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Anecdotes #466
Succubi will save the robots
Happy /Toga/ Tuesday!!!
I'm voting to re-elect Donald Trump
Realization Thread
Anyone else remember being a horny as fuck little kid? Why do normies pretend child sexuality isn't a thing...
Why don't you have a gf user?
Tfw brooke threads were the highlight of your day
Tfw no bf to keep me on a leash under his desk to rub his cock on my face while savoring the smell and tease me with it
Tourist in Finland
Why are women so fucked up?
Height isn't just a meme
Undiagnosed mental illness virgin starterpack, what do you think?
Hey so I'm about to do DMT for the first time ever, just wondered if you guys wanted to hang out with me while I do it...
Why do normalfags hate autists so much? What have we ever done that offends them so much...
Riding a roller coaster in any seat other than the very back
What was his IQ?
4'9, never taken seriously by anyone
What your most autistic trait?
Time for a 2D general again
Finally made a friend at uni
Itt pathetic robots say sorry to femanons
Go on blind date
Be me
He lifts to get a girlfriend
BPD girls deserve love too
So is it pretty safe to say asian women have surpassed white women at this point?
Be me
/r9gay/ 374
Raped gf
Trips decides
Tfw just ~~1~~ **0** more days until the helium tanks arrive
Stop masturbating
It is all true! I can't believe you were right
Average women value themselves higher then genuine attractive ones
Tfw no incel gf
What's the nicest thing a girl has ever said to you, anons?
Imagine being mentally ill gay faggot
Mfw wagecucks today are technically more pathetic than medieval peasants
If you would ever get a tattoo what would it be?
Who here schzoid?
Had an r9 270
User why are you so gay? Stop being so gay! Why are you still gay? Huh?? Huh?? Does gayness run in the family...
h-hi user, my name is Ana. I'm sent by the government as part of the incel reassimilation program...
Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like this guy or have a shitload of cash...
Big Dick Problems
How do I fuck some old hag I know?
First day of my new job flipping burgers and I want to fucking die
You can be fat, you can be disfigured, you can be poor...
I think I might have some major heart issue, please read
Dont like 3D woman anymore
Has Jow Forums ever been fired?
Mental Illness Thread
Anons, don't tell me you're 25+ and still dream of late blooming romance with a total sweetheart your age or older...
On Tinder
Going to buy one of these bad boys
I think I am really into the daughter of some long time family friends. I swear she looks like pic related...
Why can't i find a nice girl who will love me and not be obese ?
I want a FAT, STINKY NEET cock
It's time to reclaim your birth rights. They deprived you of sexual sensation, and dried your glans...
Black feels thread
So is it actually possible to get a Russian mail order bride...
Summoning Fish!
Dumb robots report in
Can someone explain to me exactly what the whole redpill black pill stuff is? Ive never understood it
How THE FUCK can we stop the cartel?
Get upset when I see couples IRL
Desk thread
How much value do you put in these things when choosing a gf?
Where should I hide my cum sock?
How delusional do you need to be to deny that attractive girls browse Jow Forums?
How does it feel to fuck a virgin girl?
Why did vidya turn to crap after the mid 2000's?
Tfw gay
List everything you hate, I'll start:
If it's okay to mutilate a baby boy's genitals, then why is it so immoral to mutilate a baby girl's genitals?
Switch telephone company
Latino feels general
Would you marry a Latina and grow old together?
Anybody else here /braindead/?
Someone should be a lad and post Ciaras morning story where she's juuling
Let's play pic related. I'll start
"With the passing of our great king and ruler, Tyrone Zosar Dindunuffin the 3rd. You user...
Why do I relate to this so much?
Your place of residence is burning. You can only save 3 things. What does r9k save?
Okay who the fuck is kathy
What are New Zealand women like?
This makes me so fucking depressed
Drunken short man RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE thread!!!
Hot coworker comes to work in flip flops everyday because its hot outside
Tinder general
Chinese ggame market
Any1 know the discord server "chill zone"? Well it should be renamed to "pedophile zone"
Hope youll have a goodnight today kathy and r9k
Debate me
How would your parents act to you bringing home Muffy, Brooke, or Ciara?
