> You will never meet the girl who will pull you from the dark abyss.
You will never meet the girl who will pull you from the dark abyss
Nobody, women especially, can save you but yourself
Only you can pull yourself out. Having a girl do it for you is just buying time
My favorite lift is the dip
>You aren't sexually attracted to men and will have to deal with women for the next thirty years of your life
Technically not, I will only think about dealing with them
Aren't men biologically supposed to drag themselves and in most cases their mate as well out of the dark abyss? You should find some testicles and place them between your legs OP
> not workout out your lats to pull yourself out
This guy's gonna make it
>wanting to leave
Dude you can't rely on someone else to do this for you. You've got to understand yourself and then confront your past traumas.
I already did.
She is mai waifu.
>you met her
>you treated her like shit and she went away
iktf bro; we have to fix ourselves before we can subject our goblin asses to others.
I think I did but she’s going to spend next week in Miami.
Just turn the light on in your parents basement,that should work.
>>you met her
>>you treated her like shit and she went away
What about you stop copying my life dickhead?
Yeah it hurts a lot, fuck I don't even know how I was so stupid with her.
She is now in a party with my old times friends, and I don't know how to feel about it, can't sleep at all.
I can't wait until I make it brah. And can't wait until the day is over too.
Women are a fucking meme. I can't even be left in peace on my birthday without my gf trying to recruit me to move furniture being dropped off at 11pm. Stood her up, lots of missed calls, and it feels good. It might be different if I was getting more regular sex. I'm over it.
>tfw no birthday sex
>tfw you realize you're just being take advantage of
Dropped. Slampigs are fun for a few weeks TOPS and then all of their lazy shitty selfish behaviors and personality traits manifest that reinforce exactly why they'll always just be fat slampigs.
>let me tell you how to be a man
t. roastie
it doesn't exist
>fall into abyss
>realize it sucks
>find girl staring into the abyss
>save her
best feeling imo
women push you down deeper my dude. saying things just to piss you off. outright denying fucked up shit they said to you just a second ago.
unless you're a hell's angel or a genuine psychopath, women are high maintenance and will absolutely destroy any guy who can't accept they will never love him like his mom.
And what should one do about it? Just meaningless fuck and no love at all?
I'm genuinely asking it bro, I have a strange lack of luck with relationships, not woman in general but being love and giving love is weird and confusing.
This is a peak cynycism response bro, and I wish it wasn't this dark... but it is right now. Is sex fun? Yes. So should you want more sex? Yes. So take what you can get and enjoy it while you can. The series of damaged generations beyond all repair is worse than you can imagine.
>be chronic depressed Jow Forumszen who is attractive
>avoidant personality due to childhood neglection and trauma
>people think I'm arrogant because I don't like socialising and don't respond to flirting or women hitting on me (23 years old KHV with fear of intimacy)
>self-sabotage and reject every chance of a relationship
>bound to die alone
Maybe it's for the best.
Quit being a pussy.. you look pathetic and it's hard to empathize when you're a cry baby. Grow the fuck up and be a man. Beyond mom and daddy .. life is pain.
is it bad that i want a tranny gf now because of how shitty the women around me are? i feel like somethings wrong here
anyways bro, pull yourself out of the abyss
believe in yourself. youre the only one who has the power to do it
>is it bad that i want a tranny gf now because of how shitty the women around me are? i feel like somethings wrong here
Yea, you're a degenerate.
>The series of damaged generations beyond all repair is worse than you can imagine.
Said it all mate.
Can't see hope in this world anymore and I don't know if one day I will find somebody to love, but I do wish that things were different, I can't help but assume that the problem is me, maybe I just care too much about finding true love and being loved that I can't stop being a pussy about it.
>I don't know if one day I will find somebody to love
You can start by loving yourself my dude
>he thinks women pull him OUT of the abyss
Should we tell him?
i feel for you since i was in your shoes. falling in love is a feeling beyond words. better than alcohol. but just keep in mind that it is temporary and most relationships follow a pattern. the guy feels accepted and stops hitting the gym, eats garbage, and stops socializing. and since the gf is the only thing in his life, the breakup is devastating and some manipulative bitch becomes his rebound. my buddy just had a kid with a fuckin heffer and is raising another one she had with the previous baby daddy.
tl'dr: fall in love. it's a beautiful thing and the source of the greatest works of art. but just remember that SHE WILL LEAVE YOU EVENTUALLY. so you might as well keep pursuing your goals.
Meta question: Is it something one can be told? My experience tells me one has to discover and confront it first hand.
2D women will.
3D women are not so reliable.
There are plenty of anons on 4chainz who have had their waifus be their anchor to the light,
No one but me can save myself, but its too late..
Now I can't think, think why I should even try.
Just don't seems right, I know you're are right tho, but seeing my old friends doing better with their social cycle while I became that strange fucker is only sad. And for the thread's sake, I realise that women won't put me out of the abyss, I'm not inside even tho I was there once.
I will stop the blogposting now. Have a nice day comrades.
Are you me? Although I'm trying to fix it by forcing myself to interact. My problem is I always have a monotone voice and have a hard time finding the right words to say. There's also the issue of lack of interest.
Saying it's too late is an excuse you're telling yourself to avoid meaningful change. In 5 years, you'll regret not starting now.
>she sends me a snapchat
>i send one back
>no response
what did she mean by this
>2D weeb thinks his onions diet lifestyle isn't a joke
>whiteknight fantasy about damsels as "anchors"
Kill yourself immediately.
>knows nothing about weebs
>strawmans them anyways
You first.
I'll make sure to fuck her for you brah
They're correct. Be the hero archetype. The man saves the virgin from the dragon, not the other way around. And there aren't as many virgins around that are hot anyway now. Ain't no roastie gonna save your ass.
