I'm doing Texas Method and trying bulk a lot slower than I did last time, aiming to gain no more than a pound a week. However, I think it's stressing my body the hell out doing an intense strength program while only weighing somewhere between 185 and 190 pounds at 6'3", and my lifts aren't going up even though I'm eating 3500 calories a day and getting enough sleep. My sex drive has taken a hit, I feel tired and have brain fog, and keep having random aches and pains.
What exactly can I do to get out of this hole? Should I just start eating more, should I switch to a different program, what should I do to avoid just banging my head against the wall and hoping things work out?
Post body.
Start roiding
>being a twink
>doing TM
Eat more.
>My sex drive has taken a hit, I feel tired and have brain fog, and keep having random aches and pains.
You're overtraining. Have more rest days.
This is from a couple of weeks ago. I'm aware that I'm small, don't @ me
It's called having shit work capacity. That's what happens when you do extreme low volume programs like TM.
I like your hair, bro
I switched to a four day split version and it's worked ok. The main thing for me was doing deadlifts after 5*5 squats fucking sucked.
Light press / bench 3 sets of 5
Volume bench / press 5 sets of 5
Volume squat 3 sets of 5
Volume squat cont. 2 sets of 5
Deadlift 1 set of 5
Light press / bench 3 sets of 3
Heavy bench/ press 1 set of 5
Heavy squat 1 set of 5
Power clean 5 sets of 3
How much are you lifting? Maybe you aren't ready for Texas method. Rippletits doesn't think Texas method is the best intermediate program anymore btw. He says it, "lacks enough volume."
Do you have a link to a post where he said that?