He's had a girlfriend
/rrn/ - Robot Radio/Nightfeel General
Do I even need to say anything? You guys are blackpilled enough to know exactly what happened here
Yey or ney
MBTI - Advanced horoscope thread
Why do I want cock?
"Why are you always so quiet, user?"
Why does my mom get angry at me so much? I ask her to leave me alone but she comes into my room just to yell at me
Discord thread to find friends and people!
Cats are NOT safe to own! They are related to MURDRE PREDATORS. Cats with INSANE hunting in there DNA! DO NOT OWN CATS
Be alt-right
It's my birthday today! Hit the big 20, anything I should do or get at this age?
Okay robots, I have a chance to escape to normie-hood but I need some peoples' thoughts on my situation
Never fapped with lube
Which one of you incels did this?
Tell me user, why haven't you decided to devote your life to God almighty and the blessed catholic church?
Muffy deleted her tumblr
Get chance
The Beta Uprising has been achieved and you humble robot have been given the office of Dictator. Wat do?
Go to AA
He seems happy, I'm glad for him
NOLA family chooses unique but loving way to say goodbye to son
Eating popsicle with my friend
Roll trips and i'll use 28 of the 40 dollars in my paypal balance to buy this shirt
When did you realize you don't need sex to be happy?
Realistically how do we get women to stop fucking Chad and to fuck us instead...
Imagine being a FUCKING CHAD and leaving it all behind to become a trap. Fucking feels bad man
What signs a person that's a brainlet displays during an argument?
Are there sites/books out there that are similar to PUA sites...
What jobs don't test for drug usage, specifically marijuana/cannabis...
No qt bf to go hiking with
Keep making threads about me commiting suicide
There is a bunch of anti chink threads
Teehee ^_^ rawrr means ai luv u in dinorawr xD :3 I heart Fall Out Boy x33
That kid thread
Creative Robots Thread
Im am romantically attracted to girls & I want to start a family with one but Im also a degenerate crossdresser who...
Do you resent your parents for how they raised you?
You will never have a trap gf
Would legalizing prostitution help bring regular women down a peg? Sure, it's degenerate...
White women hate thread
Have a thing for short guys
Post people/things you're attracted to but you can never admit it openly because people will think you're a freak
What are robots?
If money was not as issue what would you do with your time?
Niggers just moved in 2 houses down. What can I expect?
I feel that my height is preventing me from being pretty/cute
Why would a 10/10 white qt feed chips to a manlet, dicklet, asian boy simply because she likes anime and kpop?
Finding the right woman
Can anyone recommend me a good/comfy anime?
If you haven't experienced trauma through-out your entire life you're not a robot
Who decided the age of consent should be arbitrarily set at 18 years old?
Being gay is just a very socially acceptable fetish...
How do you guys cope with having absolutely no one to talk to? All day and night...
That dad boomer who bought a supermarket made pizza for his NEET son
There's a mouse in my room what the fuck am i supposed to do?
Hear that? You've already met the woman of your dreams. Message her now!
Worst mistake of your life
How can the barbaric practice of abortion still be going on in America?
How does it make you feel that girls like pic related are more successful than you?
So are you cutfags ready to have a foreskin again?
Post your ideal gf memes here
My fucking mom found my reaction image folder and deleted it when she saw all of my wives inside...
Born in upstate ny
She's right, you know. """Intellectuals""" BTFO. You're not real men and you're wasting your time
I must win or die trying
I wanna become a therapist and I want to work at mental health institutions...
Why am I like this
I want a cute right winged Jow Forumsish bf
Stacy uses doorknob to open door
Just found out my gf had a boyfriend before even being with me and i feel physically sick. is this shit normal...
Why is there so much anti-marriage propaganda about? Men and women belong together, not alone...
Why won't women have sex with virgins?
What's the most useless you've ever felt?
Would you rather your GF if you had one wear skirts or pants ?
How long can you hold your breath, Jow Forums? I got to pic related and stopped because it was getting too hard
Suicide thread. All discussions and thoughts pertaining to suicide go here. In honour of Shuaiby, my hero...
