What’s your routine ladies?
Femanon General
Other urls found in this thread:
there are no women on here
Oh ho ho ho
>that 30 year old boomer that larps as a woman on a butasene underwater basket weaving forum
tee hee silly boys
suck chad off x F
I do SS but i superset all workouts with fixing my hair and looking around to make sure guys are looking at me
Tummy or knee pics please
and hair
What did he mean by this?
Hi! Few things to start off with. 1. =] Yes, I upvoted you because you're a female Jow Forumsizen. 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not like a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D
Also something that's really helped me is skipping bread. It's filled with empty calories and carbs that do nothing for you.
Tits NOW
Prepare to be compiled.
what? what are you talking about??
I only eat around 300-500 calories a day.
>*snapping* old pasta
Heavy legs
Heavy push
Heavy pull
Break day
Hypertrophy legs
Hypertrophy upper body
Break day
Rinse and repeat
fuck off summerfag
Please be in the city that I live in, so that I can imply that we're going to have sex.
im sorry i stare at your ass sometimes, it flares my test and makes me lift better
nice ass
mainly s*x, with some running, squatting and leg raises
I do 40-60 minutes of cardio (usually elliptical and rowing machine), and various floor exercises using medicine ball and those sliding disk things. Sometimes I'll do the TRX straps or dumbbells. Besides that I also try to get in a walk everyday.
Monday - Legs & Glutes
Tues - Shoulders & Abs
Wed - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms
Thur - Back
Fri - Legs & Glutes
Sat - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms
Sun - Chest & Abs
Kitchen x F
Epic trolling dude xdd
>mainly s*x
Squats and alternative jackknives? Love em.
Do women even exist on Jow Forums at all?
I really find it hard to believe girls would like this place at all, seems like a man cave to me kek.
Impressive bicep; Show glutes
I swear everyone using this meme is new as fuck.
Girls are everywhere on the internet. Especially now. I've known a girl who's been on Jow Forums since 2006, before that she was on that forum where you have to pay for an account; forgot the name. But she, and most girls, just wouldn't make their gender that obvious.
The vocal minority of girls on the internet are attention whores, which is why that's what a lot of guys think of when they think about girls on the internet. At least that's how it used to be. I think girls feel a lot safer on the internet now.
P.S. there's even a secret Jow Forums for girls.
Just /fast/
Way easier and isn't complete shit like hard calorie restriction
femanons, how does it feel you will NEVER live the care free life of missalice no matter how hard you work all because you lack the god of gods tier genetics she posses?
I was gonna say something but this captcha can fuck right off
>click until there are none left
>P.S. there's even a secret Jow Forums for girls.
wat is it
This has to be a joke.
Educate yourself, kid
Who is this?
It’s pure trash, they’re basically femcels that bash on other girls like incels do. I think it’s called lolcow or something like that.
yes, but what is it
miss alice, how do you not recognize
>implying you need good genetics to be a pampered girl
literally just don’t be fat and be willing to suck dick and you are set for life
You mean the one that starts with “L”? That’s where most of the /tv/ femanons went after the great /tv/ purge of 2012.
ss + gomad
sorry for shit pic, I'm not at home.
Just such up lolcow and you’ll find it
Search up*
Gib feminine penis, and no one gets hurt.
Looking good
whatever my boyfriend does, he has a whole routine mapped out, i've yet to try and memorize it
That’s kinda sweet
>a secret Jow Forums for girls
why am i not surprised
A mixture of various kettlebell based exercises, some deadlifts and a fuckton of cardio.
We should make a discord for us
you know the rules
Jow Forums discord
>miss alice
more like mister alice
God look at those abs. Fucking beautiful.
this one
Nah we should make our own
>god tier genetics
>fake tits
Masterful bate user
>tfw want a Jow Forums gf but I know in the end she's going to eat all my bro food
Butt lifts
Butt ups
Butt curls
Incline butt press
Has it worked?
How much do I have to lift to rid the board of cancer?
