
Strength doesn't equal size if you're natty, and I want to be large. What's the best hypertrophy routine?

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i have never seen a big natty dude lifting bitch weight.

not bumping since this is probably bait

Getting stronger.

I'm currently 1/2/3/4

Damn, Varg looks like that?

But this is still good for his age

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I have never seen a big natty dude.

I have

Most physique competitors aren't that strong

Those are the palest, most ghostly biceps I've ever seen.

Who dis?

most physique competitors aren't natty either.

that's on you bro, my gym has some >220lbs guys who aren't fatasses and lift big. But guess what, the majority of people are memesters just like you faggots, following some bodybuilding magazine meme routine and making shit gains and coping with the idea that you can't get big without steroids.

>looking like a white person is bad

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Ooky spooky buff latino coming in and ruining your white ethnostate

You're not strong

1/2/3/4 is legit stronger than 90% of Jow Forums and any commercial gym goer

1/2/3/4 is impressive if you're a female or 13 years old. Because It took me 1 month to reach it when I was 14

>1/2/3/4 is legit stronger than 90%

getting paid $15/hour is probably more than 90% of all people in the world, do you think that is a lot?

Lmao, shut the fuck up

>Coming in
Implying that latino trash wouldn't be shot and tortured in the white ethnostate.

I just want a good hypertrophy routine now that I have a strength base. Is this too much to ask?

>commercial gym
Thats your problem, bucko

Ok someone please please help me

I have been lifting for 3 months and doing everything right, I am doing the amount of volume recommended by Mike Isreatel, training with 8-12 reps. I eat loads and have gained weight and gotten tons stronger, adding 20kg to all my lifts, but I look the exact same just fatter. I see these people who actually look really different after this amount of time and I just don’t understand why I’m not like that. How can I be so much stronger and heavier and have no muscle growth?

This is driving me insane, I work hard as fuck in the gym and do everything I need to progress and recover but I haven’t changed visibly, can anyone please tell me what the hell is going on??? And it’s not body dysmorphia, clothes fit the exact same, no ones said oh you look different, just now my pants are tight from having a bit of a belly now.

No one will give you one.
You don't deserve it. Keep doing SS lmao

Implying your ethnostate has a big enough sunscreen defense budget

>Strength doesn't equal size if you're natty
Post lifts retard

1/2/3/4 is achievable with sight difficulty (read trying just hard enough) within 8-10 months of when you start lifting for a male of normal height and weight. It's nothing impressive.

>I have been lifting for 3 months and doing everything right, I am doing the amount of volume recommended by Mike Isreatel, training with 8-12 reps. I eat loads and have gained weight and gotten tons stronger, adding 20kg to all my lifts, but I look the exact same just fatter
Shitty genes. Following that dirty jew's stuff gave me similar to newbie gains for few months

>tfw you realize 95% of Jow Forums doesnt lift

Is there anything I can do then? Will I never be able to look muscular

Chill. Ignore the trolls, I gotchu senpai

literally all he needs to do is eat more carrots lol

Try Vincent Gironda's "honest workout." It's eight sets of eight with 15-30 second rests. You'll have to lower your weight and it's absolutely not a strength routine, but he's a Mr. Olympia trainer and swears by its efficacy for hypertrophy.

I don’t understand bro :(

If you're truly getting stronger then you're fine. Here's what you got to do:

Just keep bulking at a rate of 1lb to 2lbs (on the high side) per week while you make your linear gains. You're going to get fatter in the short term and that's OKAY. look at pictures of off season bodybuilders if you don't believe me. This is why you don't look all that different yet: your lean muscle mass is under your fat. But that's okay. Youre getting built for the long term.

When your LP period ends, cut about 1lb a week until about 10% BF and mire your sweet noob gains. Then bulk again this time slower and switch to an intermediate strength program.