What do you guys think of lesbos
Public Service Announcement
You guys are so fucking weirdo when it comes to black guys and cucking just shut the fuck up you big mega gay stupid...
Why are people allowed to be gay in public? It should be a criminal offense to openly express homosexuality in public...
Where were you anons in July of 2007?
Why are all the qtest robot boys into gfd...
post a girl you want to breed with and it will come true!
Skellies only
Rap is degenerate and anyone on this board that unironically likes it deserves the rope
Create The Perfect Discord Server
Alternate Reality
How do I use the word Desu in a sentence?
Why is it that whenever someone mentions they want to transition people post gross old trannies who transitioned in...
"OMG! You two should totally get married!!!"
Uncle comes home to visit
Is pic related worth buying? Or should I just buy a regular Fleshlight?
White women > Asian women - don't make my mistake
Make my girls Norwegian or nothing at all
Meet friend on Jow Forums
Post your mbti results!! which one is the master race/chad and why is in ENTJ!!
I'm hoping to have a civil discussion about the mass immigration of refugees spread throughout Europe
Feel urge
Mental illness
In the animal kingdom not every male gets to breed, so why do humans feel like it it's something they are entitled to...
This is powerful
Anyone else would unironically support female genocide?
Create your own comfy
Tfw no qt blind gf to love and take care of
User vs OP #2
Aboriginals are white
Grow up as a tomboy
Havent masturbated in 4 days and Im going insane please urge me on to not fap please I want to so bad oj god
Book thread
Name a better food than chicken tendies i dare you
Tfw anti androgens are the best anti-depressant I've ever used
In your opinion, What race can be robots and what race can't be robots
>tfw no jew gf
Was slavery redpilled?
Why couldn't you girls just give the dude ONE chance?
Dubs names my ig meme page
Why can't I do it ?
Reminder that there are gigantic factories in China the size of cities (look up Foxconn city) which houses hundreds of...
I want a job where people leave me the fuck alone but that won't disappoint my parents (so not janitor or security or...
L love cocks desu
Confess the sins
Please, A Desperate Request
Find out I enjoy Blind Guardian a lot
Hey friends it's your friendly neighborhood trap here, posting from work
What should I know before getting a prostitute for the first time?
Fembot Feels Thread
Should suicide be legal or illegal?
What's your opinion about girls who browse here?
Would you guys fuck a racist if she was still hot ?
When did you realise all women are whores even the quiet one at the back of class?
Wake up
I'm curious. What's r9k's BMI?
Be me just passed a month of nofap. Feeling chuffed as fuck with myself
Gee Jow Forums, I'm bored. Don't want to watch anime...
What's a worse normie response?
Tfw payday tonight
Imagine picking her up and using her like a fleshlight as her little arm stubs flail around
Weekly vocaroo thread
The white guy at work who thinks he is Jim from The Office
Is it legal to watch actual rape videos in the USA if all the raped girls are over 18?
Tfw the race war will soon begin
Describe yourself in 3 words
Rozelli hate thread
Job interview in 10 minutes
Ci*ra hate thread?
Bruce (36) from Funhaus and Autumn (24) from SP7
What are you suppose to do at parties?
I want to quit out of anime. How do i stop?
Would your opinion about a girl you like change if you knew she fucked black guys, robots?
/uni/ you did apply this time right edition
Most played game is TF2 or payday 2
Why did she do it? I just cannot figure it out
I'm gonna get Challenger on LoL
88 dead and over 100 missing in Japan
He believes he wants a sexual life and a gf without realizing they are artificial needs instilled by them from the...
Tfw no grand strategy playing gf
Tfw no qt gf who is actually pure and innocent
This a test thread for my gf who wants to know what Jow Forums is all about
Post your Jow Forums fix
Tfw just 2 more days until the helium arrives
Megumin Monday
I know a lot of you want to be normies...
"Wahhhh!!!! Let me go!!"
Finally have sex for the first time
Just went to scout out my suicide spot
Be young, smug pro-lifer
Be me
Would you date a 19 year old being 25 or older?