Hi, fellow fem-user here! I love to workout until I’m sweating. My vagina gets really slimey almost like a jello consistency before the jello is completely solidified. I also make loud wheezing noises when I walk past anyone at the gym. I think it’s a nervous tick but it gets their attention real fast. I’ve also found that chewing on coffee beans is a good preworkout imo. I chew the coffee beans and then wash it down with 7-up mixed with protein powder. Sometimes I go to the store and ask the clerk what good foods are for muscle growing. The food people at the grocery stores are very knowledgeable and usually recommend I mash up a can of pinto beans and stir in a half a cup of chia seeds. It is the bomb.com for health food. I can’t stand it when another girl at the gym sweats more than me. I just dump some water on my yoga pants then hover behind the girl and make wheezing noises until she notices my yoga pants are soaked.
I wanna wrestle you until it turns too sexual and then we stop.
I checked that website once and i regretted it, those women are crazy they have generals purely dedicated to stalking certain women's life events and gossiping about them like what the fuck.
Same, I was legit disgusted by them
Chest and Tris
Back and Bis
Legs and Shoulders (with an added ten/fifteen minute butt routine)
Each day starts with 15-25 minutes or cardio, unless legs, then it's only 10.
Finish off with a walk at a high incline for 5 minutes upwards of 30 if I've had a shitty gym day and I don't feel like I've done enough.
I workout 4-6 days a week in that cycle.
>Yes, girls are in the gym and on the internet
Is this discord worth it?
I'm beginner so full body circuit m-w-f and cardio m-sat, Sunday rest from all. Belly dance and hot yoga class and barre class as I get more fit but not as much of all exercise as I'd like yet. I still get tired.
Diet is lowish carb 1200kcal/day, not into tracking macros yet just staying under 100g carbs/day so far. I want to try a snake juice fast soon, then start tracking macros.
Chadsucks: 5x5
Betacrushers: 5x5
Shopping: 5x5
any discord with most of these faggits aren't worth going on
Read a thread on there where they were complaining and surprised that guy "friends" that weren't in relationships eventually ask them out.
Yeah, usually tho, they have feminine penises
ok well this thread has gone to shit but here's my routine anyway:
mon: light high rep legs & arms, cardio
tues: light high rep legs & core, cardio
wed: hypertrophy legs & arms, just a lil cardio
thurs: hypertrophy legs & arms, cardio
fri: day off (be fat)
sat: light arms, light core, hypertrophy legs, lots of cardio
sun: cardio & core
I eat generally healthy w lots of veggies and protein
yes I know my routine is garbage and makes no sense
also I'm 5'6 and somewhere around 125lbs
There should be a lot more tits in this thread. With timestamps
It's a blue board, user. 'Tits or gtfo' is a b-tard thing, isn't it? Also, think: If the females here are juicing wheyfu with pecs likely bigger than yours or fatty-chans do you really want to see those tits?
I bench 295 and am a manlet so I doubt that many femanons have bigger pecs
I didn't start yet but I want to. First time posting here desu
Does working out really increase your sex drive? I've had little success in relationships so it got me interested.
Even the wheyfu threads get deleted, just let us have our one boring femanon thread to speak about chick workouts and nutrition, maybe? Think of it as a containment board, I guess, like /thinspo/ is on /fa/.
Rest in peace
It doesn't matter if your routine is retarded, which it is, but all that matters is you enjoy it enough to stick with it. Good work.
Anyone got a routine for achieving pic related?
Thinking about walking at least 10k daily + some of those stupid instagram butt exercises couple times a week?
the weight of the world
hello m'ladies
you know what to do
rule 2
open boobs
to get off easy in life maybe, but to be truly pampered you need to be 9-10/10 in order to snag and keep chad(also need to not be a whore and hold meaningful conversation)
I'll never understand women who work anything above the abbs.
Would bang in a heartbeat tho, those are abbs that could make grown men jealous.
you can't jus work your arse and nothing else. it's either full body or nothing. you can orient it towards upper or lower but you still need to hit everything
Seen a couple of these threads by now, so I'm just gonna drop my opinion on what lifts women should do
Squats, deadlift, Romanian deadlift, calf raises, situps, chinups, and SOME curls, only enough for light definition
All these plus 45min-1hr of cardio 3-4 times a week