Who else here /flareribs/?

Who else here /flareribs/?

How do you unfuck them without surgery? Absolutely fucking hate how they make you look like you have a belly from the side when wearing a shirt.

Pic related isn't me, but is essentially very close to how I look.

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It looks like my body aswell,what's so bad about it?

I do, massively so. Fuck surgery
They actually help you once you get pretty beefy.
Your abs look massive and powerful because the top row of the 6 pack is pushed forwards.
Get ripped and work your chest even harder than everyone else.
>plastic surgery
stop crying faggot

Dumb bitch, go lift

Oh great another insecurity to add to the list
>flared rib god

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Wew. Pretty vicious stretch marks there.

Are you a guy or girl?

nice one desu

Recovering fattie ;(

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recovering fat girl or boy?

I honestly dont know anymore

Me neither

Is there literally anything that one can do about this? I feel like it's hampering me in a lot of ways. I would imagine reducing my anterior pelvic tilt would be helpful. In any case, this shit sucks.

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I have it worse than that and my girlfriend of 3 years just said she liked it when I pointed it out, stop being a pleb literally no girl cares bro,

No one cares. Literally no one. Do heavy ab work if you must.

Thirsty as fuck.

This, OP stop being so insecure and build muscle

>I feel like it's hampering me in a lot of ways
It's not. You're just using it as cope.

get a bigger chest and it will look better

Try actually working your chest. You've got as much meat on your chest as a 10 year old girl.

Yeah you can never make it with a big rib cage guys, may as well not even try. Even better yet, you definitely don't want to do pull overs to try and expand your ribcage, that would just be stupid.

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It most likely comes from an anterior pelvic tilt and can be more or less fixed by certain stretches and corrective exercises. Just look up anterior pelvic tilt fix on YouTube and there will be tons of videos showing you what to do

mine are for more severe than yours mate, just don't let it bother you and it won't look so bad if you actually lift and get big

Most you can do aside from surgery is overwork chest and abs

End me already

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Name 1 (one) thing wrong with flared ribs ittl make your muscles look bigger you guys are really pathetic if your insecure about your ribs

but they don't make my muscles look bigger, my chest looks smaller because my ribs stick out further than my pecs, that's why having flared ribs bothers me so much. not OP btw

Try having a completely concave chest instead

Get bigger then

no shit retard, it doesn't just happen overnight though. I'm benching 2pl8 for reps and still think my chest looks small

are you all retarded????

you gotta put on some muscles/mass, all pics posted in this thread are literal lanky twinks

You'll get there one day bro don't worry about it it definitely beats having a concave chest

Okay on that note: is it possible to build a good chest with push ups?
Not faggy half-pushups, but actual slow, full pushups with proactive tension progressing with more and more volume?

this pic is a couple of months old, even with some muscle mass flared ribs are still an aesthetic issue. it doesn't bother me too much but I'm still envious of people without them
thanks man, it's definitely better than concave. my brother had to get surgery for that, thankfully he's much better now.

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get your chest so large the tshirt hangs over in front of your belly

guys i have them, left side more than right, stomach vacuums helped A LOT throughout the years, keep doing them it gets better