/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Here we go again guys

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Let's keep on moving forward and improve ourself

You GOT This Jow ForumsBros ! You Gonna MAKE IT

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First day at my new job. Moved to a beautiful city across the country with plenty of /out/ and good looking women walking around. Can't wait for what comes next. thanks /sig/ bros, we're all gonna make it

I'm on holidays for the next few weeks and already bored. What can I do with my time that is productive

You got this bro

Don't you have a passion that you could spend hours on it ?
Or maybe you want to improve omething in your life ?
Or you may have that thing that need to be done for fucking weeks/months or so but that you always postpone

I ate chocolate bars and drank sugary beverages today. I hate myself.

learn an instrument

Just replace your traditional cheat mealby the day you just had, no cheatmeal/day this week or month, and keep going bro. Everybody make mistakes concerning diet especially

I failed you Jow Forums, I made no progress on my cut last week because of my inconsistency. I eat one shitty thing and it spirals out of control. Please forgive me I have 6 more lbs to lose by the end of the month.

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I quit drinking yesterday. Got rid of all the alcohol I had and told friends what I was doing. Slept like absolute shit last night and hardly have an appetite but I'm committed now. Almost fucked my life up this weekend and I will never let that happen again.

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