Brooke appreciation thread!

I know you don't like threads about you being posted on Jow Forums, but I appreciate you Brooke!

>your magical
>you dumb but I don't mind
>inb4 mods cremate me like a jew

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she looks ugly as fuck in this pic.

Be nice user, also this my fav pic of her

Attached: 1531284112022.png (567x947, 726K)

>inb4 Brooke stabs you like a cat

>photoshopped and filtered



It's epic though...

Nah that's actually how she looks

Seriously brodie you gotta give it a rest man

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But I just got unbanned

Is Brooke awake? I hope she sees my thread and replies to it, that would make my day

Please talk to me Brooke I need your attention!

>I'm lonely..

Fuck off you pathetic orbiter

Hey man Im not pathetic I have motivation to do stuff?

Let's summon Brooke guys!

>she's our alien goddess queen

You use to call me on my cellphone..
Latenight when you need my love
Call me on my cellphone

I want to know what it's like to be Brooke, and also to know what it feels like to be a girl..

>a hot girl at that:3

Your tsundere about me aren't you Brooke?


I love all of your photos Brooke..


Even the explicit ones


Are you lurking Brooke?

I feel your energy, it's sweet..

Why does Brooke always ignore me?

You're the most pathetic,disgusting orbiter this board has evrr witnessed.Even if you're just trolling,brooke threads without you in them are a bliss.When you pop up, it turns to cancer.

Post her pictures already

Brooke,if you're lurking and see this thread,please ignore it.It does you no good.Have a nice day.

He's right I gotta go kill myself now..

Don't do it Brooke you want to post in here!

all you pathetic orbiters deserve to die. Why cant you just be your own man and find your own happiness instead of relying on some random thot who wont ever give you love or attention? kill yourselves

She was here llike 10-8 hours age.

She has gone to sleep by now.

I think she posts around midnight eastern us time.

this. He needs to fuck off and let the adults do the talking

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