*debunks your colonialist veganism*
*debunks your colonialist lipid hypothesis*
*debunks your colonialist anti-dairy autism*
Heh, nothing personal wh*Toid, KARA BOGA!
*debunks your colonialist veganism*
>eats nothing but watermelon for 20,000 years
>debunks Veganism
What did he mean by this
*Debunks common misconceptions*
You can't argue with the science, kid.
"The hearts and aortae of 50 Masai men were collected at autopsy. These pastoral people are exceptionally active and fit and they consume diets of milk and meat. The intake of animal fat exceeds that of American men. Measurements of the aorta showed extensive atherosclerosis with lipid infiltration and fibrous changes but very few complicated lesions. The coronary arteries showed intimal thickening by atherosclerosis which equaled that of old U.S. men. The Masai vessels enlarge with age to more than compensate for this disease. It is speculated that the Masai are protected from their atherosclerosis by physical fitness which causes their coronary vessels to be capacious. "
In short: They have highly damaged blood vessels equal to that of old US men, over 80% of the men over age 40 had severe fibrosis in their aorta, the main blood vessel from the heart that supplies the rest of the body with blood but because they are exceptionally active and fit their vessels expand leading to less actual clogging and the anti-oxidant effects of being extremely active prevents much of the dangerous lesions in their plaque.
Based veganposter
Yes I've read it, it's just speculation and the author seems unfamiliar with CVD. You would see the same, or very similar, kind of drastic increase in aoritic fibrosis grade 3-4 in other populations as well. Around 40 years old is when most people go into the advanced stages of CVD.
Also take extra note that it's only grade 3-4 fibrosis severity, of course more severe grades are expected to be observed at older ages..... If it included grade 1-2 I bet you we would see the stepwise increase that the author seems to expect.
In no way does his speculations effect the science.
i kek'd
*debunks your colonialist life expectancy*
Based self-removing negroid.
>the science
What science?
If you didn’t die from disease in early childhood, you’d live to be about 65 roughly on average
Wh*toids BTFO forever
You know your ancestors were bunch of slaves whites whipped whenever they wanted?
Figure 12 looks at percent involvement of the aortic surface and not just grade 3-4 and there's still a bump.
the guy on right is white kei
t. punk ass white boy
it's always about race and dicks with you guys
I thought all vegans were retarded but this vegan is a genius.
that's a literal soiboi leftist journalist training with wrestlers. All wrestlers are thicc, any race
>he Masai are protected from their atherosclerosis by physical fitness which causes their coronary vessels to be capacious. "
If this is true it's pretty amazing
one day you will invent a wheel
>mfw blacks is a race that inspired the creation of fantasy creatures such as orks
>they are usually defined by them being high numbers, dumb, stealing things and smelly
Lol they literally debunk nothing.
This is especially retarded:
>*debunks your colonialist anti-dairy autism*
Yeah because Europeans are well known for being anti-dairy.
wow inspiring.