Do heavy cheat barbell rows

>do heavy cheat barbell rows
>lats finally grow

>do heavy cheat shrugs
>traps finally grow

>do leg press and stop squatting
>legs don't get smaller

>curl everyday
>biceps explode

>add core isolation
>compounds go up

why is this board so fucking retarded?

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cheat rows are GOAT

>posts a nigger
Why the fuck?

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>Don't stop doing leg exercise
>My legs don't atrophy, which would require months of literally not moving them at all.
Wow who would have fucking guessed
All of that other stuff is correct though

Power shrugs are by far the best trap exercise. And obviously yeah curls and ab isolations will help those areas.

Only thing that's not objectively sound reasoning there is the rows. Why not just do strict. Same for curls for that matter.

>tfw used to work at Harris Teeter in high school

I learned so much about people there.

A lot of the big guys in my gym do cheat and strict rows.

>tfw you want to get bigger so you copy what big people are doing

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I've personally found that heavy cheat rows put a lot more stress on the muscle than you can ever get with strict, but without a huge risk of injury. It's hard to snap your shit while doing cheat rows. That's why you do cheat rows and not cheat deadlifts or something. Same thing with curls, although cheat curls can lead to bicep tears

>someone doesn`t have pale skin color of a cancer victim

You should sometimes gooutside, user

Cheaty reps allow for more total volume. You start with strict and when you reach failure you switch to half reps, quarter reps or swinging. Works for pretty much everything.

I concur, I've always found cheat rows more injury risky, I could feel it in my spine far more. A lot of lumbar stress, but I was cheat rowing 180kg.

Cheat curls are just stupid, just hammer curl heavy ass weight, I find I can hammer curl 60kg (30kg dumbbells) for 8 reps quite easily, without much shoulder/trap use at all.No swinging either. I can probably hammer curl a total of 90kg, but only strict barbell curl 60-70kg for 1. I haven't tested in a while.

Yeah, I had a back injury after a 320kg deadlift gone wrong (wet shoes, slipped, back went too far forward, hello 2 herniated disks) - did leg press only and obviously couldn't squat, but legs never got smaller. But they didn't get bigger anyway, and got a lot weaker when getting back to squats and DL eventually.

Heavy cheat shrugs work.
Core isolation works.

Imo cheat rows is hit or miss, if it's under 140kg it's fine, over that and you're running a risk of injury.

The issue with cheat rows is twofold. First is more risk of injury in the elbows and lower back, second is the lack of trackability they have due to it being very difficult to perform each rep the same. It's hard to know when you're actually stronger and therefore doing something right instead of bullshitting yourself with slightly more momentum each time.

Another issue is why you're actually rowing in the first place. If you feel the target muscles better/are focusing on explosive power/whatever, then there's of course a case for them. But a lot of guys in my opinion don't feel shit with strict rows because they have weak cores and/or don't want to drop the weight to learn strict properly, and cheat rowing around these problems isn't productive if strict rows are actually what you need more.

This is a good point but the case could be made for everything. If you row this way, why aren't you squatting this way for example. Forced reps are a genuine tool, but constantly doing forced reps is highly fatiguing. If you want more volume, add it in a more trackable, controllable manner by adding sets or reps.

you'll never go further with the weight if you don't cheat a little bit

>curl everyday
lol your arms are probably swollen or something

Bollocks. The number of guys in an average gym who spends time progressively overloading on strict rows without either giving up or switching to cheating is approximately zero, so of course there's not going to be any examples surrounding you. Rows are far and away the most butchered exercise in gyms. You wouldn't squat higher because you plateau at correct depth

I only ever see dyels doing strict back work

I have two gym memberships. One to a powerlifting gym and one to a normalfag gym like yours. I go to the normalfag gym for an hour or so every couple days and do garbage meme exercises to confuse people like you.

>taking advice from Jow Forums

I should have mentioned that it’s not a good idea to do it every time. When you want to break a plateau or feel like pushing yourself more that day, then yeah. It can work for any exercise. Personally I do dropsets without sacrificing too much ROM, because in my case it’s counterproductive to do it any other way.

>do leg press and stop squatting
>spinal discs finally start bulging

>one ticket to snap city, please

Yeah, lately this board's been infested with "rage against the machine" and "you gotta lift heavy to get big" mentalities. The obvious culprit is the population of SS/SL practitioners on the internet in general. Do what works for you. My biceps exploded when I stopped doing 3 x f chins and instead performed cheat curls after stricts failed. Fuck the leg press though.

I get ya. I normally terminate the set after the first rep that doesn't touch my lower abs, so one forced partial I guess.