinging, broscience and fat neckbeards larping as chads
he looks good compared to what he did for sure
dudes rest it, he looks fine. he is probably bulking at a very slow rate because athlean wants him to follow his protocol and not put up alot of weight
Look at the before and after pictures, I don't think you realize how small Jesse was, it's not like he hasn't gained any size. I don't know what diet Jeff put him on but it obviously wasn't an aggressive bulk, just some sort of lean gains approach. Also Jeff doesn't babysit Jesse when he works out.
He has made progress absolutely, but 18 months worth of progress? With free 'expert' advice any time he wants it?
>sip of sprite
the real crime is the disney tattoo
There’s a 40ish year old guy from my work who goes to the same gym as me, follows athlean x’s advice and his body is very similar, huge biceps too.
the number one way to get massive strong shoulders is to just grab a rubber band and fuck around for a few minutes every day
vertical diet and SS + one set of pushups, pullups, curls and tricep extensions to failure at the end of the workouts would have him looking more jacked than this.
but at least he never internally rotates his shoulders so at least he's got that going for him
>vertical diet
sounds like activated almonds
literally the reason why he doesn't get any muscle
choose one
he honestly doesn't look that bad. He's not ""strong"" by Jow Forums standards but he's pretty lean and athletic.
im guessing he did this while on a cut. Or just avoided barbell lifts all together.
use a newer video mate.
I loled
How do you know he isn’t natty? Because you roid and look worse than him?
I think it's important to know what that guy looked like before hand
You wanna know how I know you're a pathetic loser? You posted on /fit.
I can't fucking wait until.the FBI seizes this website.
/fit losers in a nutshell.
Kys you worthless shitbags.
Jeff doesn't believe in the bulking/cutting approach because he's correct in the fact that most people don't have the discipline to do it. most bulkers just want an excuse to be fat for half of the year
Bulking/cutting is a good tool to use if you compete in whatever the fuck you compete. If you’re an average Joe looking to improve yourself you shouldn’t do this. But hey, people will follow whatever meme fad is trendy on the internet.
at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if Blaha claimed this
it's the newest meme diet. it centers on rice and steak, but then goes downhill from there.