You did this r9k. This young man killed himself BECAUSE OF YOU
In the same way 2d characters can't see in to the 3rd dimension, we can't see in to the 4th dimension
How has no quasi-attractive human ever liked my face
Hey friends...
Drag yourself out of bed before dawn having barely slept the night before
That kid who kept trying to get everyone to do gay shit "as a joke" at LAN parties
Just fucked up a chance to get a GF
Would you rather purge this board of traps or british people?
Hey cunts
Found this guy passed out in my garage after a party last night. No idea who he is. Trips decides what I do...
I just scored a date through tinder
Hello robots!
Who here /manchild/?
How do I get over her? I tried everything. The past 2 months I've been staying off her social media...
What does Jow Forums think of these two?
What's your absolute fetish that won't leave your dirty mind?
Should all non-Whites except East Asians be exterminated? True...
Be me
Can someone explain to me the phenomenon of people putting anime characters in their online video game account profile...
Anyone else not able to decide if they want a girlfriend or if they don't want one anymore and want to be MGTOW?
Incel wikipedia page written by a female
How do you make a suicide look accidental?
Who are the master race asian girls and why are they kazakhs like pic related?
Using grindr
Tfw no slutty bf to tame with my virgin NEET cock
Is that job hunt going?
Likes anime but gets viscerally disgusted at moeshit and cringy cutesy anime
You will never be 8 feet tall
The Biology of Incels
Have you ever done pic related?
Super duper pooper scooper satan septs get
How do I get a gf that wears a corset as part of her normal wardrobe?
ITT think of ideas of how to solve the incel problem
Why am I all there is? None of this is real it's all just here to fuck with me...
I cannot go to sleep without imagining Ryuuko cuddling me
Spics why not get a Native American gf instead of a boring white stacy or a dumb latina goblina?
North Sentinel Island
Where did all the oldfags go?
Wat do
Who here /raised By Jow Forums/? How long have you been here?
Be 27
R9k discord gossip thread
Everything should be legal as long as it doesn't hurt anyone who doesn't consent to be hurt. Discuss
''I you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best''
/anoncraft/ general: big ass update edition
How's that imaginary world you've been working on?
Tfw no lesbian dom gf
Can we have a thread to post our steam or discord profiles to make friends? It could be fun!
"First time" Stories
Discord Thread
People are SEEKING AIDS! They *want* to get "pozzed" and DIE
For the first time in 10 years, I went to church. This is what rock bottom feels like
How to get a gf while on Summer break?
Do girls watch porn? what kind of porn do girls watch?
Confusing shit your parents do
/r9gay/ - #371
Say it or no?
Be born with top 5% male facial genetics
It's not going to kiss itself user
Post your desktops! NOW! No cleaning up allowed
Why does every roastie I encounter have a tattoo...
I can be your angle
Why do non whites make better looking cars?
What's on your mind tonight, user?
Tfw no indie alternative art hoe gf
What is the first thread that you saw when you first came to Jow Forums?
Why the FUCK is she so cute?
She's out there waiting and hoping you'll find her
Hello Jow Forums, what i believe to be salt? has started to appear in my pee bottle that i use daily...
Walking down the street
Manager walked in on me sniffing the toilet seats and jerking off
Why aren't pitbulls illegal?
Help,I'm in the fuckin jungle nigga. (fuck you dad)
Is it strange/autistic to collect pictures of women you find attractive?
Vocaroo thread: No. ??? depression boogaloo
How do I know if I'm gay? Serious answers please
See that pale blue dot?
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here. In honour of Shuaiby...
Can someone tell me who this is
Why does this happen?
So, which one are you?
Lonely aesthetic thread
I'm a fucking normie now. I gave myself 6 months to change and I actually did it...
The amazing atheist
Robots what is your soda pop of choice?
What're you reading r9k?
Buy EU4
Anyone here unironically love 4chin memes?
R9k omegle thread
Does anyone mind playing armchair psychologist for a bit?
What do u use as an escape from your life?
He played minecraft before 2012
Girls not understanding guy's perspective
I have a bunch of videos of women being raped
Join our comfy vc villa and chat with some real gamers!!!! my dad is briefing everyone in vc of our future plans as a...
