Stories of how you changed your life

Stories of how you changed your life

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Listened to a lot of Jordan Peterson, got inspired, did nothing.

Life changes me, user... Life changes me.

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>drop out highschool 16
>shutin hermit till 24
>start lifting at 24
>get 3 years of gains, tan, and look like a Chad normie
>get highschool certificate at 27
>get into university
>complete 4 year degree in 3 years
>now 31
>shut in NEET hermit again
>home gym now

I guess I tried, but after being out of society for so long I just didn’t feel any connection with anyone or relate to any normalfags so I just became a shut in hermit again. Now I have zero motivation to be normal and go outside because I know there’s nothing there for me because I just don’t connect with normals, I just feel like a legitimate alien around normal people.

Being a shut in isolated NEET for that decade really did something to my brain permanently.

My 3 years at university felt like I was acting like some NPC the entire time because I had no idea how to interact with people and everyone just did their own thing anyway.

For the better or worse?

Shoulda gone to community college. More people in your situation. I went to CC out of high school and felt out of place because everyone was like 30s and 40s.

Lmao yeah ok. I come from some pretty terrible cycles of poverty, violence, and addiction. I fell into those things myself. I've been clean six years and life is better than it ever ever was. Total change is possible. I didn't try to fix everything right away. I just worked continuosly and did the best I could a day at a time. More importantly I found a community of like minded people who helped me and maybe even carried me from time to time. And no, Jow Forums wasn't that community. No online community can take the place of real life relationships for me.


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monitoring this thread

>being a weak fatass
>got a job
>ask Jow Forums wat do with money
>they tell me to buy a gym center member card
>Maybe the best advice I have receive from them

I cleaned my apartment. Didn't do anything else. Life still sucks not at least I don't get mild stress from the clutter anymore. Still need to find somewhere to put my kayak that isn't on top of my couch. I move it to the floor when I want to sit on the couch.

Wish I had a fucking kayak.

Yeah Jow Forums can only tell you how to SPEND your money by not getting any monetary value pack

Made it significantly worse by going on Jow Forums

It wouldn’t have made a difference.

10+ years of isolation changed how my brain functions. Being in my own head all the time is what I learned, was not able to get out of that when I was around normies for the 3~ years I was there.

I also gave up on the idea of getting a job aswell because even now that I have a degree I have zero work history and zero work experience at 31 so I am unemployable.

Checked so I’ll try.

>start college as skinny fat beta
>had gf from HS but long distance now
>great gf, always inspired me to do my best in everything
>we break up cause distance sucks
>I started half hearted lifting. Struggled for a year as I still really cared about this girl and thought I could get through Uni like I did HS. (You can’t)
>get over myself and start doing better and more focused on my classes.
>lifting more seriously now, but still focused a lot on running (was former xc runner)
>still struggle some. I was in upper level chem classes but I was like the dumb kid in the smart class.
>start dating another girl that I met in organic 2
>was a good relationship, helped me develop better time management with classes, helped me feel more confident for a time
>unlike last relationship, this break up was nasty
>went distant last month, emotionally a bitch, and said a lot of hurtful things when she broke up.
>really messed with me.
>question myself, come out of it realizing all the hurtful shit was 99% projecting by her.
>know who I am on a fundamental level like never before
>channeled all post breakup rage into mad gains. Lifting seriously. Finally got 1/2/3 and almost 4. Can still do decent running times too
>more happy and confident then ever. >Know what I want to do in life, where I want to (try) to go, the women I’m into, etc.
>put my head down and finish Uni strong, graduated and just got a job in industry

It’s a process OP. It took me a while to get serious about things and change my habits. But knowing and improving yourself is a blessing. No one can take the work you put into yourself away besides you. And plus, having the bitch ex who told you that you weren’t good enough for you get caught miring you like a dog with a bone is something money can’t buy.

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i lost 60 kilos and am doing well in college
but here i am still playing videogames alone on a friday night

>but here i am still playing videogames alone on a friday night

It's Sunday, nigger.

I got a job in the gym

Good post user, this truly proves that you are living the lifestyle

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I've significantly reduced how much I go out drinking because massive waste of money and gains. Turns out going drinking is literally the only socializing I have.

god bless

I read the sticky. Honestly reading that thing is what got me to get out of my computer chair and into a gym.

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>25 soon
It's over... Isn't it...

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Same here user. Besides DnD with a few friends every other week I don't hang out with my other "friends" anymore because I quit drinking and going to bars all the time.