I just don’t understand though, something must be wrong, I can bench 80kg for reps and I know that’s not very strong in the grand scheme of things, but there’s people benching a lot less that look a lot more muscular and big, I’m not fat enough yet that I wouldn’t be able to see whatever muscle I’ve gained, you see people and after 3 months they’ve transformed and I just look the same except my stomach is bigger

>Is there anything I can do then? Will I never be able to look muscular
Try other style of training, maybe it just doesn't work for you. Bodybuilding aint exact science, desu

I know it's tempting to compare yourself to other people, but that isn't helpful. You need to focus on being the biggest and best version of yourself you can be. You're never going to look like Arnold or Frank Zane or Hugh Jackman or Jason Momoa or Zyzz or whoever you consider to be peak aesthetic. You need to focus on you and your gains.

If your goal is hypertrophy, I'm going to challenge you to shift your metrics away from body weight or 1 rep maxes. Instead, measure your biceps, measure your waist, measure your chest, etc. I promise you IF you're getting stronger you're getting bigger. You need to record it and focus on being a bigger, better you. If you're already stronger than the people who are bigger than you, then great! You're off to a good start. Now leave them be and stop measuring your progress against them. You're fine. Your genetics aren't shit. You're going to make it.

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

>It's eight sets of eight with 15-30 second rests
now this crap REALY doesn't work for natty lifters. Natty muscles don't restore ATP n shieeet that fast.

You probably look better than you think. I'm only slightly stronger than you (90kg bench for 5 or 6 reps) and I thought I was pretty dyel. I was at the beach yesterday when I realized that I mogged just about every other guy there. The average person is flabby and has zero muscle mass.

I don’t think my goals are that far fetched to be honest, my ideal body is Sylvester Stallone from the first Rocky movie, I’m definitely going to try measuring my body so thank you for the advice, is there anything I can do to make sure I grow? Because it’s hard not to get discouraged when I’m working hard and doing everything right

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Don't do this, don't try to archive other persons physique because that is impossible. Everyone's bone structure is different

Go samefag on

>Because it’s hard not to get discouraged when I’m working hard and doing everything right
Some things are not under our control, brah. Focus on things that you can control and you will make it.

I don’t think so to be honest mate, this is what my upper body looks like, I smash chest so hard and do tons of cable flies not just bench, and I have 0 chest muscle

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>Go samefag on Off yourself, non-white trash. People like you don't contribute anything to society and should BTFO

You might just kys at this point

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>I don’t think so to be honest mate, this is what my upper body looks like, I smash chest so hard and do tons of cable flies not just bench, and I have 0 chest muscle
Height? Yeah it looks bit on a bad side..... you hit all your macros often?

>on Jow Forums
>contribute to society

Stallone is obtainable, but again you'll only ever look like yourself so make the most of the body you have.

That said, if you're eating enough, make sure your getting enough protein. If yes, make sure you're getting enough sleep (SO important). If yes, consider supplementing in creatine to your stack to have the energy to get the absolute most of your workouts.

hurr durr your on Jow Forums

Just KYS

You seem to be asking
>What's the best routine for fluffing myself up without impacting my strength?
That routine doesn't exist. Read the sticky.

Don’t think I’ll kill myself but is there any point keeping at this wasting all this money on food and shit

Just keep working away man. Improve your form, do pause reps and maybe use a slightly wider grip.

Nick Strength and Power

no u

>Don’t think I’ll kill myself but is there any point keeping at this wasting all this money on food and shit
Desu. Some people are just betas and they shouldn't try to be chads. I mean it's ok, we need betas, you can't have society made from chads only.

Yeah I get more than enough food

I already do all that stuff and have loads of energy for my workouts :(

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Your mother is a whore who sucks cocks in hell. Satan with Baal just finished DP'ing her.

pic related is you

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>Yeah I get more than enough food
I aint taking about no food, I talking about MACROS, specially protein. If you get no enough protein, you aint gonna get big, brah

Well you can give up and never ever make it. Or you can keep trying. What have you got to lose? You'll eat healthier and get stronger and put more muscle. Even if you don't put any muscle on you're still better off than you would be otherwise.

Then you have 2 options ahead of you. Measure your sweet muscles to quantify your progress or switch to a new program if your gains are suboptimal. But honestly, if you're still making good strength progress just ride it out until your next cut. Just get to "intermediate"

Very clever response. Your IQ must be over 200.

>Your mother is a whore...
So many arguments in that sentence.