Can we get a woman hate thread going? I need to remind myself of why I hate roasties
Tfw a little girl said ew he's ugly and scary when she saw me and made a disgusted face while she clung her little...
Accidentally told my friends I'm gay
Look at you! I knew you when you were a baby?
If you don't reply to this thread your mother will die in her sleep and suck 20 cocks
Why are candid videos bad?
My small group of friends keep texting me and messaging via other means saying they have not heard from me in 5 months
Be me
I am personally repulsed by the idea of sex and touching genitals
This thing isn't gonna moisturize itself
People who have been NEETs for 2+ years, where do you guys see yourself in 10 years time?
What compels people to live life like a super productive literal robot? Why try so hard?
Say one good thing and one bad thing about your life. I'll begin
The Tale Of William The Tard
Look who finally decided to come out of their room
Be chicano
Based or Cringe?
If god created everything then what made god?
Toastie roastie thread
She sends you this pic with no explanation
Planning a trip
This is a psyop
This will be the hardest choice you will ever make. Good luck, robots
Decide to go to an anime convention
I am an authoritarian-right woman who makes 82K a year in a male dominated field and acknowledge other women not having...
My friend told me I was a roastie whore and then said he got that from r9k...
Why do autistic men and girls not date each other?
Anons, today is the day you have to die. A motor accident will occur and your life will be no more...
What do you call people like this...
Confess your sins
You can get GF
Would you ever consider a non-virgin for a serious relationship?
Red-pill me on asian women
What's wrong with this man? He acts like a sociopath more than a little bit but it's clear he's not one
/genocide general/
Where can i find an incel?
Is the #CuckLife actually so bad?
Post your favorite song
Hey robots, can you watch my cat while I go on a walk? Thanks!
How do you tell if a roastie is a roastie?
Jew thread
Story time
What do you like better, being a student, being a NEET, or working? Why?
Who /not gay or cuck but obsessed with bbc/ here? It's just so aesthetic
tfw no artist projection of future Amerimutt gf
Post your perfect woman
Mom complaining that I play video games 10 hours a day
Social media
Can we have an Jow Forums internet friends thread?
I hope today isnt that busy at work
I hate my life
Why is it okay for women to shame men?
Stories of how you changed your life
Depressing Pics Thread
They arrested zazef
ITT autistic things you do
Is it possible for a morbidly obese autistic neckbeard with no friends or job to get a cute nerdy weeb cosplay gf
Tfw just 3 more days till the helium tanks arrive!!!
Who is kissless virgin here? Age? what do you expect for the future?
Will she take the second chance?
How is Vidya not a hobby?
Do you pass the test?
Attention femanons
Fembot feels thread
Asian incel here, I'm so tired of being shit on. I dream of a male only incel city where we can be left alone...
Kelly just went live and she looked so happy and cute
Tfw no 2017 tomoko chaotic bf
Has there ever been a man who was more right about life than this man?
Black girls are hot as all fuck and the ones that want white guys are always hot and really good people
Fembot feels
Be me
Dear lord. I went to a Whataburger last night and saw 4 white girls paired with 4 black guys. It was like a porn flick
How are people over 25 still virgins...
If someone offered you 2 million dollars to fuck an older guy, would you do it?
You fucking wagebitch. Don't forget that your two days of freedom are almost over
Going to marry gf this month
What EXACTLY counts as virginity lost Jow Forums? I'm serious and curious
Room Thread
You can only pay for one
When did you realize its truly over for you?
I'm seriously contemplating getting oral from a guy on Tinder. I am a 21 year old KV woman...
The era of thought crimes has officially started in America...
Monogamy BTFO
Is it humane to have your dog neutered?
Hey Jow Forums
Any robots woth phimosis here? Do girls get grossed out at your peepee? I have degree 2
Your 11 year old son wants to be a girl now
Ask a 24 year old Kissless Virgin FEMALE anything!
Win 50$
When it comes to girls, make mine Norwegian
Anyone here /mixedrace/?
/Creative Robotics General/
Jessi Rogers
Everyone hated the show and the ending
Can black people be boomers?
Fembot Uprising
Why not just date Chinese women?
