I'm 2 weeks out and I cheated on my diet. I'm weak lol am I fucked though.
I'm 2 weeks out and I cheated on my diet. I'm weak lol am I fucked though
Why compete?
Btw your legs are great, whats your Squat/Deadlift?
>those calves
calves are 99% genetic you autistic sperg peasant
My powerlifting sponsor asked me to lol.
Squat is 530 and Dead 570 @ 82kg
Yeah I just recently started training em. If I like the sport they'll be a work in progress.
please get that god awful ink removed.
Noice lifts m8. You're also proof that squats/deadlifs don't give you a huge waist like all the dumb niggers on here keep on harping on about.
It's for my little brother who has leukemia. It might not be pretty but it means something to em
Yeah and I never trained with a belt or dumb waist trainers lol. Big compounds dont mean big waist. I'm a size 30 rn st 184
mirin breh keep it up
Nicd dude im jealous
Looking great!
How tall are you?
Over 180cm?
Mirin m8! Just eat clean and get enough sufficient nutrients and macros, you'll be fine!
2 weeks out ? u need atleast 8 weeks more . youre lean and full but no where near "stage ready"
Thanks guys really appreciate it.
182cm manlet or 5'9 ish
honestly thought about it at this point along with some diuretics. that cheat has me fucked. would hate to get 2nd knowin its cause of that
Yeah i figured i was late. was a really short prep (8weeks) and i decided to take them up on the offer a little later than i shuold have. Agreed because im going to mexico and was leaning out anyways.
Are you competing in a natural federation? If so, what kind of tactics has your coach taught you for hiding usage?
182 is just 1cm away from 6'
Sorry about your brother. Great body though, I´m mirin
Kekt. Im 8+ years into training Id shoot myself
pretty good for 8 weeks. if its a natty contest you could blow them out of the water
Excuse my terrible at math prep brain. Just going by what was on my license
Don't be sorry mate, was a lesson in gratitude