>So many arguments in that sentence.
I mean if its true, it's a fact, not an argument.

Yeah but mentally it’s really not going to be good for me to sink all this time, effort and money in and see no changes, I’m not doing this to be stronger I’m doing it to look a certain way and it’s not happening, if even posting in this thread and seeing these responses is making me feel sad then I can’t imagine how shit I’d feel if after 3 years or something I looked like shit after trying so hard

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not him but great advice user

Very high iq response.

I definitely get lots of protein

I don’t care about being strong though I just want to look more muscular, on the strength standards stuff it already says everything is intermediate and strength is still going up but I just want to grow

Jow Forums will deny this but almost none of them do 1/2/3/4 for hypertrophy reps, it's mostly just 1-5 momentum milking power lifting cheat reps

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>M' lady

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WOW....Varg looks like THAT?

>I definitely get lots of protein
I don't want to get annoying, but seriously consider counting your macros. I was spinning my wheels for over 2 months, thinking i was eating enough calories/macros.

Same fagging, faggot. How unexpected.

If I were you I would just focus on setting strength goals. Forgot about how you look and just focus on getting really strong. Get to a 140kg bench and a 220kg deadlift for example. By the time you get there you will have accidentally gained muscle. Nobody gets that strong without gaining some muscle.

issa shoop

Varg is getting ready for upcoming racewar.

You have poor to no mind muscle connection, this is why your muscles don't grow.

>You have poor to no mind muscle connection, this is why your muscles don't grow.
BS. I had no decent connection for months and still had growth. Also there's no evidence for your dumbass statement. Finally, consider glassing your sorry neck.


Varg is only 45, dude. He looks like he's 60.

dude 3 months is barely shit. Unless you're 10% bodyfat you won't even see differences because your fat is hiding the muscle. The best way to ensure you are not spinning wheels is by tracking your lifts/reps and ensuring you are improving every session. As long as the weight is going up, you are getting stronger and looking better. If the lifts aren't going up and you do the same exact workout each session, then you have a problem

Killing men takes a toll on your soul.

>Varg is only 45, dude. He looks like he's 60.

You can deny the importance of the mental aspect all you want. He is doing reps to activate the muscles, he should be activating the muscles to do reps. Feeling the resistance stretch the muscle and compress it is key, and so is believing that you will get big. The more I focus on feeling individual fibers as they contract, the better I look.

>dude 3 months is barely shit
3 Months is plenty for a beginner. If you are not fucking around with your diet and training,

>You can deny the importance of the mental aspect all you want. He is doing reps to activate the muscles, he should be activating the muscles to do reps. Feeling the resistance stretch the muscle and compress it is key, and so is believing that you will get big. The more I focus on feeling individual fibers as they contract, the better I look.
Whats with retards on fit and critical thinking. Bitch, i ain't denying nothing, I just need proof to believe in shit.

his skin's still fantastic for a 45 year old but holy shit that beard and hair

>He is doing reps to activate the muscles, he should be activating the muscles to do reps
You don't need to activate muscles, they activate themselves. Fucking brainlets.......


3 months isn't enough time to go from a skinnyfat to your goal body

Most people learn how to count to 4 when they're toddlers you nigger

>3 months isn't enough time to go from a skinnyfat to your goal body
Well duh, unless your standards are mega low. That said, it's enough to see visible muscular gainz.

And I don't care about you believing shit, I gave him some advice, he can take it or fuck off back into obsessing over numbers and looking like shit.

You look like shit. Probably never did a single proper isolation rep, even though you tried.

Holy shit, this thread is filled with delusional retards obsessed with le strength.

OP, if you want to maximize hypertrophy, bulk hard and clean and do GVT.

>nt of volume recommended by Mike Isreatel, training with 8-12 reps. I eat loads and have gained weight and gotten tons stronger, adding 20kg to all my lifts, but I look the exact same just fatter. I see these people who actually look really different after this amount of time and I just don’t understand why I’m not like that. How can I be so much stronger and heavier and have no muscle growth?

Stop listening to the plebs here that don't actually lift. 3 months is laughable and if you're bulking/already fat you're guaranteed to look shit. Come back in a year/after first cut.