I really want to talk to someone. Let's start a conversation
Are you employed?
Fembot Feels Thread
Finally discovered where Kelly is from
Annual vocaroo thread
Hi, that'll be $21.96 plus tip
Have you ever seen some real nigga shit go down?
Why do normies hate anime and manga so much...
How does it make you feel that a literal 9/10 browses this board?
Do guys with no hobbies or interests other than idly browsing the internet for 13+ hours per day get girlfriends?
Are whites sexually more degenerate than other races?
How hard did I fuck up?
I'll make us a Canada thread every day until you give us a /canada/ board
Write a letter to somebody who will never read it
When was the last time you showered anons?
Self Improvement General
How does one acquire gf? For real, man. How to meet women, all that stuff
Why do women do this?
Where my depressed niggas at?
Why are black m*n trash?
Greentext - Women are retarded
The manlet era
Why do women overvalue themselves more than men?
I don't get this meme. Is the boomer happy? Or is he miserable like Wojak? Or is he pretending to be happy...
Caring for innocent babies and children and making sure they are not abused is seen as normal, manly
I think I need to go to the doctor. I suffer from severe depression, anxiety, and possibly IBS
Being Asian must be the worst thing ever
What's wrong with white women?
Pokimane hate thread
Invite girl to date
ITT Share your desktop
Seeing attractive men when you're ugly subhuman
Do you think your life would be significantly different if you were moderately rich?
Hello r9k. After a large amount of smoking marijuana and many Lsd tabs...
Story time
Be me
How do I stop the urge to get gf?
Eat a comfortable amount of food
What were some dumb things you thought as a kid?
I go to college that has 90% male students
Who here /lightblond/?
Was Charles Manson crazy or some sort of prison messiah...
Fatman hate thread. fuck that guy
Why haven't you faggots just killed yourself yet??? What are y'all waiting for?
White men are inferior compared to white women, black men and even men of other races
ITT: we're all in a Medieval village
Why haven't you tried Tinder or similar dating apps Jow Forums?
Im edging myself rn & will only cum if you get quads
Why are mothers more prone to be physically abusive towards their children than fathers?
Why do girls dress like this?
What's wrong with flat asses / Pancake butts
That feeleroonie when no gf
Not a single thread
Hi robots
Tfw trans girl
Internet is making me Jow Forums against china
I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years. I cried. l bled. AII for her...
Im an insecure chubby asian guy. All you weeb robots better not steal all my girls before i get married...
Be me
What's wrong with settling down with a loyal girl who slept around when she was younger? Don't you want love...
Leftist faggot makes all the race bait
"Principal user, I banned anything vore-related and since than Hannah has been acting weird...
Where can I find women with this kind of skin tone...
My gay friend keeps trying to hit on me and it makes me almost puke everytime he does. What do I do?
Without power you can't be a man
Subhuman jaw
Choose wisely
Jow Forums robots
Normies and roasties are infesting this board
How do I stalk her better lads? GPS under her car? Hire a private investigator? Give me some tips
What's the most obscure feel you've ever felt?
Browse Jow Forums religiously for 4 years
Why do normies want a big house, a yard, and kids?
Are autistic women actually desirable IRL? Or is it purely a 2D fantasy
White men are the least desired group of men, they are ugly, are cuckolds...
Blacks are better than spics
Don't touch me arby. Stop. Don't do it
Inducing A heart attack
I summon Brooke!
Tfw no chaotic bf: i'm better than dante edition
PSA to all you young, impressionable robots
Waaaah I want things but im not willing to do any work to achieve them waaah
Playing a single player shooter game
Normal peoples thoughts
What's it like having a sister, robots?
Any of you guys ever change schools in highschool or college before it was done? Did it make school worse for you?
How do I become more extroverted so I can play Squad? It looks like a great game...
What kind of robot do you most identify with?
Lovesick thread
We post cute anime gurls and laugh at roasties
I’m a stacy sorority girl
Florence ADX AKA Alcatraz of the Rockies it the only federal supermax prison in the USA
When did white women become so thick?
Is this a meme?
Keep postponing from going through the 2d girls thread and saving the images I like
Do you wonder what mass school shooting would be like in Ancient times. This is how I would imagine it
Why don't you want me Brooke?
