Actually lifting consistently for a month

>actually lifting consistently for a month
>feeling wiped out after workout
>all compound lifts increasing
>ohp decreasing every workout

It all started last week when I couldn’t lift my regular weight in OHP suddenly, then the next time i tried that week I could barely ohp any weight. there’s no pain, my arms just feel weak and like someone changed the gravity in the gym. I took a week off, and today I still can’t ohp anything. what gives? again, no pain, just unable to lift.

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You must GO BEYOND

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Decrease weight and slowly build up again.
It is possible you overtrained your shoulders too much

Whats your routine?
Are you burning yourself out before you get to your OHP?

probably. very much a noob.

just changed from SS because i was getting bored.

was doing 90lbs/135/195/205

For some reason I never considered doing OHP first.

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ive had the same w/ squats but my joints also hurt

>i'm lifting more weight on bench, which i do before OHP
>wtf why is my OHP inconsistent???


this is why people tell you to just do starting strength instead of some shit written by a retard who probably had a few months of lifting experience like """""starting aesthetics""""

yeah that makes sense, since ss is just squat, ohp, dead.

I typically do OHP as my fist real lift after simple shit like leg curls, otherwise my shoulders are too shaky for me to press my usually weight. I hate having to take off weight because my muscles aren't cooperating.
Waiting a few more minutes between sets never hurts either.

I'll do OHP, then bench, then squat. With where my development is that that just seems easiest for me. If I bench before my OHP then my arms will be a shaking mess and I'll have to take off some weight.

for me ohp gains was a mindset change. Was stuck below half a plate two weeks ago for like a month. increased 5kg(one side) last two weeks and im doing pplpplx. Caffeine, nicotine and hardcore punk. Otherwise cant help you mate, eat and sleep and dont give up

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your form is most likely shit

Sleep more. It's something Ive had to learn to do. Just accept that if you want to be jacked you'll have less time for anime

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i hate to brag being such a noob and all, but several people who have seen me ohp in the gym actually compliment me how straight my back is and how strict it is.

Make sure you're macros are good/you're getting enough calories, make sure you're getting enough sleep too. How many days are you resting between lifts?
Try giving yourself one more rest day, and do your OHP first in your routine.

You don't want to keep a straight back for the entire movement. Watch rippletoe explain:

>for me ohp gains was a mindset change.
This. I get really angry about how hard OHP is and then blast through my five reps. Tranquility is for meditating. Rage is for lifting heavy shit.

you're even more retarded than i initially assumed

>tells me the problem
>vapor me retarded

Doesn’t that’re retarded?


>people complimenting on straight back
in what world this kind of shit happens for real

straight back or seemingly strict form is good but it doesn't mean that your movement pattern and muscle recruitment doesn't suck. work on bracing well and driving that bar up as explosively as you can at the start of the movement to get past the sticking point

take a deload week, maybe even two if you feel like

it basically means to cut down volume and weight
you can try cutting in half the number of reps you do also work with 10 to 30 percwnt less weight

also emphazise sleep and try to keep your diet nice and healthy

It depends on what your training looks like, but maybe it's because OHP is the last compound lift you do?
It's possible that your back is super sore from diddly, squats and arc on bench that your scapula is just weak and you can't lift it?
I doubt your arms are the issue in this case. If your training is the way I described it, OHP first I guess

Think about what is happening in your life outside of the gym. You are only as strong as you feel, so anything that affects your feelings will affect your strength.

I keep detailed logs of my workouts. You may be surprised to know that my best numbers have come during periods when my career and relationships were stellar.

You may benefit from thinking about what gains you can make outside of the gym. A nice girl and a good job go a few long way toward optimal health.

sweaty hands? it's hot af in my gym and i can't increase weight on my ohp cuz the bar slides around like mad