I still miss her lads

Been months now and I still miss her like crazy.

What would be the best thing to lift to eliminate these feels ??

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i lost a cat too, just don't think about it

The feels are going to be there forever. Lift for kitty.

I still have the cat, I miss my gf

can't help you with that bud
i never had a gf in my life

Fuck other bitches.

That's probably for the best man

I have it made me feel worse.

I thought it would never get better. But here I am almost hitting a year later this month and I feel much much better.
Time heals all.

We're all going to make it brah

I miss my GF. I started permablasting test and tren when she left me. If I'm gonna be suicidal, miserable and alone, I might as well be hot.