I want to impregnate as many white women as possible with my ethnic sperm
I just want a man to impregnate me, but to also stick around and do his job as the father...
Hey Jow Forums, I have turned 18, now how can I start doing porn? Am I cute enough for porn?
Sup bros, this whore just stood me up for sex after I paid her about $400...
Be me
Tfw no bf as good as me
If you had a chance to annihilate only one race on this planet, which would it be?
>tfw no black gf
Do you think blind girls are capable of genuine love and compassion or are they just another dumb stacy that'll use you...
Clean my room
If the Thai soccer team were girls, they'd have been rescued by now because society values women more than
Is it wrong for saying this
How long unti this troon kills itself
Watamote Song
Are traps gay anons?
Asian Paradigm Shift (APS)
Just found out my crush has a long distance relationship with Chad
How do you hide your porn, user ?
Whats your gender and how many times have you been approached and asked out?
What do you think about pussy hair?
Today is my birthday r9k may i please have some regards for this not so special occasion?
Why havent you got a white boyfriend yet?
30+ Thread
The normies who only respond to threads and don't make them
/r9gay/ #370 - I don't make threads but where the fuck is it?
What is the most important developmental milestone as a teenager?
Black women aren't picky guys. If you want to end you loneliness just try talking to a qt black girl
The "Normies" word is now used by all the wannabe cool kids
Post Texts With Girls
Why are there so many different answers to the question of "Why is murder wrong"?
Why is Muffy so cute? It's not fair
Comfy Thread?
Should I start smoking cigarettes or drinking liquor? Which is more satisfying?
New new Brooke thread!
Which is the superior hole?
Why have so many men just given up?
This story will end with suicide
Tfw no cute bf to decorate an apartment with
Its safe to say that white women are obsolete at this point?
For those of you here who have had sex before, is it as good as people make it out to be or is it a meme...
What is the ultimate normie profession?
When your uncle makes fun about you because you never fucked a girl
Why are teenagers so sexually attractive?
Honestly why haven't you gone full trap and just started rubbing your prostate and binge watching sissy hypno?
Fembots, what does your ideal male/r9k waifu look like?
Any femanons relate to the fact that it's a huge turn off that guys are so easy...
Morals of Jow Forums
Which pill are you?
Are tattoos the greatest indicator of degeneracy?
Is paying to lose your virginity worth it or something you'll end up regretting?
Holy fuck guys the firm handshake meme is real
Gays are the male equivalent of roasties, in every way except biology. Prove me wrong
Do you think Chris-Chan will ever redeem himself?
Have you ever been to a club? How did it go?
Making the first move
He's never going to charge Trump, is he...
Why do chads and stacies insist on promoting degeneracy...
Are any of the fembots here even virgins?
Tfw no shy friendless volcel bf
Hey Jow Forums
Boyfriend sucks at sex
Mfw people still believe the Las Vegas shooting was completely genuine
ITT: we judge each other based on visited boards, age and random image
Whats the difference between an incel and a robot?
I can easily trigger a Brooke Epidemic v2
It's November 8, 2003. Where are you in life?
What is that /one/ thing you HATE most about your appearance, robos?
You could be out socializing with friends making priceless memories
Tell me your first job expieriences
Why do people on the street stare at me? I don't look particularly odd or interesting. I dress normally...
They did the math. Rats and eagles is the correct answer
Have a good lunch today kathy oneechan
Met up with plebbit druggie last night and she used me
Tfw mostly straight but want to suck dick
Post women you consider perfect
Fuck man i just want to fuck my pet tarantula its so fucking sexy with its hairy legs fuckkkkkk dude if you havent...
Parents want me to move out and to start living independenty
May we get a Brooke thread going?
Boogie screwed up this time
I've lurked here for a while. And there are alot of posts that surprise or impress me...
Eidetic suspension of your brain's automatic assigning of essential qualities to things makes the radical differences...
Let's have a little Saturday afternoon chart thread. Posting mine, then the template!