Gotta buffer it a little bit so it doesn't look like you're trying to make it about you, or compete in any way to see who is funnier/cuter etc... Just reply with a simple "lol" initially, and let it simmer (assuming she was trying to make you laugh, adjust accordingly for if she was just trying to be cute). Let the "reward phase" of the exchange exist before the "how about this!?" phase subsequently. She may have just interpreted your response as an actual rejection of her previous snap, like it wasn't good enough and you're trying to show her "how its done."
Never forget women are forever 8 years old intellectually, they are fucking retarded.
t. cumstained pillow owner
>t. dyel
Why are you even on Jow Forums?
>Be the slave archetype.
ftfy, and the answer is... what benefit do me receive for this? Appreciation, thanks, and respect from women? Not even that!
Post body. See how easy it is to shut you up?
Lmao I could post a body bigger than masT and you still wouldn't take the dick out of your ass.
Your deflection is what's killing Jow Forums.
the abyss is endless, life is an endless cycle of falling into the abyss. The choice must be yours user. Otherwise salvation is temporary, or become an abyss walker; a creature capable of walking through that hell and succeeding regardless.
this is helpful, but it seems really fucked to me to have to reward them like a dog for making contact.
>it seems really fucked to me
It seems like that because you've mistakenly swallowed the idea that they are equals to men. It takes time to reflect on this, but once you analyze your own fundamental concept of the reality of the balance between men and women you'll be able to quickly undo this.
You don't want those feels my friend.
I met such a girl, she is the light at the end of the tunnel, end game material. The type you hear in songs or movies and never expect to find someone like that. Every imperfection is perfection in your eyes.
My reality is amusing, we have even talked about how much we click but we can't be anymore then friends as she already has a family and I was late to station and missed out.
At least my mistress will always comfort me.
>squat rack
>I could post a body
Freudian slip there fatty? I don't want "a body" I want you to post your flabby sickening inadequate already discredited body.
You first Mr. Projector.
You think I just got here yesterday?
She gets her ego stroked that’s she’s still sexy to people besides her husband, you get to hang out with an attractive girl who will never fuck you. Lol what a cuck.
>"got here"
Nice grammar Tyrone, go be a nigger somewhere else.
First one of you faggots to post body wins. Anything else is an L.
Winner winner, chicken dinner.
>barely taller than his towel rack
>she then proceeds to ride chads dick
>doesn't post pic
>will literally have sex with a pillow
>calls it his "2D waifu"
Think we're done here.
Give me a second user let me see if I can get a flattering photo with timestamp.
Alright user, my lighting is shit and I'm too bloated right now so I'll concede this one.
>tfw you'll never be able to pull your 2D waifu out from your screen
>what did he mean by this?
You don't even have a 3D moniter yet.
You don't have a projector yet.
Your waifu isn't real yet.
All of these things will come in time.
none of these things will make your waifu real tho
Though you probably don't want to go down this rabbit hole but strictly speaking she is already real.
>thought there was some girl at work who liked me because when i feigned being upset over her teasing me she said "user i just tease you because i want to be friends with you"
>at a bar yesterday she tells me "hey user how are you dealing with knowing you will die alone" and everyone laughs
another one gone
>Let myself go after my oneitis of a few years broke my heart
>Before that, I worked hard to become charismatic, good looking and to build game
>Worked because I managed to have people gravitate to me, platonically and romantically
>Didn't even have to do all the work to get girls because many would literately throw theirselves at me (srs)
>Was too beta with my oneitis and at the point of no return before I realized I was being led on
>After that, became mostly a shut in for 4 years and undid all of my hardwork
>Fast forward to now
>No longer a NEET
>Saving money
>Finally see the world and people for what they are, while realizing how to play them
>Joining the gym properly soon
Sometimes a man needs to spend a while in the abyss. Who /Abysswalker/ here?
I pull girls from the abyss, man up mentally weak fags. Sisyphus got drowned in pussy every night and was reborn in the morning
Trannies are even worse bro trust me. The pills make them psycho
this guy gets it
>be me, 4 years ago
>madly in love with a chick, we ended up spending a bit more than 2 years together
>no hobbies, no interests, skelly mode, 64kg on 187cm
>dont know how to talk with people, autistic
>spend all of my days either texting/hanging out with her or playing vidya
>2 friends in total
>everything i do revolves around her, everything i try to achieve is built on her foundations
>literally not a person, just a sack of bones who has one thing on their mind 24/7
>we break up
>hurts like a bitch
>left with nothing afterwards, not even myself
>no hobbies, no interests
>ground zero
>spend about a year and a half recovering
>realize that im either going to die alone or try to make something out of
>start going to the gym
>start thinking about everything
>decide its time to change for the good
>start lifting, found a job, started learning shit every day
>take in a motto from the quest in hellfire peninsula 'waste not, want not'
>start being careful about what i put in myself, no more sugars, no more sodas, fats
>start improving in every aspect i can, even by a margin
>pick up new hobbies, discover new passions
>fake it until you make it works like a charm
>start being more outgoing, learn how to talk to people
>get a new gf, new friends, new everything literally
>life is good
>not as big of an autistic sperg as i was, all thanks to that one chick im now aiming for a goal with a clear sight
I fondly remember that girl, even through all the pain i went through, she made me realize its do or die, and she allowed me to start anew
Women don't pull you from the dark abyss. They push you there
>>pick up new hobbies, discover new passions
>>fake it until you make it works like a charm
>>start being more outgoing, learn how to talk to people
Hey user... I'm plateauing here.
My life is 100% boring and I want to stop being so afraid to break out of my shell.
Any pointers? What did you do as a hobby? How did you pick them?