What are you suppose to do at parties?

what are you suppose to do at parties?

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that "look at how cool I am" look in her eye after she flicks it


Get drunk and chat. I usually don't socialize but alcohol makes it fun and when talking to another drunk guy it's like you have a temporary friend.

How do i get into a party without friends

I did it when I was in university. Then it was possible without having friends but when I'm not there anymore, my lack of friends means that I can't party.
Most "robots" have some friends so they could do it but if you're a real robot it's probably not possible.

Drink heavily and talk to people you hate.

Why do you wanna go to a party

Wait till everyone is drunk then get them to play hide and seek

You see the black guy in the back ?


In my old neighborhood, you could drive around the area for a few minutes on a Friday or Saturday and find a party that's open to everyone. But you also have to pay to get in (usually $2 to $5) and also get patted down at the door.

Get drunk enough to not hate the people there. Not even lying

I just get drunk and become (more) bored.
It's so vain and idiotic. Especially if it's a small group of people you know. Like getting drunk is the goal and they take pride in how drunk they are intending to become.
I drink quick out of boredom, and become rude and a jerk. Nerves the next day are high and I just wait for the day I stepped too far, insulted someone I shouldn't and suffer juridical consequences.

N-next time I will not drink too much..

Stand in a corner and stare down at your feet

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I mean it's a great occasion to talk with your friends, and after everyone is already drunk you can act like an idiot and asshole and no one would even mind, liked learning more about people I like before I became a cyborg

I don't go to parties. But I went to a couple in college. Its fucking easy man. Just talk to people.

get so drunk that your face is numb
maybe throw up a bit
make sure to have at least 1 friend to latch on to for social support, if not, then you will be sitting in the corner or something and get bored fast
join in on a drinking game

Have fun sperg lmoa no wonder you can't get laid bro

dude shes being playful. you are fucking stupid, you have revealed how lowly you are just by what you said

imagine defending a girl you dont know this hard on the internet, especially Jow Forums

boi I'm laffin.

In the beginning it is fun and cool, but then it loses appeal

I've never been but if you can't dance without giving a fuck then I see no reason to go.

I usually go and sit on a couch getting wasted the entire night.

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drink a lot but then try as hard as you can to not act drunk
i don't get it either
i always got fucked up and enjoyed it but apparently that's doing it wrong

I think its more of a call out of that dude being a bitter beta bitch

that sounds fucking awesome desu

Misbehave and feel really bad afterwards

>what are you suppose to do at parties?
get drunk and sneak out

>feel really bad afterwards

Not him but where do you think you are fucking retard? "Reveal how lonely you are" brilliant fucking analysis Freud, you found a bitter robot on the robot board maybe the glow in the dark CIA niggers monitoring this site can recruit you for your prodigious forensic psychology skills

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I'm not bitter I just think it's cringe when someone does something, then has that tryhard "look how cool I am" look in their eye.

its just commentary. stop looking so deep into it.

this is why nobody has ever invited you to a party

aw did i insult your little internet crush buddy?

Sounds like you're the one who has a problem with alcohol buddy.

why do females trigger you?

then how are you suppose to have sex with op
s girl?

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get super fucked up.

they don't. I just cringe at that kind of shit.

and again, this is why nobody invites you anywhere

someones never been to a party before

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no, that's not why, but you can keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night
I have, but it doesnt matter. I will cringe at that kind of shit regardless

I used to think that drinking heavily was the way to go but now I drink only up to a point where I'm just a little drunk and try to keep it constant throughout the time. The other lesson I realized throughout the years is to leave a bit earlier because the parties drag on too much for me and I start to get pissed off easily by people even if I'm drunk.

you not being liked by your peers don't affect my sleep

thats nice. tell me more about your sleep patterns

Get drunk/high and find someone to bang

Girls take pictures of each other and themselves
guys drink and try talk to girls
music is on in the background everyone to self conscious to dance

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You aren't.

There's nothing to be done about it.

sit outside the party and watch the fire flies

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I can't get a good night's sleep without your mum's big titties squashed against my face

Those other methods suck OP!

the only thing you should do at a party, is to bring a gun, and start the beta uprising like you should!

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I figured you couldn't get a good nights sleep without defending some random girl that you don't know online

turns out I was wrong, eh?

Most guys go there to try and have sex.

Was that at peoples actual houses? Wouldn't that have a big risk of the house getting smashed up.

alright alright its the bitch complaining attitude no one likes to hear but for real that chick isn't cringy to you? what would've been your reaction like haha gal nice trick damn you're da shizzle?