I want an ENTJ gf
The universe inherently has no meaning. It is a fundamental pillar to my philosophy of nihilism. Pic unrelated
Your last meal
I honestly don't understand why people commit mass shootings when being a serial killer is clearly the better option
If you have never had a gf you must get drunk with me in this thread tonight
Itt post girls that you want to hug (and gently abuse after you gain her trust)
used to really like this girl
Nerdy girl tries to play hard to get
Found this book on my moms shelf
Wake up in a bed you don't recognize dressed like this
Do fathers ever think their daughter is attractive? Like when she has big titties...
Men are the better people
Anyone has a clue as to what ethnicity is this girl?
I had this wonderful lucid dream where i was cuddling a girl, her skin was smooth as silk, and warm
Who /chadcel/ here?
Be me
How can i have sex dreams and still jack off?
Does everybody find black women ugly?
Family are watching the England v Sweden world cup semifinal
I am hungry
How does anyone get to this point?
Be me
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here. In honour of Shuaiby...
What's the difference between an incel and a volcel?
Found out my friend is a faggot
Tfw you count how many friends you have
Tfw as an ugly girl i will never amount to anything other than a pump and dump
Why do people say Africa is a easy place to get a black gf if you're white...
Facts you cant deny
Fembots: if you got pregnant today, do you think you would be a good mother?
Why don't you just lose your virginity to a submissive asian girl?
The Subconscious is Powerful
Tfw you always give money to homeless people
ITT: Write your suicide letter
How do white people deal with the fact that they bald for more easily and age like shit than any other race?
Fact : There is literally 0 disadvantage in living alone
Since you f*moid roastie scums refuse to leave this place and also refuse to post tits/nudes...
If you can't make real friends, why don't you make an ai friend?
Still can't get over his death
Ask a girl anything
Why do white girls like black guys so much?
Do you guys shave your arms and legs?
You can only post ITT if you haven't slept in the last 36 hours
On gfs computer
Your cringiest experience with a girl
Be born an ugly male
Question for "fembots"
Would you a non-white? Provided she was cute, funny, kind, civilized
I approached another Chinese tourist yesterday, or that's what she looked like but I don't know...
How do you feel as a pajeet looking at this pic
"Hey, uhmm..... could you stop staring"
Reminder that if you're not in the top 20% of looks, it's over for you
If even "race-realist" women can't resist african penis how does the alt-right even have a chance ?
Accidentally call my mom a nigger
That one guy who fucks 6/10 chinese girls
All my friends settled down, got married and I never see them anymore
Misogynists' days are over. Time's up. Prepare for the femanon uprising
How do I, as a 5/10 nordic white guy, find myself an indian girlfriend?
There are girls who like fat guys r-right?
Take the emotional intelligence quiz anons
You will never receive a text like this
What music do you like robots?
I finally got my hands on some LSD and I plan to take it tommorow. Anything I should know? Any tips?
Fembot Feels Thread
Could any black women please tell me how this picture makes you feel?
I will post my mom's phone number if you get trips
As a black bot what should I expect? Can I somehow make it?
2D girl thread, come be comfy
Are birthdays the worst day of the year for robots?
Should I start tripfagging?
Bebinator thread
The future of Incels
List 3 Good Things and 3 Bad Things
Women don't care about looks, they want to have an intelligent partner with worldly interests...
All women are whores
Be me
When did you stop enjoying life?
How the heck do i find a dominant gf(male) who likes girls(female)? do they even exist? am i doomed to be alone forever...
Post ur numbers and ill call or text u
Thoughts on groyper?
I am 19, do i still have time? If so how much time do i have?
Boyfriend looks ugly when wearing glasses
Do you ever look at pictures of porn stars and think about her and get very sad?
Is so sad
So when everyone on Jow Forums plan on finally killing themselves? What's your suicide of choice?
Answering the incel question
Boring at conversation
Get nightmares
Please tell me about your week, Jow Forums
I really miss her guys
Why are girls pretending to be incels now?
Stuyvesant High School general thread. I know you're out there
Do you really hate women Jow Forums?
Remember, fellow NEETS and poorfags, UBI is a SCAM
Day 1 of nofap
Day 7
You truly cannot trust girls that look like this
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship