>have a female workout buddy >tells me she hates when guys hit on her at the gym >we text each other random memes regularly >she texts me pic related saying she went bikini shopping
Does she want the D? Serious question, I've never got the sense she was interested before and I literally have no idea.
Yes. But you've alr put yourself in the friend zone. Just go for it.
Michael Moore
Be honest user, is this girl your dad?
Aaron Wright
Tell her you wanna slam that all night. Post reply.
Juan Gutierrez
Her legs look like garbage tell the slut to hit some squats and don't send another pic till she's got a tear drop.
Jackson Clark
once you show interest hers will dwindle
Connor Fisher
That is a man's body No waist
Carson Moore
Op is a faj she wants your ding dong :::::DDDDD
Grayson Cooper
She could very well just be fishing for complements/attention, depending on how many other guys she also sent that picture to. If she sent it just to you, then yeah she almost certainly wants to fuck, but if she knows plenty of other guys, then she’s almost certainly also texting them regularly, she almost certainly also sent them that picture.
I'd say we're in the same league but I also have self esteem issues.
She's just asian and works abs a lot.
Jaxon Richardson
if a girl sends you bikini pics you are either A) neck-deep in the friend zone or B) she wants the D but it looks like she wants the D
Thomas Richardson
Fuck your self esteem issues they don't exist anymore after this post. Grow a pair, dip it in olive oil, and go baste that spring chicken. You look fine, she wants your cock, you're not going to fuck this up. It's just sex and you've done this before. So do it again. Your self esteem issues are created by you and you alone. So tell them to fuck off
Adrian Wright
No girl sends a guy undressed pics unless she wants the dick or she thinks you are her new gay friend. Go for it or you will just regret it
Ethan Bennett
Wyatt Bailey
Imagined someone with a pair of white briefs, pee stain in the front and enormous buldge, whilst smiling devilishly
Daniel Murphy
>>Does she want the D? >no milkers does it even matter?
see I think you can't go wrong by saying that it looks good on her.
Jonathan Richardson
unironically this. the exact wording too
Levi Cox
What Chloe Moretz looks like THAT?
Jackson Scott
>abs >asian
user, I...
Grayson Anderson
that's a man, baby
Nolan Bennett
This is a girl?
Jordan Perry
Yes she is absolutely gagging for it but you're retarded and this is her last ditch effort to get you to plow her without having to rent a billboard and paint "FUCK ME" on it
Angel Ortiz
>fridgemode >doesn't train legs
Lmaoing @ ur life
Jaxon Cook
My sisters do it all the time, they just want an honest opinion from a single lad in the world that is honest with them and doesn't want to fuck them
Julian Cook
90% chance she wants the D, so act accordingly.
In the 10% chance you’re wrong, don’t let her or anybody else act like you were being ridiculous, because everybody on here agrees she’s sending obvious D craving signals.
Go get it my mang.
Bentley Cox
OP update. Basically followed this advice , said she looks great and her hard work is paying off, and she deserves to go out for ice cream as a reward. So now we're going out on a date, I think, tomorrow. Thanks bros.
She started sending more pics of summer clothes she bought, pic related.
She either responds badly and you can roll it out as a joke or she responds well and you may commence the banging
Noah Allen
I really fucking hope you don't screw this up but please establish this is a date before you friendzone yourself. She might think it's a date already but just reading it I can't be sure, it's too up in the air. For me, op. I mean look at those legs
Tyler Rogers
i'll be waiting for your next thread when this goes horribly wrong
Just give her a neutral compliment (or one you can plausibly claim you didn't mean sexually if she reacts badly) on how good she looks in the bikini and see how she responds. Shouldn't be too hard. I'd also jerk off before you do anything rash
"looks good but i have to see it in person to be sure"
Josiah Morris
I feel like that's a bit excessive.
Luis Jones
I think the main mistake guys make when reading female behaviour is not understanding that most women live moment to moment. If they can scratch an itch with an interaction they will do it.
She's probably send this pic to 3-4 other dudes at the same time.
This doesn't mean OP won't get laid, maybe he will, but it's not worth overthinking it and being so invested in the outcome.
You ask her if she'd like to get a cup of coffee or some shit. Something that is unambiguously a date scenario. If she tries the friendzone thing then oh well. You know you didn't waste your time chasing somebody whose hotness wasn't worth the mental anguish she'd inevitably cause
Logan Jenkins
you should always assume they want the D
half the time she's interested on some level and the other half the time she herself doesn't fucking know and needs you to make a move to make up her mind
girls don't willingly interact 1 on 1 with guys they don't find attractive at all, unless you've made yourself into an orbiter (and guess what, she had to find you attractive at some point for that to happen), but then you're too socially retarded to fuck anyway
Justin Diaz
and also OP should be on Tinder trying to line up at least 1 more date this week
Jack Long
Fuck man. That feel when no fit Asian gym partner who sends me hot pics to make me tempted to slam her. Lmao at my life what am I even doing. Fuck fuck fuck I'm 25 almost too hdhdjdjejsjsjfjj
Parker Powell
You're wrong. You just need to take the leap. Just make it sexual and she'll either shoot it down and it won't really bother you or she'll jump at the opportunity and you're g2g.
Jason Cooper
Grug want pussy now!
Robert Brown
top kek
Levi Morales
>Something that is unambiguously a date scenario
Yeah, but I've had that fail before, during what I thought was a date.
Honestly, if it happens again I'm gonna say I've gotta take a piss and climb out through the bathroom window.
Aiden Green
grug smash!
Jayden Wilson
>we are moving in the wrong direction here, you are putting on more clothes instead of less
Daniel Nguyen
Connor Sanchez
long nose tribe say grug more sex with woman if stop touch groin rock. now grug cant get hard rock
This is a good line, OP. It makes it sexual but it's also jokey.
Kayden James
One of the few times I have seen an user make it
Liam Martinez
Lol I understand the impulse to do that, but you're better off just acting like it doesn't bother you and finish your meal/coffee/whatever and never initiate contact with her again.
Chase Williams
No what he should say is >I posted these pics on Jow Forums so they could give me advice on how to respond in order to increase my chances of fucking you
Oliver Murphy
Congrats, man. Leave the thread now before the retards try to convince you to fuck it up
Austin Butler
>damnit chad isn’t giving me any attention >these beta losers will though >especially the boy that I convinced to train me in the gym >should I use the nude photo I sent to chad? Naw then they’ll think I’m interested >I got it, I’ll send that bikini photo >[mass texts to 20+ beta orbiters including OP] >feels good being a girl
Joshua Edwards
Kek touche. Would love to be op though.
Aaron Hughes
>implying i havent done this
Jeremiah Davis
Dude, delete this right fucking now. I would ignore you and close the thread but my therapist says it is important to let you know that you have upset me tremendously with your post.
Robert Nguyen
Eli Rogers
but that is one ugly ass body, looks like a man
Ian Martin
Give her better than average, but don't inflate her ego.
Robert Lee
Not sure if she's into you? >invite her over your place to hangout If she declines there you go if not: > put on a movie (Disney preferably. Creates nice convos) > get your arm around her and pull her in to cuddle > if she goes along with it you've already got it in the bag > when talking make eye contact. Your faces will be close and it will build tension > go for kiss eventually or when convo stops and you both eye gaze > escalate it > win
That's all you do boys. Been slamming this hot 18yr blonde lately and this is all I did. So damn easy
>suggests watching disney >'been slamming this 18yo'
Ahh I get it now. Honestly nothing wrong with it my gf is 18 but this advice wouldn't really work on more mature girls. Disney movies are too simple for any good convo.
Liam Cruz
Had a very similar situation and I was too pussy to do anything. Now she lives in another city and asked why I never made a move. Don’t be like me user, i believe in you.
What? How? It brings back amazing memories about your childhood and you can both relate to warming topics. It breaks the ice. NO ONE is ever too fucking old for Disney movies. That's ridiculous.
Anthony Long
she either wants to date you or she considers you the gay friend
there is no inbetween you'll either get to be in a shitty long term relationship with a unstable girl or you'll ruin your friendship trying to get above
Bentley Smith
>pretend to be gay >say you've never been with a woman >get a curiosity fuck
Brody Gonzalez
Nothing wrong with wanting to get your dick wet bro. Besides, friendships with girls are useless.
Lucas Morales
A grill I know showed me dozens of pictures in lingerie. I literally just said "oh, cool" and turned away. She was almost definitely just fishing for attention but what the fuck.
Angel Jackson
I know a legit fag who had sex with a girl "just to try it out" meanwhile I'm straight and virgin at 21
Jacob Wilson
If it had been sent to me she would've wanted the D 100% guaranteed because I don't do friendzone but yeah depends OP, has there been any sexual tension in the past? Do you feel like you're in the friendzone?
Nathaniel Davis
A girl bro is an absolute unicorn but they do exist.